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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 7 Juli 2021

                        Pentagon cancels disputed JEDI cloud contract with Microsoft

            (AP) — The Pentagon said  landscape  has  evolved”  with  no  exact  contract  value  has
            Tuesday it canceled a dis-   new  possibilities  for  large-  been set but that it will be “in
            puted    cloud-computing  scale  cloud  computing  ser-   the  billions.”  Sherman  said
            contract  with  Microsoft  vices.  Thus  it  was  decided,  the  government  will  nego-
            that could eventually have  he said, to start over and seek  tiate  the  amount  Microsoft
            been worth $10 billion. It  multiple vendors.             will  be  paid  for  having  its
            will instead pursue a deal                                2019 deal terminated.
            with  both  Microsoft  and  Sherman  said  JEDI  will  be
            Amazon and possibly oth-     replaced  by  a  new  program  Amazon Web Services, a mar-
            er cloud service providers.  called Joint Warfighter Cloud  ket leader in providing cloud
                                         Capability, and that both Am-  computing services, had long
            “With  the  shifting  technol-  azon  and  Microsoft  “likely”  been  considered  a  leading
            ogy  environment,  it  has  be-  will be awarded parts of the  candidate  to  run  the  Penta-
            come  clear  that  the  JEDI  business,  although  neither  gon’s  Joint  Enterprise  De-
            Cloud  contract,  which  has  is  guaranteed.  Sherman  said  fense  Infrastructure  project,  reconsider its options after a  but work remained stalled by
            long been delayed, no longer  the  three  other  large  cloud  known as JEDI. The project  federal judge in April rejected  Amazon’s legal challenge.
            meets the requirements to fill  service providers — Google,  was meant to store and pro-  a Pentagon move to have key  In  its  April  2020  report,  the
            the  DoD’s  capability  gaps,”  IBM  and  Oracle  —  might  cess  vast  amounts  of  classi-  parts  of  Amazon’s  lawsuit  inspector  general’s  office
            the Pentagon said in a state-  qualify, too.              fied  data,  allowing  the  U.S.  dismissed.              did  not  draw  a  conclusion
            ment.                                                     military to improve commu-                                about  whether  the  Red-
                                         Microsoft  said  in  response  nications with soldiers on the  The JEDI saga has been un-  mond,   Washington-based
            The  statement  did  not  di-  to  the  Pentagon  announce-  battlefield  and  use  artificial  usual  for  the  political  di-  Microsoft  Corp.  was  appro-
            rectly mention that the Pen-  ment,  “We  understand  the  intelligence  to  speed  up  its  mension  linked  to  Trump.  priately declared the winner.
            tagon  faced  extended  legal  DoD s rationale, and we sup-  war planning and fighting ca-  In  April  2020,  the  Defense  Rather, it looked at whether
            challenges by Amazon to the  port  them  and  every  mili-  pabilities.                Department  inspector  gen-  the  decision-making  process
            original  $1  million  contract  tary member who needs the                             eral’s  office  concluded  that  was proper and legal. It also
            awarded to Microsoft. Ama-   mission-critical  21st  century  The  JEDI  contract  became  the  contracting  process  was  examined  allegations  of  un-
            zon argued that the Microsoft  technology JEDI would have  mired in legal challenges al-  in line with legal and govern-  ethical behavior by Pentagon
            award was tainted by politics,  provided.  The  DoD  faced  a  most as soon as it was award-  ment  purchasing  standards.  officials involved in the mat-
            particularly  then-President  difficult  choice:  Continue  ed  to  Microsoft  in  October  The inspector general found  ter and generally determined
            Donald Trump’s antagonism  with  what  could  be  a  years-  2019.  The  losing  bidder,  no evidence of White House  that any ethical lapses did not
            toward  Amazon’s  chief  ex-  long  litigation  battle  or  find  Amazon Web Services, went  interference  in  the  contract  influence the outcome.
            ecutive  officer,  Jeff  Bezos.  another path forward.”   to court arguing that the Pen-  award  process,  but  that  re-
            Bezos owns The Washington                                 tagon’s  process  was  flawed  view  also  said  investigators  That review did not find evi-
            Post, a news outlet often crit-  The JEDI project began with  and  unfair,  including  that  it  could  not  fully  review  the  dence of White House pres-
            icized by Trump.             the $1 million contract award  was  improperly  influenced  matter  because  the  White  sure for the Pentagon to favor
                                         for  Microsoft,  meant  as  an  by politics.              House would not allow un-    the Microsoft bid, but it also
            The  Pentagon’s  chief  infor-  initial  step  in  a  10-year  deal                    fettered access to witnesses.  said  it  could  not  definitely
            mation  officer,  John  Sher-  that could have reached $10  This  year  the  Pentagon  had                          determine  the  full  extent  of
            man,  told  reporters  Tuesday  billion in value. The project  been  hinting  that  it  might  Five  months  later,  the  Pen-  White  House  interactions
            that  during  the  lengthy  le-  that  will  replace  it  is  a  five-  scrap  the  contract,  saying  in  tagon  reaffirmed  Microsoft  with the Pentagon’s decision
            gal  fight  with  Amazon,  “the  year  program;  Sherman  said  May that it felt compelled to  as  winner  of  the  contract,  makers.

                       Tucson to ignore Arizona's 'Second Amendment sanctuary' law

            (AP)  —  Officials  in  the  arm havens.                  ground checks for guns pur-  handful  of  other  legisla-  this state.”
            city of Tucson plan to ig-                                chased  on  city  property  and  tures, including in Kentucky,
            nore  Arizona’s  new  “Sec-  The  move  by  Democratic  destroying  seized  firearms.  Tennessee  and  Wisconsin,  Councilman  Steve  Kozachik
            ond  Amendment  sanctu-      Mayor  Regina  Romero  and  Over  the  years,  those  mea-  jumped on the idea this year  introduced the resolution last
            ary”  law  that  bars  state  the  City  Council  again  puts  sures  have  been  challenged  when  Biden  took  office.  month  and  said  he  believes
            and  local  governments  Tucson  and  Republican-led  after  the  Republican-con-      During his campaign, Biden  the new state law is unconsti-
            from  enforcing  certain  state at odds over how to reg-  trolled  Legislature  enacted  pledged  to  enact  universal  tutional.
            federal  gun  regulations,  ulate gun sales and use.      laws barring the actions.    background  checks  and  an
            possibly setting up a court                                                            assault  weapons  ban,  among  Kozachik  said  his  aim  is  to
            fight as a growing number  The  southern  Arizona  city  The  new  action  came  af-   other measures.              have  the  law  “declared  un-
            of  cities  and  counties  in  has long tried to enforce gun  ter  GOP  Gov.  Doug  Ducey                           constitutional  and  thrown
            the United  States declare  laws stricter than the state’s,  signed a bill in April declar-  The  Arizona  Daily  Star  re-  out  plain  and  simple,  so  we
            themselves  similar  fire-   including  mandating  back-  ing that Arizona is a so-called  ports  that  the  state  and  city  continue to have free rein to
                                                                      Second Amendment sanctu-     could  be  headed  for  a  legal  enforce federal gun laws lo-
                                                                      ary.  It  was  partly  a  response  battle over Tucson’s June 22  cally.”
                                                                      to  the  election  of  President  resolution  to  continue  en-
                                                                      Joe Biden, who has vowed to  forcing all federal gun laws.  Arizona’s law says the state is
                                                                      enact tighter firearms regula-                            not  beholden  to  upholding
                                                                      tions.                       The resolution unanimously  U.S. gun laws and prohibits
                                                                                                   passed  by  the  council  pro-  “any  personnel  or  financial
                                                                      A  growing  movement  of  at  claims  that  “federal  laws,  resources to enforce, admin-
                                                                      least 1,200 local governments  orders and acts that regulate  ister  or  cooperate  with  any
                                                                      have  declared  themselves  firearms in a manner that is  act, law, treaty, order, rule or
                                                                      sanctuaries  insulated  from  consistent  with  the  require-  regulation  of  the  U.S.  gov-
                                                                      state  and  federal  gun  laws  ments  of  the  United  States  ernment  that  is  inconsistent
                                                                      since  2018,  when  high-pro-  Constitution”  will  “remain  with any Arizona law regard-
                                                                      file mass shootings prompted  in full force and effect” with-  ing  the  regulation  of  fire-
                                                                      calls for stronger regulations.  in  city  limits  “regardless  of  arms.”
                                                                      Many are symbolic but some  whether  those  laws,  orders
                                                                      carry legal force.           or acts are more restrictive or  Federal statistics show Arizo-
                                                                                                   prohibitive  than  regulations  na has the 15th-highest gun-
                                                                      In  addition  to  Arizona,  a  established under the laws of  related mortality rate.
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