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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 21 September 2020

                      Sweden spared surge of virus cases but many questions remain

              (AP)  —  A  train  pulls  into                                                                                    ride  public  transportation
            the Odenplan subway station                                                                                         without masks, there are also
            in central Stockholm, where                                                                                         far fewer people commuting
            morning commuters without                                                                                           than before.
            masks get off or board before
            settling in to read their smart-                                                                                    Unlike most European coun-
            phones.  Whether  on  trains                                                                                        tries  that  have  mandated
            or  trams,  in  supermarkets                                                                                        wearing  face  masks  in  pub-
            or  shopping  malls  —  places                                                                                      lic  spaces,  Sweden  does  not
            where  face  masks  are  com-                                                                                       recommend their broad use,
            monly worn in much of the                                                                                           and people largely follow that
            world  —  Swedes  go  about                                                                                         recommendation.
            their lives without them.                                                                                           Health  officials  say  face
                                                                                                                                masks  used  outside  health
            When most of Europe locked                                                                                          care  facilities  by  untrained
            down their populations early                                                                                        personnel can provide a false
            in  the  pandemic  by  closing                                                                                      sense of safety that could see
            schools,  restaurants,  gyms                                                                                        sick  people  leave  home  and
            and  even  borders,  Swedes                                                                                         ignore  social  distancing.  In-
            kept  enjoying  many  free-                                                                                         stead,  they  believe  simple
            doms.                                                                                                               but nonnegotiable guidelines
            The relatively low-key strat-  Overall,  Sweden  has  88,237  since March.             Swedes  enjoyed  amid  lock-  provide  clear  rules  that  can
            egy  captured  the  world's  at-  reported infections and 5,864  “We  need  to  be  very  careful  downs elsewhere, there were  stay in place for long periods
            tention, but at the same time  fatalities  from  the  virus,  or  and  find  the  first  sign  that  not  as  many  as  people  have  of time: staying home when
            it coincided with a per capita  57.5  deaths  per  100,000  in-  something is going on so that  assumed.  Gatherings  were  showing  symptoms  of  CO-
            death  rate  that  was  much  habitants  since  the  begin-  we can do as much as possible  capped at 50, and congregat-  VID-19,  maintaining  good
            higher than in other Nordic  ning  of  the  crisis.  The  way  to prevent it from escalating,”  ing at bars was banned.  hand  hygiene  and  keeping
            countries.                   Sweden's strategy was viewed  he told The Associated Press.  Most of the changes involved  social distancing.
            Now,  as  infection  numbers  outside the country seems to  Localized  outbreaks  are  ex-  voluntary actions by citizens,
            surge  again  in  much  of  Eu-  depend largely on what stage  pected, but rather than fight  rather than rules imposed by  In a country the size of Cali-
            rope, the country of 10 mil-  of the pandemic the observer  them with nationwide rules,  the government.            fornia with only a quarter of
            lion  people  has  some  of  the  was experiencing at the time.  officials  plan  to  use  target-                  that  state's  population  of  41
            lowest numbers of new coro-  Initially,  many  abroad  were  ed  actions  based  on  testing,  This trust given to the popu-  million, and with low levels
            navirus cases -- and only 14  incredulous  at  images  of  contact-tracing  and  isolating  lation  to  shoulder  personal  of transmission, most Swedes
            virus  patients  in  intensive  Swedes  dining  with  friends  patients rapidly.       responsibility  in  the  pan-  believe wearing masks makes
            care.                        in  restaurants  or  sipping  “It’s  very  important  that  we  demic  puts  Sweden  at  odds  little sense.
                                         cocktails  on  the  Stockholm  have quick and local response  with  most  other  countries  Carol  Rosengard,  61,  who
            Whether Sweden’s strategy is  waterfront. Some were envi-  to hit down the virus without  that  used  coercive  measures  runs  a  center  for  disabled
            succeeding,  however,  is  still  ous  that  Swedish  businesses  making  restrictions  for  the  such  as  fines  to  force  com-  youth, has seen people wear
            very uncertain.              were not forced to close.    whole country,” Health Min-  pliance.  This  is  often  attrib-  masks  improperly  or  take
            Its health authorities, and in                            ister  Lena  Hallengren  said  uted  to  a  Swedish  model  them off to smoke a cigarette
            particular  chief  epidemiolo-  Then came shock as the virus  last week.               of  governance,  where  large  or drink water.
            gist Dr. Anders Tegnell, keep  ripped through the country's                            public authorities comprised  “That's not how they should
            repeating a familiar warning:  nursing homes and hospices.  From  the  beginning,  health  of  experts  develop  and  rec-  be handled,” Rosengard said,
            It’s  too  early  to  tell,  and  all  By mid-April, more than 100  officials  argued  that  Sweden  ommend  measures  that  the  explaining  her  support  for
            countries  are  in  a  different  deaths  were  reported  each  was  pursuing  a  sustainable  smaller ministries are expect-  not imposing face mask rules
            phase of the pandemic.       day  in  Sweden,  while  mor-  approach  toward  the  virus  ed to follow. In other words,  on the population. That view
            That has not stopped a World  tality  rates  were  falling  else-  that  the  population  could  the  people  trust  the  experts  is echoed by Hallengren, the
            Health Organization Europe  where  in  Europe.  Today,  as  adopt — for years, if neces-  and scientists to develop rea-  health minister, who doesn’t
            official from saying the con-  fears of a second wave grow  sary.  “This  is  a  marathon,  sonable policies, and the gov-  totally  dismiss  the  effective-
            tinent  could  learn  broader  across  Europe,  it's  fashion-  not  a  sprint,”  became  a  slo-  ernment trusts the people to  ness of masks and sees their
            lessons  from  Sweden  that  able  to  praise  Sweden,  with  gan  repeated  by  ministers  follow the guidelines.  usefulness in cases of severe
            could  help  the  virus  battle  reporters  from  France,  the  at  every  opportunity,  given  Swedes  were  asked  to  work  local outbreaks. At the same
            elsewhere.                   U.K. and elsewhere traveling  that  neither  a  vaccine  nor  a  from  home  when  possible  time, she rejects blanket rules
            “We  must  recognize  that  to Stockholm to ask about its  cure yet exist. While the rest  and  maintain  a  social  dis-  for the entire country.
            Sweden, at the moment, has  success. But a Swedish gov-   of  the  world  watched  with  tance,  and  most  willingly  "People will not wear masks
            avoided the increase that has  ernment  commission  inves-  envy  at  the  freedoms  that  complied. While people now  for years,” she said.
            been seen in some of the oth-  tigating  the  handling  of  the
            er  countries  in  western  Eu-  pandemic  will,  undoubtedly,
            rope,” WHO Europe’s senior  have  hard  questions  to  an-
            emergency officer, Catherine  swer:  Did  authorities  wait
            Smallwood,  said  Thursday.  too  long  to  limit  access  to
            “I think there are lessons for  nursing homes, where about
            that. We will be very keen on  half  of  the  deaths  occurred?
            working  and  hearing  more  Were  they  too  slow  to  pro-
            from the Swedish approach.”  vide   personal   protective
                                         equipment  to  staff  in  those
            According  to  the  European  homes  when  shortcomings
            Center  for  Disease  Con-   in the elderly care sector had
            trol,  Sweden  has  reported  long been known? Why did it
            30.3  new  COVID-19  cases  take so long to set up wide-
            per  100,000  inhabitants  in  scale testing?
            the  last  14  days,  compared  Tegnell  also  refuses  to  rule
            with  292.2  in  Spain,  172.1  out  a  second  wave  of  coro-
            in  France,  61.8  in  the  U.K.  navirus  infections  in  Swe-
            and 69.2 in Denmark, all of  den.  A  particular  concern
            which  imposed  strict  lock-  is  the  return  of  students  to
            downs early in the pandemic.  high schools for the first time
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