Page 19 - AB
P. 19
LOCAL Tuesday 28 March 2023
Aruba's Prime Minister chaired the UN Water Conference
ORANJESTAD - In the Gen- Minister mentioned that
eral Assembly Hall of the she learned a lot during this
United Nations Head Quar- conference.
ters in New York, the Prime
Minister of Aruba, Mrs. Ev- The conference primarily
elyn Wever-Croes, chaired raises awareness that we
the plenary and the closing need to keep working to
of the UN 2023 Water Con- guarantee that everyone
ference in New York. in Aruba has access to
quality drinking water at an
It is the first time in history affordable price for every-
that an Aruban presided one.
over a meeting at the Unit-
ed Nations, presiding ex of- Aruba still has to work on
ficio. In this case, the honor the RWZI (Wastewater
was for a woman of Aruba, treatment facility) to solve
the Prime Minister Mrs. Ev- this issue quickly. The pro-
elyn Wever-Croes. tection and care of the
ocean, marine life, and
During the last week of corals are issues that we
March 2023, the Prime Min- must address to guarantee
ister of Aruba and Minister the stability of our econom-
Ursell Arends attended the ic pillar, our tourism.
UN2023 Water Conference
in New York. The Prime Min- “A lot is being said. But this is
ister mentioned that we the time to take action. Aru-
are on the right track in ba is on the right track, but
Aruba with many achieve- there is a lot that still needs
ments but still have a long to be done,” the Prime Min-
road ahead. The Prime ister emphasized.q