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P. 17
local Tuesday 28 March 2023
First flight from London Gatwick Airport arrives in Aruba
(Oranjestad)—Yesterday the extra visitors that will be During her speech, Minister
afternoon, the first direct arriving from England every Maduro ratified that this is
flight from British Airways week, but also because an important achievement
arrived from London. This this can expand the Great that will open the doors
marks the beginning of Britain’s market for Aruba to newer opportunities for
weekly direct flights be- as a destination. “The tour- Aruba’s economic devel-
tween Aruba and London, ists that arrive are relatively opment. In addition, this
which will hopefully help wealthy, and so they are will also boost the tourism
the island’s tourist market more likely to invest more in industry for the island.
grow. product Aruba.”
“Having a flight from Lon-
The minister of Tourism and During the official inaugural don Gatwick Airport allows
Health, Dangui Oduber, ceremony of the first flight another door to open for
has indicated in a press re- from London, they per- Aruba in Europe, which will
lease that the airline will be formed the symbolic act of in turn allow us to connect
conducting 2 flights every cutting the ribbon so as to with other parts of the con-
week that will depart from welcome the airline and all tinent. These destinations
London Gatwick Airport its passengers visiting Aru- will Aruba to newer mar-
(LGW) Thursday and Sun- ba. This act of cutting the kets, and will provide the
day. ribbon was performed by island with unique oppor-
the minister of Culture and tunities and benefits as the
In the press release, he also Finance, Xiomara Maduro, first island within the Dutch
stated that he is convinced who was at the ceremony Kingdom to have direct
that this new flight will give representing Prime Minister flights to the U.K.,” Maduro
tourism on Aruba a further Evelyn Wever-Croes. stated. q
boost, not only because of
Planets on parade: 5 will be lined up
in night sky this week
AP Science Writer
NEW YORK (AP) — Keep
an eye to the sky this
week for a chance to see
a planetary hangout.
Five planets — Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, Uranus
and Mars — will line up
near the moon.
The best day to catch the
whole group is Tuesday.
You'll want to look to the
western horizon right after
sunset, said NASA astron-
omer Bill Cooke.
The planets will stretch
from the horizon line to
around halfway up the A girl looks at the moon through a telescope in Caracas,
night sky. But don't be Venezuela, on Sunday, May 15, 2022.
late: Mercury and Jupiter Associated Press
will quickly dip below the shine brightly, Cooke said. just above Venus.
horizon around half an Venus will be one of the DOES THIS HAPPEN OFTEN?
hour after sunset. brightest things in the sky, Different numbers and
The five-planet spread and Mars will be hang- groups of planets line up
can be seen from any- ing out near the moon in the sky from time to
where on Earth, as long as with a reddish glow. Mer- time. There was a five-
you have clear skies and cury and Uranus could planet lineup last summer
a view of the west. be trickier to spot, since and there's another one
"That's the beauty of these they will be dimmer. You'll in June, with a slightly dif-
planetary alignments. probably need to grab a ferent makeup.
It doesn't take much," pair of binoculars. This kind of alignment
Cooke said. If you're a "planet collec- happens when the plan-
DO I NEED BINOCULARS? tor," it's a rare chance to ets' orbits line them up
Maybe. Jupiter, Venus spot Uranus, which usually on one side of the sun
and Mars will all be pret- isn't visible, Cooke said. from Earth's perspective,
ty easy to see since they Look out for its green glow Cooke said.q