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A28    u.s. news
                Dialuna 21 September 2020

                          Media celebrates Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life, legacy

                                                                                                   beginning Sept. 25.          Plans  for  “CBS  Sunday
                                                                                                    “on the basis of sex”       Morning,"  beginning  at  9
                                                                                                   The 2018 biopic focusing on  a.m.  Eastern,  include  jour-
                                                                                                   Ginsburg's  law  school  years  nalist  Erin  Moriarty  looking
                                                                                                   and early legal career is avail-  back on the life and times of
                                                                                                   able  for  purchase  on  Ama-  the justice. Rita Braver, who
                                                                                                   zon Prime Video and in the  covered Ginsburg, will offer
                                                                                                   iTunes store.                an  appreciation.  John  Dick-
                                                                                                   Felicity Jones, who portrayed  erson  of  “60  Minutes”  will
                                                                                                   the  young  law  student  and  report on the political impli-
                                                                                                   fighter  for  justice,  told  the  cations of her death and “60
                                                                                                   AP in an email Saturday that  Minutes” correspondent Bill
                                                                                                   Ginsburg was a beacon.       Whitaker  will  have  a  trib-
                                                                                                   “Ruth  Bader  Ginsburg  gave  ute at the end of the Sunday
                                                                                                   us hope, a public figure who  night broadcast.
                                                                                                   stood for integrity and justice  The  network's  “CBS  This
                                                                                                   —  a  responsibility  she  did  Morning”   with   co-hosts
                                                                                                   not wear lightly,” she wrote.  Gayle  King,  Anthony  Ma-
                                                                                                   “She will be missed not only  son and Tony Dokoupil will
                                                                                                   as a beacon of light in these  dedicate  much  of  Monday’s
                                                                                                   difficult times but for her ra-  broadcast  to  remembering
                                                                                                   zor sharp wit and extraordi-  Ginsburg and also look at the
                                                                                                   nary humanity. She taught us  fight for who will replace her
                                                                                                   all  so  much.  I  will  miss  her  on the court.
                                                                                                   deeply.”                     At  NBC,  the  news  division
                                                                                                   Other  distribution  plans  for  and  those  of  its  other  net-
                                                                                                   the movie were pending Sat-  works,  are  already  out  with
                                                                                                   urday.                       special reports. On MSNBC,
                                                                                                                                a past profile, “Justice Gins-
                                                                                                   KATE  mckinnon  AND  burg,”  was  re-broadcast  as
                                                                                                   “SATURDAY         NIGHT  word  of  her  death  spread.
                                                                                                   LIVE”                        The NBC streaming service
                                                                                                   McKinnon,  who  has  played  Peacock is streaming the Na-
                                                                                                   Ginsburg  in  a  series  of  tional  Constitution  Center
                                                                                                   “Weekend Update” segments  virtual  gathering  for  Gins-
                                                                                                   on  the  NBC  show  stretch-  burg.
                                                                                                   ing  back  to  2015,  appeared
                                                                                                   on  Thursday's  online  2020  Sunday  on  ABC's  “This
                                                                                                   National Constitution Event  Week,”   George    Stepha-
                                                                                                   honoring Ginsburg.           nopoulos will go one-on-one
                                                                                                   She praised the trailblazer in  with  former  President  Bill
                                                                                                   a statement Saturday.        Clinton  on  the  trailblazing
                                                                                                   “For  so  many  of  us,  Justice  icon he nominated to the Su-
                                                                                                   Ginsburg  was  a  real-life  su-  preme Court. Speaker Nancy
                                                                                                   perhero:  a  beacon  of  hope,  Pelosi and Senator Ted Cruz
                                                                                                   a warrior for justice, a robed  will  discuss  the  fight  to  fill
                                                                                                   crusader  who  saved  the  day  Ginsburg’s seat.
                                                                                                   time  and  again,"  McKinnon  Throughout       Saturday,
                                                                                                   said.  "Playing  her  on  SNL  Fox  News  shows  “FOX  &
                                                                                                   was  a  profound  joy  because  Friends,”  “CAVUTO  Live”
                                                                                                   I could always feel the over-  and  “America’s  News  HQ"
                                                                                                   whelming love and gratitude  will  discuss  the  legacy  and
            (AP)  —  Across  television  CNN  Worldwide,  told  The  also  available  via  CNN  on  that the audience had for her.  historic  career  of  Ginsburg.
            and  streaming  services,  the  Associated Press in an email  demand with cable and satel-  It was one of the great hon-  Joining  the  live  coverage
            life  and  legacy  of  Supreme  Saturday. “We never expected  lite  subscriptions  beginning  ors of my life to meet Justice  will  be  Chris  Scalia,  a  son
            Court  Justice  Ruth  Bader  the film to generate the reac-  Sunday,  and  for  streaming  Ginsburg, to shake her hand,  of  Ginsburg's  close  friend
            Ginsburg  was  already  front  tion that it did. Many people  on  CNNgo  platforms,  also  and to thank her for her life-  and  colleague,  late  Supreme
            and center Saturday, a day af-  were  unfamiliar  with  her  beginning Sunday until Sept.  time of service to this coun-  Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
            ter her death at 87.         pre-judicial career as a lawyer  26.                      try.”                        Fox News Channel will pres-
                                         for  the  ACLU  and  how  she  The  documentary  is  avail-                            ent a one hour special on the
            A  look  at  coverage  and  played such an essential role  able for streaming on Hulu,  News & tributes             life  and  legacy  of  Ginsburg
            plans in her honor:          in securing equal rights, par-  Apple  TV  and  for  rent  on  Tributes  and  re-broadcasts  on  Sunday  at  10  p.m.  East-
            ENCORES FOR “RBG”            ticularly  for  women,  which  Amazon Prime Video and in  are  trending  on  streaming  ern,  anchored  by  Shannon
            Looking back on the film that  meant  all  Americans  ben-  the iTunes store.          services and the apps of ma-  Bream.
            spotlighted Ginsburg world-  efited," she wrote. "The sto-                             jor  networks,  with  more  to
            wide,  and  offered  intimate  ries  of  her  personal  struggle  A new magazine cover  come.
            insight for young people, one  to become an attorney makes  Time  magazine  will  feature
            of the CNN executives who  her  singular  contributions  Ginsburg on one of multiple
            shepherded  the  2018  release  to  the  law  that  much  more  special  covers  for  an  Octo-
            pointed  to  the  justice's  cul-  poignant.  And  her  enduring  ber  double  issue  presenting
            tural  relevance.“We  greenlit  marriage to Martin Ginsburg  the  2020  Time  100  list  of
            the film because of Ruth Bad-  touched and moved audienc-  the  world’s  most  influen-
            er  Ginsburg’s  extraordinary  es of all genders and genera-  tial  people.  It  will  include  a
            legacy in equal rights and her  tions.”                   special tribute to the justice,
            stature  within  our  national  This CNN Films documen-   who was featured on the list
            culture,” Amy Entelis, execu-  tary  will  be  broadcast  Sun-  in 2015.
            tive  vice  president for  talent  day on CNN at 10 p.m. and  The  issues  will  be  available
            and content development for  2  a.m.  Eastern.  The  film  is  on  newsstands  in  the  U.S.
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