Page 24 - bon-dia-aruba-20210707
P. 24

Diaranson 7 Juli 2021 suerte/u.s. NeWs

                            Mayor: Crews did everything possible to find missing pets

            (AP)  —  Rescue  teams                                                                 in  the  building  prior  to  the  cess  of  moving  her  mother,
            combed  through  closets,                                                              demolition.”                 who has advanced Alzheim-
            looked  under  beds  and                                                                                            er’s, into the condo right be-
            even  used  drones  with                                                               The sighting of a cat on Sat-  fore the building collapsed. A
            thermal  imaging  as  they                                                             urday  gave  hopes  to  animal  week  earlier,  she’d  brought
            looked for pets that might                                                             protection groups and fami-  the cat to the condo, register-
            have  been  left  in  the  ru-                                                         lies that some pets could still  ing it as an emotional support
            ins  of  Champlain  Towers                                                             be saved.                    animal.
            South  before  a  decision
            was made to demolish the                                                               One of the survivors, Susana  The feline was timid and of-
            still-standing  section  of                                                            Alvarez,  is  devastated  about  ten  hid  under  the  bed,  but
            the building, officials said                                                           her  beloved  4-year-old  cat,  had  recently  started  to  ven-
            Monday.                                                                                Mia, who was left behind on  ture out more, she said.
                                                                                                   the  10th  floor.  On  Sunday,
            The  building  was  imploded                                                           Alvarez  tried  desperately  to  In  her  panic  as  the  build-
            on Sunday night, more than                                                             get in touch with rescuers to  ing  was  collapsing,  Alvarez
            a  week  after  it  had  partially                                                     determine  whether  her  cat  left  the  apartment,  bringing
            collapsed,  killing  more  than                                                        had been found.              only  her  cellphone  to  light
            two dozen people and leaving                              escape the building, and live                             her path, worrying through-
            more than 115 still missing.  “We took every action that we  animal traps were placed on   “My cat’s still there, Mia, and  out  her  harrowing  escape
                                         possibly  could  to  search  for  balconies  “at  great  personal   I know she’s under my bed,”  down  the  crumbling  stair-
            Prior to the demolition, res-  any pets, any animals, in the  risk” to rescue workers.  she  said.  “What  must  she  well whether there was time
            cue  teams  conducted  full  building, prior to the demoli-                            think?”                      to run back up and coax Mia
            sweeps  looking  for  animals,  tion,” Levine Cava said.  “I want to say, as clearly as I                           out from under the bed.
            searching every possible hid-                             possibly  can,  and  urge  our   Alvarez, 62, was in the pro-
            ing place and — in the areas  She said first responders used  community  to  understand
            that  were  not  accessible  —  drones with thermal imaging  that  we  went  truly  to  great
            using  ladders  on  high-lift  over  the  rubble  pile  and  in  lengths to take every step that   Grizzly bear attacks, kills
            cranes to look through what  the tower and other areas that  we could, at great risk to our
            was left of the 12-story build-  were  not  safe  for  humans.  first  responders,  to  ensure   camper in western Montana
            ing,  Miami  Dade  County  She also said doorways were  that all of the pets that were
            Mayor Daniella Levine Cava  opened,    providing   other  beloved  family  members  —   (AP)  —  A  grizzly  bear  down and kill the bear, of-
            told a news conference.      ways for any missing pets to  that  none  of  them  were  left
                                                                                                    attacked  and  killed  a  ficials  said.  A  crew  aboard
                                                                                                    person camping in west-     a  helicopter  was  assisting
                                                                                                    ern Montana early Tues-     as  searchers  looked  for  a
                        Resultado Sorteo                                                            day, triggering an inten-   “daybed” where the animal
                         juli 6, 2021                                                               sive search for the bruin  might be sleeping to get out
                                                                                                    by  wildlife  officials  and  of  the  heat,  Lemon  said,
                                                                                                    law enforcement officers  adding that the bear was be-
                        Cadena Alexander Lottery ta presenta resultado di weganan di suerte         who  planned  to  kill  the  lieved  to  have  left  Ovando
                                                        Prome         Segundo         Tercer
                       Wega                                                                         animal, officials said.     after the mauling.
                                                        premio         premio         premio
                jul 5            Diario                 9555           1021           0792          The  pre-dawn  attack  hap-  An  initial  report  said  the
                                                                                                    pened  in  Ovando,  a  town  victim had been riding a bi-
                jul 5            Korsou                 0947           1994           7381          of  fewer  than  100  people  cycle at the time of the at-
                                                                                                                                tack.  That  is  not  the  case,
                                                                                                    about 60 miles (97 kilome-
                jul 5            super4                 8572                                        ters)  northwest  of  Helena,  Roselles said.
                                                                                                    said Greg Lemon, a spokes-
                                  Wega merDia           6197           7532           6139          person  with  Montana  Fish  Lemon said his understand-
                                                                                                                                ing  is  that  the  victim  was
                                                                                                    Wildlife and Parks.
                                                                                                                                part  of  a  group  on  a  bike
                                  Wega anochi           3423           4914           8603          The  bear  had  previously  trip.
                                  Wega merDia           8822                                        wandered  into  the  area   The  victim’s  identity  was
                                                                                                    where the victim was camp-
                                  Wega anochi           2508                                        ing  and  left  but  later  re-  not  immediately  released
                                                                                                    turned,  Powell  County  and  further  circumstances
                                  Wega merDia           5511                                        Sheriff Gavin Roselles said.  surrounding the attack were
                                                                                                                                under investigation.
                                  Wega anochi           2845                                        “There was an earlier con-                 well-being.
                                                                                                    tact  with  the  bear  prior  to  “Our  first  concern  is  the
                                                                                                    the  event,”  Roselles  said.  community’s
                                  Wega merDia           7982                aquario                 “The  bear  basically  came  The next step is to find the
                                                                                                    back  into  the  campsite.  It  bear,” Lemon said.
                                  Wega anochi           7457                 tauro                  wandered into a campsite a   Officials did not say exactly
                                                                                                    couple different times.”
                                        750                                     fp                  A  team  of  law  enforce-  where  the  attack  occurred,
                                                                                                                                but Roselles said there were
                                        202                                     x2                  ment  and  wildlife  special-  other people camping in the
                                                                                                    ists was brought in to track  vicinity of the attack.
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