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P. 28

                        Friday 26 June 2020
            Report highlights risks for container ships in Wadden Sea

            By MIKE CORDER                                                                                                      work  together  to  make  a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    proposal to the Internation-
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands                                                                                            al  Maritime  Organization
            (AP)  —  A  Dutch  safety                                                                                           to  safeguard  the  environ-
            watchdog  said  Thursday                                                                                            mentally sensitive Wadden
            that  it  is  "undesirable"  for                                                                                    area.
            large container ships to use                                                                                        "The  aim  of  this  proposal
            a  shipping  route  through                                                                                         should  be  to  minimize  the
            an  environmentally  sensi-                                                                                         loss  of  containers  north  of
            tive,  shallow  sea  off  the                                                                                       the Wadden Islands and to
            coast  of  the  Netherlands,                                                                                        protect the Wadden area,"
            Germany  and  Denmark  in                                                                                           the Dutch report said. "This
            heavy northwesterly storms                                                                                          may  include  measures  for
            because  of  the  height-                                                                                           (a  specific  category  of)
            ened  risk  of  them  losing                                                                                        container ships, and if nec-
            their cargo.                                                                                                        essary alteration of the two
            The  conclusion  came  in  a                                                                                        shipping routes north of the
            report by the Dutch Safety                                                                                          Wadden Islands."
            Board  into  the  loss  of  hun-                                                                                    Bernd-Carsten     Hiebing,
            dreds of containers from a                                                                                          a  lawmaker  for  German
            ship, the MSC Zoe, on New                                                                                           Chancellor Angela Merkel's
            Year's Day 2019, that led to   Contents from shipping containers washed up on a beach in Ameland, Netherlands, Thursday   center-right  party  in  the
            tons  of  cargo  washing  up   Jan. 3, 2019.                                                                        state of Lower Saxony, said
            on nearby beaches.                                                                                 Associated Press  the  report  highlighted  the
            "The  lessons  to  be  learned                                                                                      continued dangers of ship-
            from this accident must re-  the  Safety  Board  report  during    a    northwestern  Wadden  Sea,  "large,  wide  ping.  But  he  pushed  back
            sult in a better risk manage-  said.                      storm," the board said.      container  ships  make  ex-  against calls by the opposi-
            ment of container transport  There  are  two  shipping  In  the  days  and  weeks  af-  treme  rolling  movements,"  tion Green party for a ban
            on the shipping routes," the  routes  north  of  the  Wad-  ter  the  incident,  debris  in-  the  board  said  in  a  state-  on  'mega  container  ships,'
            report said.                 den  Islands  —  a  southern  cluding  shoes,  televisions,  ment.  It  added  that  on  saying  it  wouldn't  help  im-
            The  ship,  carrying  more  passage, which is shallower  lightbulbs  and  packaging  the  shallow  southern  ship-  prove  security  for  people
            than 8,000 containers, was  and  closer  to  the  islands,  material washed up on nor-  ping route there is a risk of  and the environment.
            sailing  north  of  a  chain  and  a  northern  route.  The  mally pristine beaches. The  ships grounding and waves  Instead,  he  said  it  would
            of  islands  in  the  Wadden  Zoe was using the southern  Dutch government sent the  forced upward putting ex-      be better to consider more
            Sea  on  a  route  from  the  route.                      armed forces to the region  treme stress on lashing sys-  closely  which  routes  are
            Portuguese  port  of  Sines  "The  Dutch  Safety  Board  to help in the cleanup op-    tems used to hold contain-   navigable  by  which  types
            to  Bremerhaven,  Germa-     concludes that due to the  eration and a salvage ship  ers on board.                   and  classes  of  ships.  He
            ny,  when  it  was  battered  value of the Wadden area,  fished  sunken  containers  The  safety  board  made  a  also  backed  stricter  rules
            by  waves  kicked  up  by  a  it  is  undesirable  that  these  from the seabed.       series of recommendations,  for securing freight and the
            northwesterly  storm.  It  lost  container ships choose the  When  slammed  from  the  including  that  the  govern-  use  of  location  transmit-
            342  containers  and  3,000  southern  shipping  route  side by waves kicked up by  ments  of  the  Netherlands,  ters  for  hazardous  cargo
            tons  of  cargo  overboard,  past  the  Wadden  coast  northwesterly  storms  in  the  Germany  and  Denmark  containers.q
                                                                      Pakistan's prime minister says

                                                                      U.S. 'martyred' bin Laden

                                                                      ing that Pakistan's partner-  came here and killed him,  by  Pakistan's  premier  intel-
                                                                      ship  with  the  United  States  martyred  him  and  ...  used  ligence agency, known by
                                                                      in  the  war  on  terror  was  a  abusive  language  against  its acronym ISI.
                                                                      mistake.                     us  (and)  did  not  inform  us  Pakistan denied the accu-
                                                                      Khan also said Washington  (of  the  raid),  despite  the  sations,  saying  Washington
                                                                      used  abusive  language  fact  that  we  lost  70,000  was  blaming  Pakistan  for
                                                                      against  Pakistan,  blaming  people  in  war  on  terror,"  the  failure  of  the  U.S.-led
                                                                      Islamabad for its failures in  Khan told Parliament.      coalition's  150,000  soldiers
                                                                      neighboring    Afghanistan  Washington  has  repeat-      to defeat the Taliban, who
                                                                      and  most  of  all  —  refused  edly  accused  Pakistan  of  are  now  at  their  strongest
            In this Nov. 9, 2019 file photo, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan
            addresses during the inauguration ceremony of Gurdwara Dar-  to tell Islamabad of its op-  harboring  the  Afghan  Tal-  since being toppled in 2001
            bar Sahib in Kartarpur, Pakistan.                         eration  against  bin  Laden  iban and giving safe haven  and  rule  or  hold  sway  in
                                                     Associated Press   in 2011 before carrying out  to the feared Haqqani net-  about 50% of Afghanistan.
                                                                      the  Navy  SEALs  nighttime  work, a Taliban affiliate that  "The  way  we  supported
            By KATHY GANNON              that reflected a subtle stab  raid. The special operations  has been blamed for some  America in the war on ter-
            Associated Press             at Washington as it's mainly  force  swooped  into  Paki-  major  attacks  in  Afghani-  ror, and the insults we had
            Islamabad  (AP)  —  Paki-    used  for  honorable  figures  stan's military garrison town  stan over the years and de-  to  face  in  return  ...  They
            stan's  prime  minister  said  slain in battle.           of Abbottabad in the mid-    clared  a  terrorist  group  by  blamed  us  for  every  fail-
            on Thursday that the United  Imran  Khan  delivered  the  dle of the night on May 2,  the United States. U.S. Adm.  ure  in  Afghanistan.  They
            States  "martyred"  the  al-  stab in a rambling budget  2011, killing bin Laden and  Mike  Mullen,  former  chair-  openly  held  us  responsible
            Qaida  leader  and  master-  speech  in  parliament,  at-  several of his operatives.  man  of  the  Joint  Chiefs  of  because they did not suc-
            mind  of  the  9/11  attacks,  tacking  his  predecessors'  "We  sided  with  the  U.S.  in  Staff had claimed that the  ceed in Afghanistan," Khan
            Osama  bin  Laden,  a  term  foreign  policies  and  say-  the War on Terror but they  Haqqani  network  was  run  said.q
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