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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 6 Juli 2021

                     Census takers worry that apartment renters were undercounted

            (AP) - Census taker Linda Roth-     Education Fund, a civil rights group.  for their cooperation prior to the start
            field’s government-issued iPhone                                        of the operation,” the statement said,
            kept directing her back to apart-   Incomplete data on the race or eth-  adding that bureau officials were con-
            ments  in  San  Francisco  that  she  nic background of renters could also  fident in the work of census takers.
            already knew were vacant. When  hinder  the  formation  of  Black-  or  In  cases  where  renters  did  not  re-
            she did find apartments that were  Hispanic-majority political districts.  spond  to  census  questionnaires,  or
            occupied,  she  was  sometimes                                          census  takers  were  unable  to  inter-
            turned away because of the pan-     Renters typically have lower self-re-  view  them,  the  Census  Bureau  had
            demic.                              sponse rates than homeowners, so the  to use other, less reliable methods to
                                                government  relies  more  on  census  count them. Those methods includ-
            “I had a few landlords who said, ‘It’s  takers knocking on their doors, said  ed using administrative records from  and early next year with the release of
            COVID. You can’t come in,’” Roth-   Jeri  Green,  a  former  senior  adviser  the Internal Revenue Service or the  a survey that measures the  accuracy
            field said.                         at the Census Bureau, who served as  Social  Security  Administration,  ask-  of the count.
                                                a  consultant  to  the  National  Urban  ing  neighbors  or  postal  workers  for
            In  a  national  headcount  turned  up-  League during the 2020 census.  information or using a last-resort sta-  The  Census  Bureau  already  has  re-
            side down by natural disasters, politi-                                 tistical technique.                 leased  2020  census  figures  used  for
            cal turmoil and a deadly virus, apart-  “This is a population that was at risk                              deciding  how  many  congressional
            ment renters proved particularly hard  of  being  missed  prior  to  COVID,”  Some 60% of census supervisors sur-  seats each state gets, and those num-
            to  count  last  year.  That  has  former  Green said. “We know it’s a challenge  veyed by the Governmental Account-  bers  showed  how  just  a  few  dozen
            census  takers  and  experts  worried  for the Census Bureau to accurately  ability  Office  for  a  study  on  2020  people being counted or overlooked
            that the tally failed to account for all  enumerate renters.”           census operations reported that their  made  a  big  difference.  If  89  more
            of them.                                                                census  takers  had  difficulties  com-  people  had  been  tallied,  New  York
                                                During the 2010 census, renters were  pleting  caseloads  because  they  were  would not have lost a congressional
            Overlooking  people  in  the  nation’s  undercounted by  1.1%, but the  rate  unable  to  get  into  apartment  build-  seat. If 26 people had been missed in
            44 million rental homes carries a po-  was  higher  for  some  tenants.  Black  ings.                       Minnesota, the Gopher State would
            tentially high price. Because the cen-  male renters between ages 30 and 49                                 have lost a seat.
            sus helps determine how $1.5 trillion  were  undercounted  by  12.2%,  and  “The  pandemic  made  communica-
            in federal money is spent each year,  Hispanic  male  renters  between  ages  tion with the building managers diffi-  Numbers  used  for  redrawing  con-
            the lower numbers would mean less  18  and  29  were  undercounted  by  cult,” the GAO said in a report issued  gressional and legislative districts will
            government help to pay for schools,  8.6%,  according  to  the  Leadership  in March. “Specifically (supervisors)  not be ready until August.
            roads  and  medical  services  in  those  Conference Education Fund.    told us that enumerators were often
            communities.                                                            turned  away  from  accessing  multi-  Jan Rice, who worked as a census tak-
                                                Delays  from  the  pandemic  caused  unit  buildings  because  of  the  pan-  er in Denver, said she was frustrated
            Around  36%  of  homes  in  the  U.S.  the  Census  Bureau  to  eliminate  a  demic.”                       that she was prohibited from contact-
            are occupied by renters, up from 33%  step  ahead  of  the  door-knocking                                   ing apartment managers on her own
            during the last census a decade ago.  phase where census supervisors meet  Nathan Bean, a census supervisor in  so she could get information on oc-
                                                with building managers or landlords  Chicago, said that even when he was  cupied units and remove vacant units
            Under  the  best  of  circumstances,  to  find  out  which  apartments  were  able  to  reach  property  managers  by  from the database, sparing other cen-
            renters  are  among  the  hardest  peo-  vacant  or  occupied,  so  census  tak-  phone last summer, they would often  sus  takers  from  wasting  their  time.
            ple to count because they tend to be  ers won’t waste their time knocking  say, “‘We aren’t going to answer your  When she tried it, her supervisor told
            more transient and are more likely to  on vacant units, the agency said in a  calls. We aren’t going to answer your  her, “‘Your job is to knock on doors,’”
            live below the poverty line. They also  statement.                      questions.’”                        she said.
            tend to be disproportionately people
            of  color,  who  also  are  traditionally  “We  were,  however,  able  to  inform  How  much  renters  were  under-  “It killed our productivity,” Rice said.
            undercounted in the census, accord-  the landlords or managers that enu-  counted, if they actually were missed,  “If  you  don’t  count  them  correctly,
            ing  to  The  Leadership  Conference  merators would be visiting and asking  will  not  be  known  until  December  you don’t give them a voice.”

                            Hot dog! NYC marks July 4 with eating contest, fireworks

            (AP)  —  After  a  year  lost  graphed spectacle.         pre-recorded  around  the  watch the epic chowdown in  the fans again helped propel
            to  the  coronavirus,  New                                country in front of live audi-  Brooklyn. Joey “Jaws” Chest-  him to victory.
            York  City’s  most  well-    This year, crowds were wel-  ences.                       nut topped his own record by
            known Fourth of July tra-    come to gather.                                           downing 76 franks and buns  Landmarks around the state,
            ditions were back Sunday.                                 Last year, because of pandem-  in  10  minutes  in  the  men’s  from  the  World  Trade  Cen-
                                         The show was broadcast live  ic  restrictions,  there  were  a  competition,  while  Michelle  ter’s  centerpiece  tower  and
            The     traditional   Macy’s  on  NBC  as  part  of  a  two-  series  of  shorter  fireworks  Lesco took the women’s title  the Empire State Building to
            Fourth of July fireworks show  hour special featuring artists  shows in the days leading up  by eating 30 3/4 wieners and  Niagara Falls, were lit in red,
            returned in full form with a  including  the  Black  Pumas,  to the holiday, with the loca-  buns.                  white and blue to mark Inde-
            display  over  the  East  River,  Coldplay,  OneRepublic  and  tions  kept  secret  in  advance                     pendence Day.
            as shells were shot from five  Reba  McEntire.  The  per-  to keep people from congre-  The  event  wasn’t  quite  the
            barges in a televised, choreo-  formers’  appearances  were  gating.                   same as usual. Instead of be-  “If the last 16 months has re-
                                                                                                   ing  at  Surf  and  Stillwell  av-  affirmed  anything,  it’s  how
                                                                      Other  revelers  expressed  a  enues,  just  off  the  Coney  precious  life  is  and  how  vi-
                                                                      mix of joy and apprehension,  Island boardwalk, this year’s  tal  liberty  is  to  our  identity
                                                                      noting  the  coronavirus  re-  competition was held nearby  as  New  Yorkers  and  Ameri-
                                                                      mains  far  from  vanquished.  in  a  minor  league  baseball  cans,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo
                                                                      Slightly more than half of the  stadium,  Maimonides  Park.  said in a statement.
                                                                      city’s population is fully vac-  Spectators were asked to reg-
                                                                      cinated, according to the city  ister  for  free  tickets  in  ad-  Melanie  Delcourt,  mean-
                                                                      health department, but many  vance.                       while,  celebrated  her  first
                                                                      spectators were masked.                                   Fourth of July since moving
                                                                                                   Last year, though, there were  to the U.S. eight months ago
                                                                      The annual spectacle of glut-  no  spectators  allowed  as  from Paris.
                                                                      tony that is the Nathan’s Fa-  Chestnut  ate  a  then-record
                                                                      mous  July  Fourth  hot  dog  75 hot dogs and buns.       “It’s  just  so  beautiful,”  she
                                                                      eating contest also once again                            said of the gatherings. “We’ll
                                                                      welcomed  live  audiences  to  He said Sunday that hearing  remember this a long time.”
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