Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200626
P. 31
locAl Friday 26 June 2020
Essential information for travelers to Aruba
ORANJESTAD — To maintain the safety and well-
being of visitors and locals, new requirements
are in place for visitors to be permitted to enter
Aruba. There are also government-mandated
procedures for visitors while staying in Aruba.
While full procedural details will be updated on
a regular basis, the following are some of the
most important.
The online embarkation/disembarkation pro-
All visitors will be required to complete the on-
line Embarkation/Disembarkation card process
and be approved in order to be permitted en-
try to Aruba. The new ED card process will be
available online as of June 26, 2020, and the re-
quirements of the ED card will include five com-
ponents. Do take note carefully, as there are
important steps, and visitors will not be granted
access to Aruba without completing the pro-
cess. Note: You will need a valid passport and
a valid email address that you have access to.
This will require travelers to provide basic per-
sonal and travel details such as: date of birth,
passport information, length of stay, etc. Timing:
Visitors are encouraged to start and complete any other blood test) will not be accepted. expenses if testing positive for COVID-19 during
this part of the process any time after booking Upon arrival, these passengers will still be their stay in Aruba.
their trip to Aruba. screened with a short health status inter- • Visitors must purchase the Aruba Visitors In-
view and a temperature check. surance in order to complete the ED card
COMPONENT 2: PERSONAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT • The cost of PCR tests in home countries is process.
This will require visitors to provide truthful, accu- the responsibility of travelers. • Visitors can buy or use their own travel or
rate answers to questions regarding their health. health insurance to supplement the Aruba
These questions will likely include: Timing: At 72 hours prior to departure, visitors Visitors Insurance, but not to replace it.
• Have you (or the person for whom you can take action to get their test/swab. Note: • Other insurances may cover you for some
completed this form) been suspected of or di- The latest the testing/swab results can be up- of the COVID-19-related expenses, but few
agnosed with pneumonia or the COVID-19 in- loaded is 12 hours prior to departure. Any tests plans offer comprehensive COVID-19 cov-
fection within the past 14 days? and results executed before 72 hours prior to erage in Aruba and also cover isolation
• Did you (or the person for whom you departure will not be valid. costs outside of a hospital.
completed this form) have any of the following Option 2: PCR testing at the airport in Aruba • The cost of the Aruba Visitors Insurance starts
symptoms in the past 24 hours: fever, cough, Travelers can wait to arrive in Aruba and re- at $15 per day per visitor and decreases
sore throat, shortness of breath, or loss of smell/ ceive a PCR test at the airport. The costs for the depending on the length of stay. Children
taste? test will be the responsibility of the traveler and up to and including age 14 are insured for
• Have you been in quarantine within the must be paid for in advance as part of the on- free, but a flat administration fee of $10 is
past 14 days? line Embarkation/Disembarkation card process. applicable. For visitors older than age 76,
• Have you had any close contact (less • In this case, a PCR test will be conducted the coverage starts at $21 per day and also
than two meters) for more than 15 minutes with immediately after arrival, and visitors will be decreases depending on the length of stay.
a probable or confirmed COVID-19-infected required to be in mandatory quarantine at • Subject to an overall limit of US$75,000, a
person within the past 14 days, including per- their hotel or booked place of stay. visitor who tests positive for COVID-19 in Aru-
sons in quarantine or isolation? • The quarantine will be up to 24 hours, and ba, will have very few, if any, out-of-pocket
the Aruba Department of Health will make expenses with the Aruba Visitors Insurance,
Timing: This must be completed within 72 hours every effort to have results in 6-8 hours, in as the medical and non-medical providers
and 4 hours prior to travel to Aruba. order to minimize the visitors’ time in quar- are paid directly by the locally licensed in-
antine. surers.
COMPONENT 3: NEGATIVE PCR TEST REQUIRED • For details on the procedures for guests • If you purchase the Aruba Visitors Insurance
It is important that we have testing to confirm showing a positive COVID-19 test result while and do not take your trip, you may request
that travelers are negative for coronavirus. For in Aruba, please reference the “Regulations a full refund by email.
this reason, we have a protocol in place that when showing symptoms or testing positive • As soon as you’ve completed the ED-Card
allows the following two options for testing: for COVID-19 while in Aruba” section below. form and payment, you will receive an
Option 1: PCR testing prior to travel to Aruba Timing: Payment for the PCR testing in Aruba email with your Aruba Visitors Insurance pol-
The government of Aruba strongly encourages must be completed within 72 hours and 4 hours icy documents attached.
visitors to show documentation indicating neg- prior to travel to Aruba.
ative PCR test results prior to travel to Aruba. Timing: Purchase of the Aruba Visitors Insurance
• The test needs to be a COVID-19 test, ob- COMPONENT 4: REQUISITE INSURANCE COVER- must be completed within 72 hours, and 4 hours
tained from a nasal/oral specimen through AGE prior to travel to Aruba. For more information on
PCR testing performed by a certified lab, Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the govern- costs and conditions: https://www.arubavisitor-
and the results need to be uploaded as ment of Aruba must ensure that all visitors are
part of the ED card process. properly insured. The Aruba Visitors Insurance is
• Any other COVID-19 test (serological test- a mandatory insurance that helps protect visi- Continued on Page 32
ing/antibody testing, antigen testing or tors against incurred medical and non-medical