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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Friday 26 June 2020
            U.S. GDP fell at 5.0% rate in Q1; worse is likely on the way

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER                                                                                                avoid  a  double-dip  reces-
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 sion,  an  effective  vaccine
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            needs to be available next
            U.S.  economy  shrank  at  a                                                                                        year  and  new  waves  of
            5.0%  rate  in  the  first  quar-                                                                                   coronavirus cases will need
            ter and a vastly worse per-                                                                                         to do less damage than the
            formance  is  expected  in                                                                                          first wave. Congress needs
            the  current  three-month                                                                                           to soon pass another pack-
            period,  when  the  corona-                                                                                         age of at least $1 trillion in
            virus  pandemic  began  to                                                                                          further  support  for  laid-off
            spread across the U.S.                                                                                              workers and struggling busi-
            The  Commerce  Depart-                                                                                              nesses, Zandi said.
            ment  reported  Thursday                                                                                            "If any of these three things
            that the decline in the gross                                                                                       don't  happen,  then  the
            domestic product, the total                                                                                         outlook  is  much  darker,"
            output  of  goods  and  ser-                                                                                        Zandi said. "I think we are in
            vices, in the January-March                                                                                         a recovery mode right now
            quarter  was  unchanged                                                                                             but  the  economy  is  very
            from the estimate made a                                                                                            fragile."q
            month ago.
            It  was  the  sharpest  quar-
            terly decline since an 8.4%
            tumble in the fourth quarter   In this June 20 2020 file photo, a "Store For Rent" sign is displayed at a retail property in Chicago.
            of  2008  during  the  depths                                                                      Associated Press
            of  the  worst  financial  crisis
            since the Great Depression.  mic losses that would mean  starting  this  summer.  Larry  covery  is  an  improving
            The first quarter period cap-  a decline in economic out-  Kudlow,   the   president's  health  outlook,"  said  Lydia
            tured just two weeks of the  put for the entire year.     chief  economics  adviser,  Boussour,  senior  U.S.  econ-
            shutdowns  that  began  in  While overall GDP was un-     said on Thursday that even  omist at Oxford Economics.
            many  parts  of  the  country  changed for the first quar-  with the resurgence in CO-  "Amid  rapidly  rising  infec-
            in mid-March.                ter, the composition shifted  VID-19  cases,  the  admin-  tions  across  many  states,
            Economists  believe  that  slightly with downward revi-   istration  is  still  looking  for a  risks to the outlook are dan-
            GDP  has  plunged  around  sions  to  consumer  spend-    strong recovery in the sec-  gerously tilted to the down-
            30% from April through the  ing,  exports  and  business  ond half of this year.       side."
            end of this month.           inventories offset by an up-  "I think the strong V-recov-  Financial  markets  took  a
            That would be the biggest  ward revision to business in-  ery  is  still  right  there,"  Kud-  sharp  nosedive  Wednes-
            quarterly decline on record  vestment.                    low said in an interview on  day,  reflecting  new  wor-
            by a long shot: Three times  The  Thursday  report  was  the  Fox  Business  Network.  ries  about  reports  of  rising
            bigger than a 10% drop in  the government's third and  Kudlow predicted GDP will  coronavirus cases in many
            the first quarter of 1958.   final  look  at  first  quarter  rise at a 20% annual rate in  states. They rose moderate-
            Forecasters  believe  the  GDP.                           the  third  quarter  and  the  ly Thursday.
            economy  will  rebound  in  The  panel  of  economists  fourth  quarter  and  then  "I  can't  remember  the
            the second half of the year.  that  determines  when  U.S.  rise  by  5%  in  the  first  quar-  economy facing this much
            The  Congressional  Budget  recessions  begin  said  that  ter, which he said would re-  uncertainty,"   said   Sung
            Office is predicting a 21.5%  February  marked  the  end  coup all of the GDP losses  Won  Sohn,  a  business  and
            growth rate in the upcom-    of  the  longest  economic  in the first half of this year.   economics  professor  at
            ing July-September quarter  expansion  in  U.S.  history,  Economists  are  nowhere  Loyola  Marymount  Univer-
            followed by a 10.4% gain in  128  months  of  uninterrupt-  near  that  optimistic.  They  sity in Los Angeles. He said
            the fourth quarter.          ed  growth  that  began  in  are worried about the dev-   that until a vaccine is found
            However,  a  handful  of  the wake of the 2008 finan-     astating  impact  of  a  sec-  and  widely  available,  the
            states,  particularly  in  the  cial crisis.              ond wave of infections and  high  uncertainty  can  be
            South,  have  begun  to  re-  President Donald Trump has  think it will take a couple of  expected to last.
            port surging infections. And  declared  that  the  econo-  years  to  get  back  the  lost  Mark  Zandi,  chief  econo-
            even if a rebound material-  my will come roaring back  GDP output.                    mist  at  Moody's  Analyt-
            izes in July, it will follow seis-  with  a  V-shaped  recovery  "The  foundation  to  this  re-  ics,  said  for  the  country  to

            Macy's cuts corporate headcount by 3,900 as virus takes toll

            By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO         reduction  will  save  the  rating sales. The New York-   business to a new climate.
            AP Retail Writer             company  $630  million  per  based  company  also  fur-   "While  the  re-opening  of
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Macy's  year.  In  February,  before  loughed  a  majority  of  its  our stores is going well, we
            said  Thursday  it's  laying  off  the  virus  became  a  pan-  workers.  Since  early  May,  do anticipate a gradual re-
            3,900  people  corporate  demic, Macy's said it would  Macy's has been gradually  covery of business, and we
            staffers,  roughly  3%  of  its  cut  2,000  jobs  in  its  corpo-  reopening  its  stores,  which  are  taking  action  to  align
            overall  workforce,  as  the  rate  office  and  close  125  had  been  closed  since  our cost base with our an-
            pandemic takes a financial  stores.                       March 18. Macy's CEO Jeff  ticipated lower sales," Gen-
            toll  on  the  iconic  depart-  Like  many  of  its  non-es-  Gennette has said that cus-  nette said in a statement.
            ment  store  chain's  sales  sential  peers,  Macy's  was  tomers  are  coming  back  Macy's  said  that  it  has  re-
            and profits.                 forced to close its physical  better  than  expected,  but  duced  its  store  staffing
            The company said in a re-    stores  to  curb  the  spread  the  recovery  will  be  slow,  and  will  readjust  as  sales
            lease  that  the  headcount  of the coronavirus, evapo-   and it needs to readjust its  rebound.q
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