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                                                                                         world news Diamars 6 Juli 2021

                         Israel looks to renew law that keeps out Palestinian spouses

            (AP)  —  Israel’s  parlia-   the law.
            ment was set to vote Mon-
            day on whether to renew a  Ahead  of  the  vote,  Israel’s
            temporary law first enact-   new  prime  minister,  Naftali
            ed in 2003 that bars Arab  Bennett,  called  on  Netan-
            citizens  of  Israel  from  yahu to join him in renewing
            extending  citizenship  or  the law. “Harming state secu-
            even residency to spouses  rity for a quarter of a political
            from  the  occupied  West  point is not the right thing to
            Bank and Gaza.               do,” he said.

            Critics, including many left-  Parliamentary     debates
            wing  and  Arab  lawmakers,  stretched  late  into  the  night
            say it’s a racist measure aimed  Monday, and it remained un-
            at  restricting  the  growth  of  clear when the vote to renew
            Israel’s  Arab  minority,  while  the  temporary  law  would
            supporters  say  it’s  needed  be held. It was set to expire
            for security  purposes  and  to  Tuesday night.
            preserve Israel’s Jewish char-
            acter.                       Dozens  of  families  held  a
                                         demonstration  outside  the
            The  law  creates  an  array  of  Knesset,  Israel’s  parliament,
            difficulties  for  Palestinian  ahead of the vote, which was
            families  that  span  the  war-  expected late Monday.
            drawn  and  largely  invisible
            frontiers  separating  Israel  “We  want  stability  in  this   “It was passed in the middle  group seized power there in  are extremely rare.
            from east Jerusalem, the West  country,  like  anyone  else,”   of  the  intifada,  and  now  we  2007.
            Bank and Gaza, territories it  said Maryam Abu Arar, from   are in a very different period                          Human Rights Watch point-
            seized  in  the  1967  war  that  the West Bank town of Beth-  in time,” said Yuval Shany, a  The law does not apply to the  ed to the law as an example of
            the  Palestinians  want  for  a  lehem, who requires a permit   legal expert at the Israel De-  nearly 500,000 Jewish settlers  the  widespread  discrimina-
            future state.                to live with her husband and   mocracy  Institute.  Not  only  who  live  in  the  West  Bank,  tion faced by Palestinians —
                                         four  children  in  Israel.  “We   are attacks far rarer, but Israel  who have full Israeli citizen-  both inside Israel and in the
            “You want your security, it’s  want to live in a democratic   has vastly improved its tech-  ship.  Under  Israel’s  Law  of  territories it controls — in a
            no  problem,  you  can  check  country, with peace and secu-  nological abilities to monitor  Return,  Jews  who  come  to  report  earlier  this  year  that
            each case by itself,” said Tai-  rity for us as well.”    Palestinians  who  enter,  he  Israel  from  anywhere  in  the  said such practices amount to
            seer Khatib. His wife of more                             said. “I don’t think the secu-  world are eligible for citizen-  apartheid.
            than 15 years, from the West  The  Citizenship  and  Entry   rity  argument  is  very  strong  ship.
            Bank city of Jenin, must reg-  into Israel Law was enacted as   at this point in time.”                             Israel rejects such allegations
            ularly  apply  for  permits  to  a temporary measure in 2003,                          Israel’s Arab minority, which  and  says  Jewish  and  Arab
            live with him and their three  at  the  height  of  the  second   Because of the law, Arab citi-  makes up 20% of the popu-  citizens  have  equal  rights.
            children in Israel.          intifada,  or  uprising,  when   zens have few if any avenues  lation, has close familial ties  Arab  citizens  have  the  right
                                         Palestinians  launched  scores   for bringing spouses from the  to  Palestinians  in  the  West  to vote, and the new govern-
            “There’s no need for this col-  of deadly attacks inside Israel.   West Bank and Gaza into Is-  Bank and the Gaza Strip and  ment  for  the  first  time  in-
            lective  punishment  just  be-  Proponents  said  Palestinians   rael. The policy affects thou-  largely  identifies  with  their  cludes an Arab faction, which
            cause you are Palestinian,” he  from the occupied West Bank   sands of families.       cause. Arab citizens view the  is opposed to the citizenship
            said.                        and Gaza were susceptible to                              law as one of several forms of  law.
                                         recruitment by armed groups   Male spouses over the age of  discrimination they face in a
            Israel’s dominant right-wing  and  that  security  vetting   35  and  female  spouses  over  country  that  legally  defines  But even as Defense Minister
            parties  strongly  support  the  alone was insufficient.  the age of 25, as well as some  itself as a Jewish nation-state.  Benny Gantz, a political cen-
            law, and it has been renewed                              humanitarian cases, can apply                             trist, recently urged the right-
            every year since being enact-  The law has been continually   for the equivalent of a tourist  “This  law  sees  every  Pales-  wing  opposition  to  support
            ed. But Israel’s new govern-  renewed even after the upris-  permit, which must be regu-  tinian  as  an  enemy  and  as  the law on security grounds,
            ment  includes  opponents  of  ing wound down in 2005 and   larly  renewed.  The  holders  a  threat,  just  because  of  his  he also evoked demographic
            the  measure,  and  the  right-  the number of attacks plum-  of such permits are ineligible  ethnic  and  national  affilia-  concerns.
            wing  opposition  led  by  for-  meted.  Today,  Israel  allows   for  driver’s  licenses,  public  tion,”  said  Sawsan  Zaher,  a
            mer  Prime  Minister  Benja-  more  than  100,000  Palestin-  health  insurance  and  most  lawyer with Adalah, an Arab  “This law is essential for safe-
            min Netanyahu — aiming to  ian  workers  from  the  West   forms  of  employment.  Pal-  rights  group  that  has  chal-  guarding the country’s secu-
            embarrass the government —  Bank  to  enter  on  a  regular   estinian  spouses  from  Gaza  lenged the law in court. “The  rity  and  Jewish  and  demo-
            has warned it won’t provide  basis.                       have been completely banned  political message is very racist  cratic character, and security
            the  votes  needed  to  renew                             since  the  militant  Hamas  and very dangerous.”         considerations need to be put
                                                                                                                                before  all  political  consider-
                                                                                                   Palestinians  who  are  unable  ations,” Gantz said in a state-
                                                                                                   to get permits but try to live  ment.
                                                                                                   with their spouses inside Is-
                                                                                                   rael are at risk of deportation.  Ahmad  Tibi,  a  prominent
                                                                                                   Couples  that  move  to  the  member  of  an  Arab  opposi-
                                                                                                   West Bank live under Israeli  tion  party,  called  on  fellow
                                                                                                   military  occupation.  If  their  lawmakers  to  strike  the  law
                                                                                                   children are born in the West  down.
                                                                                                   Bank, they would be subject
                                                                                                   to  the  same  law  preventing  “They should look at the eyes
                                                                                                   spouses from entering Israel,  of  these  children  and  these
                                                                                                   though there is an exception  families  and  then  vote  to
                                                                                                   for minors.                  prevent this most racist law,”
                                                                                                                                he  said  as  he  met  with  the
                                                                                                   The citizenship law also ap-  demonstrators. “These fami-
                                                                                                   plies  to  Jewish  Israelis  who  lies should be allowed to live
                                                                                                   marry  Palestinians  from  the  normally as all other families,
                                                                                                   territories,  but  such  unions  wherever they decide to live.”
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