Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20210707
P. 31

                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 7 Juli 2021

                               Italy beats Spain on penalties, reaches Euro 2020 final

            (AP) — Jorginho convert-
            ed  the  decisive  penalty
            kick Tuesday to give Italy
            a  4-2  shootout  win  over
            Spain  and  a  spot  in  the
            European  Championship

            The midfielder took a trade-
            mark  hop  at  the  end  of  his
            run-up before rolling the ball
            into the bottom corner.

            The match had finished 1-1
            through extra time. Federico
            Chiesa scored for Italy with a
            curling shot in the 60th min-
            ute but Alvaro Morata equal-  Morata  missed  the  next-to-  ing  Jorginho  the  chance  to  Italy will be back at Wembley  day against either England or
            ized for Spain in the 80th.  last kick in the shootout, giv-  win it.                  Stadium for the final on Sun-  Denmark.

                           Brazil fans not really in mood for Copa America semifinals

            (AP) — Soccer fans at the fancy  the fact that the most popular broad-  doesn’t  mean  they  are  willing  to  pulled as organizers. No fans are al-
            Piraquê  club  in  Rio  de  Janeiro  caster is not showing the Copa Amer-  spend time out of their homes watch-  lowed in stadia despite the insistence
            can’t  wait  to  once  again  gather  ica have cut down the fans’ interest.  ing the Copa.                  of  President  Jair  Bolsonaro,  a  critic
            at  the  bar  beside  a  swimming                                                                           of lockdown measures. It will be the
            pool to watch great players fight  “The  Copa  America  is  never  much  On the streets around Nilton Santos  same at Saturday’s final at Maracana
            for  a  major  tournament  trophy  fun, but this time even less,” Thom-  Stadium, one could hardly tell when  Stadium.
            in  crowded  stadiums  while  they  as Castro said as he planned to meet  it  has  hosted  seven  Copa  matches.  Many restrictions on movement are
            calmly sip on caipirinhas.          friends  for  Tuesday’s  Euro  2020  The few street carts selling food at-  still in place in Rio and in the three
                                                clash. “My mom would never know  tract  only  journalists,  staffers,  and  other  host  cities,  Brasilia,  Goiania
            Though  the  Copa  America  is  tak-  the Copa is on if I didn’t tell. I watch  some locals who are playing around  and  Cuiabá.  But  the  biggest  hurdle
            ing place in their city, they are actu-  Brazil at home, but there’s no atmo-  by the gates of the empty stadium.  for  the  Copa  America  in  Brazil  has
            ally looking forward to Italy vs. Spain  sphere  like  you  see  in  Europe  with                           been the fans. Unable to go to games,
            playing on Tuesday to reach the final  fans and all.”                   “I’ve made a few bucks, which always  they haven’t been much interested in
            of the European Championship.                                           happens during the pandemic,” said  watching them on TV, either.
                                                No  tourists  arriving  in  Rio  would  Celso  David,  running  a  hamburg-
            Brazil and Peru were also meeting in  notice there’s a major soccer tourna-  er  stall  outside  the  stadium.  “This  “Is it still on?” housewife Maria Cris-
            a semifinal on Monday but Brazilian  ment taking place in the city. There  it  isn’t  much  different  from  other  tina  Teli  asked.  “I  watch  the  Brazil-
            fans have been far more disinterested  are no banners, no ads, and no antici-  events  we’ve  done  recently.  When  ian  championship  sometimes,  but
            in  the  tournament  than  usual.  That  pation evident, unlike two years ago  Brazil hosted the Copa in 2019 it was  this Copa America ... I didn’t see any
            didn’t  change  much  after  the  Copa  when Brazil also hosted after years of  a  little  better,  more  people  coming  matches  this  time.  Is  Brazil  playing
            America hosts advanced to Saturday’s  planning and buildup.             from  other  countries  and  Brazilian  Argentina sometime?”
            decider after a 1-0 win over Peru.                                      tourists.”
                                                Many  cariocas,  as  locals  are  known,                                Brazil’s dominant TV Globo is broad-
            The pandemic, the last-minute host-  are  not  strictly  following  social  dis-  Brazil agreed to be an emergency host  casting some Euro 2020 matches in-
            ing, some unimpressive matches, and  tancing  recommendations,  but  that  after  Argentina  and  Colombia  were  stead of the Copa America, which is
                                                                                                                        shown  on  the  country’s  third  most
                                                                                                                        popular open channel, SBT, and on
                                                                                                                        ESPN  Brasil  on  cable.  SBT  soccer
                                                                                                                        ratings are usually one third of Glo-
                                                                                                                        bo’s,  which  has  also  proven  consis-
                                                                                                                        tent this time.

                                                                                                                        Bars in Rio’s tourist areas are show-
                                                                                                                        ing Copa America matches, and have
                                                                                                                        been  allowed  by  health  authorities
                                                                                                                        since May to stay open late with ta-
                                                                                                                        bles two meters apart.

                                                                                                                        But,  so  far,  no  games  have  created
                                                                                                                        enough  interest  to  draw  large  gath-
                                                                                                                        erings.  The  bars  that  do  look  over-
                                                                                                                        crowded  in  Rio,  especially  in  the
                                                                                                                        posh  Leblon  neighborhood,  don’t
                                                                                                                        have TVs and are filled with flirting,
                                                                                                                        anxious youngsters.

                                                                                                                        Organizers hope some of that gloom
                                                                                                                        will change if the final features Ney-
                                                                                                                        mar’s  Brazil  against  Lionel  Messi’s
                                                                                                                        Argentina. But even that could be a

                                                                                                                        “Yes,  if  we  play  Argentina  I  will
                                                                                                                        definitely  see,”  housewife  Teli  said.
                                                                                                                        “Which channel will it be on?
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