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A32    sports
               Diaranson 13 october 2021

                            Nets won’t play Irving until he meets vaccine requirement

                                                                      cision,  adding  that  it  came                           around their teammates. The
                                                                      through discussions with Ir-  Marks  conceded  that  the  league  had  said  that  players
                                                                      ving and his associates.     Nets weren’t as strong with-  wouldn’t  be  paid  for  games
                                                                                                   out Irving, though they may  they  miss  because  they  are
                                                                      “Kyrie  loves  to  play  basket-  still be good enough.   ineligible to play.
                                                                      ball,  wants  to  be  out  there,
                                                                      wants to be participating with  “At  this  point  in  time,  the  Marks said Irving would still
                                                                      his  teammates,”  Marks  said.  Nets have more than enough  be paid for road games.
                                                                      “But  again,  this  is  a  choice  to win a championship,” said
                                                                      that  Kyrie  had  and  he  was  Richard  Jefferson,  a  former  Teammates  had  said  they
                                                                      well aware of that.”         Nets star who now works for  were  supportive  of  Irving’s
                                                                                                   YES Network. “I think add-   decision,  but  Marks  seemed
                                                                      Irving  wasn’t  even  eligible  ing Kyrie makes them, in my  to indicate there was concern
                                                                      to  practice  with  the  Nets  in  opinion, a heavy favorite and  for  the  fan  reaction.  New
                                                                      New York until Friday, when  that’s just kind of is what it is.  York  was  hit  hard  in  early
                                                                      the city told the team that its  With Kyrie this team can win  March 2020 by the virus and
            (AP)  —  Kyrie  Irving  can  be  vaccinated  against  CO-  training  facility  was  consid-  55, 60 games. Without Kyrie,  the Nets’ arena became a vac-
            keep  refusing  to  get  the  VID-19 to play or practice in  ered a private venue.     this  team  could  still  win  55  cination site this spring.
            COVID-19 vaccine.            public venues.                                            games.”
                                                                      Irving  then  joined  the  team                           “There are countless, count-
            He  just  won’t  play  for  the  “Kyrie’s made it clear that he  at an outdoor practice Satur-  Marks wouldn’t predict how  less  workers  who  have  lost
            Brooklyn Nets until he does.  has  a  choice  in  this  matter  day and worked out with the  long  Irving  would  be  away  jobs because of this, there are
                                         and it’s ultimately going to be  Nets  on  Sunday,  but  didn’t  from  the  team  or  get  into  people  who  have  lost  loved
            The  Nets  announced  Tues-  up to him what he decides,”  play  in  Brooklyn’s  exhibi-  whether  the  Nets  would  ones and so forth and as I’ve
            day  that  Irving  would  not  general manager Sean Marks  tion game at Philadelphia on  consider trying to trade him.  mentioned before this is se-
            play  or  practice  with  them  said. “We respect the fact that  Monday.                                            rious,”  Marks  said.  “And  we
            until he could be a full par-  he has a choice, he can make                            “The  hope  is  that  we  have  play  a  game  of  basketball.
            ticipant, ending the idea that  his own and right now what’s  Coach  Steve  Nash  had  said  Kyrie  back,”  Marks  said.  And although it’s serious and
            he  would  play  in  only  road  best  for  the  organization  is  that the Nets knew they were  “We’ll welcome him back in  we  take  our  job  extremely
            games.                       the path that we’re taking.”  going  to  be  missing  Irving  open arms under a different  seriously, these are mandates
                                                                      for some games. For now, at  set  of  circumstances  and  so  that right now we don’t have
            Irving  hasn’t  said  he  isn’t  Teams  aren’t  allowed  to  re-  least, it will be all of them.  we need to wait and see how  any control over. All we can
            vaccinated,  asking  for  priva-  veal private details of players’                     that  transpires.  But  in  the  do is abide by them and think
            cy when he spoke via Zoom  health. But asked Tuesday if  With  Kevin  Durant,  James  meantime, we need to focus  that  science  and  the  people
            during the team’s media day  Irving was vaccinated, Marks  Harden and Irving, the Nets  on the 16 players that are go-  governing — whether it’s our
            on Sept. 27.                 said:  “If  he  was  vaccinated,  were considered a favorite to  ing to be on this roster mov-  city,  whether  it’s  our  state,
                                         we  wouldn’t  be  having  this  win the NBA title. They were  ing forward with us.”    whether  the  country  —  are
            But he had rarely been with  discussion.  I  think  that’s  eliminated by the Milwaukee                             making the right calls for us
            the team in New York, where  probably pretty clear.”      Bucks  in  the  second  round  NBA players are not required  all to get back and to move on
            a  mandate  requires  profes-                             of last season’s playoffs after  to  be  vaccinated,  but  they  into a healthy and safer envi-
            sional  athletes  playing  for  Marks said he and owner Joe  Irving sprained his ankle and  face more testing and restric-  ronment.”
            a  team  in  the  city  have  to  Tsai  together  made  the  de-  missed the final three games.  tions  on  their  ability  to  be

                        George facing increased workload for Clippers without Kawhi

            (AP)  —  No  Kawhi  Leon-    mary  scorer  for  a  team  ter  Leonard  got  hurt  in  the  just seeing how quickly I can  playoff  series  before  losing
            ard  means  even  more  looking to make a deeper  playoffs  last  season,  George  get  better  and  how  much  to Phoenix in the conference
            Paul  George  for  the  Los  run in the playoffs.         showed what he could do in  stronger I can get than what  finals,  which  they  had  their
            Angeles  Clippers.  With                                  helping the Clippers to their  I  was  when  I  was  healthy,”  chances to win.
            Leonard out while recov-     George is already one of the  first-ever  Western  Confer-  he said. “When that available
            ering  from  knee  surgery,  NBA’s elite scoring forwards  ence finals berth.          date comes, we’ll be ready for  Lue enters his second season
            George  becomes  the  pri-   and  a  talented  defender.  Af-                          it.”                         with the same expectation: to
                                                                      “He’s  carried  teams  before.                            win the franchise’s first NBA
                                                                      He’s  a  great  player,”  coach  Meanwhile,  Leonard  plans  title.
                                                                      Tyronn Lue said. “This year  on  being  around  the  team,
                                                                      we  need  more  from  him,  saying  he  wants  “to  make  “In losing a guy like Kawhi,
                                                                      more  leadership,  and  to  myself  as  relevant  as  possi-  I  know  things  seem  like  it’s
                                                                      continue to play the way he  ble.” That includes watching  not  possible,  but  anything’s
                                                                      played last season.”         games, sitting in on coaches’  possible,” he said. “Our guys
                                                                                                   meetings  and  staying  in  his  have shown that last year.”
                                                                      Lue has a deep roster to work  teammates’ ears.
                                                                      with,  including  new  addi-                              The  Clippers  visit  Stephen
                                                                      tions Eric Bledsoe and Justise  After  Leonard  went  down,  Curry and the Golden State
                                                                      Winslow.                     the  Clippers  rallied  from  Warriors  to  open  the  season
                                                                                                   0-2 deficits in their first two  on Oct. 21.
                                                                      The  biggest  question  hang-
                                                                      ing over the Clippers is when
                                                                      Leonard will return. Will he
                                                                      work his way back from sur-
                                                                      gery to repair a partially torn
                                                                      ACL  before  the  end  of  the
                                                                      regular  season?  Or  for  the
                                                                      playoffs? Or remain out until
                                                                      next season?
                                                                      Even he isn’t sure.

                                                                      “That’s  the  challenge  of  it,
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