Page 1 - bon-dia-aruba-20200626
P. 1
Dia 3 di juli, protesta
lo tuma lugar contra
maneho di pedofilia
Pagina 5
Diabierna 26 di Juni 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
• Ley financia-
Kier start incinerator sin mento partido
hindervergunning politico no
Pagina 4
• Gobierno kier
evita un accion
estilo Corsou
Pagina 2
• Entrevista
Corsou cu
Encho Henrique
Pagina 2 Pagina 3
Friday information for
June 26, 2020
T: 582-7800 travelers to Aruba
Page 31/32
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Mail-in ballots thrust Postal Service into presidential race
WASHINGTON (AP) — The determining election win-
U.S. Postal Service’s famous ners. Election results have
motto — “Neither snow nor been delayed this week
rain nor heat nor gloom of in Kentucky and New York
night stays these couriers” because both states were
— is being tested like ne- overwhelmed by huge
ver before, by challenges increases in mail ballots.
that go well beyond the “What we don’t need is
weather. The coronavirus more chaos in the chaos,”
has devastated its finan- said Wendy Fields, execu-
ces. The Trump administra- tive director of the voting
tion may attach big strings rights advocacy group The
to bailouts. The agency’s Democracy Initiative. Pre-
responsibilities, meanwhile, sident Donald Trump op-
are mounting. A dramatic poses expanding voting by
shift in many states to voting mail, asserting it will trigger
by mail is intended to pro- fraud, even though there’s
tect voters from spreading no evidence that will hap-
the virus at polling places. pen. Trump and many of
But it’s also making more his administration’s leading Part of a car caravan of postal employees has a sign on it asking Congress to approve emer-
work for post offices and voices frequently vote ab- gency funding for the Postal Service, Tuesday, June 23, 2020, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
contributing to delays in sentee themselves. Associated Press
Continued on Page 25