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A30 world news
Diaranson 7 Juli 2021
Iraqi militia commander vows to avenge deaths in US strike
of mostly Shiite militias — includ- After midnight Monday, a drone was Walae standing next to Sayyed Hassan
ing those targeted by the U.S. strikes shot down near the U.S. Embassy Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanon’s
— said their men were on missions compound in Baghdad. There were Hezbollah group.
to prevent infiltration by the Islamic no casualties. Two U.S. military of-
State group and denied the presence ficials said the drone was launched Al-Walae praised Iran’s new presi-
of weapons warehouses. by Iranian proxies, adding that it was dent, Raisi, who is scheduled to take
weaponized with explosives and was office next month, saying Iran-backed
U.S. troops in eastern Syria came un- loitering over the U.S.-led coalition militant groups “will have their best
der rocket fire the day after the air- base in Baghdad. times.”
strikes, with no reported casualties.
The officials said it was too early to Days after he was elected last month,
(AP) — The leader of an Iran- The U.S. has blamed Iran-backed identify the type of the drone. The Raisi said in his first remarks after the
backed Iraqi militia has vowed to militias for attacks — most of them U.S. Embassy said defense systems at vote that he rejects the possibility of
retaliate against America for the rocket strikes — that have targeted the compound “engaged and elimi- meeting with President Joe Biden or
deaths of four of his men in a U.S. the American presence in Baghdad nated an airborne threat.” The state- negotiating Tehran’s ballistic missile
airstrike along the Iraq-Syria bor- and military bases across Iraq. More ment added that “we are working program and support of regional mi-
der last month, saying it will be a recently, the attacks have become with our Iraqi partners to investigate” litias.
military operation everyone will more sophisticated, with militants the attack.
talk about. using drones. Al-Walae, who was once held prison-
The bearded al-Walae, wearing a er by U.S. troops in Iraq, boasted that
Abu Alaa al-Walae, commander of U.S. military officials have grown in- black shirt and trousers and an olive- his men were among the first to go to
Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada, said in an creasingly alarmed over drone strikes green baseball cap, hinted that his mi- neighboring Syria to fight alongside
exclusive interview with The Associ- targeting U.S. military bases in Iraq, litiamen might use drones in future President Bashar Assad’s forces in
ated Press in Baghdad that the elec- more common since a U.S. drone attacks. He did not go into details. 2012, a year after the civil war there
toral victory of Iran’s hard-line judi- killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Solei- When asked if they used drones in broke out. He said their first mission
ciary chief Ebrahim Raisi as president mani near the Baghdad airport last the past against American troops in was to protect a Shiite holy shrine
will strengthen Iran-backed militant year. Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi Iraq, he gave no straight answer and south of the capital, Damascus. They
groups throughout the Middle East al-Muhandis was also killed in the at- moved to other subjects. later fought in different parts of Syria.
for the next four years. tack. The strike drew the ire of mostly
Shiite Iraqi lawmakers and prompted “We want an operation that befits Iran-backed fighters from through-
Al-Walae, who rarely gives interviews parliament to pass a nonbinding reso- those martyrs,” he said referring to out the region have joined Syria’s
to foreign media organizations, spoke lution to pressure the Iraqi govern- the four fighters killed in late June. conflict, helping tip the balance of
to the AP on Monday in an office in ment to oust foreign troops from the “Even if it comes late, time is not im- power in Assad’s favor. Thousands of
a Baghdad neighborhood along the country. portant.” Iran-backed fighters remain in Syria,
Tigris River. many of them deployed close to the
In mid-April, an explosives-laden “We want it to be an operation in Iraqi border in the towns of Bouka-
On June 27, U.S. Air Force planes drone targeted the military section of which everyone says they have taken mal and Mayadeen.
carried out airstrikes near the Iraq- the international airport in Irbil, in revenge on the Americans,” al-Walae
Syria border against what the Pen- Iraq’s northern Kurdish-run region, said. “It will be a qualitative operation Al-Walae also said he doesn’t expect
tagon said were facilities used by causing no casualties or damages. (that could come) from the air, the Iraq’s parliamentary elections to take
Iran-backed militia groups to support The base also hosts American troops. sea, along Iraq’s border, in the region place on time in October, saying they
drone strikes inside Iraq. Four mili- or anywhere. It’s an open war.” might be postponed until April next
tiamen were killed. U.S. officials said Iran-backed mili- year. He attributed the delay to the
tias have conducted at least five drone Al-Walae spoke in an office decorated deep crisis the country is experienc-
The Popular Mobilization Forces, attacks since April. with a poster of Soleimani. On a table ing, including severe electricity cuts
an Iraqi state-sanctioned umbrella next to him, a framed photo shows al- during the scorching summer.
Taliban wins close consulates; Tajikistan reinforces border
(AP) — A surge of Taliban from the Tajik government capital has been relatively The Tajik government said The Taliban march gains mo-
wins in northern Afghan- said President Emomali Ra- peaceful. Afghan troops were being al- mentum only days after the
istan has caused some khmon ordered the mobili- lowed to cross on humanitar- United States vacated Ba-
countries to close their zation of 20,000 military re- The consulates of Uzbeki- ian grounds but the border gram Airfield, just an hour’s
consulates in the region, servists to strengthen its bor- stan, Tajikistan, India and posts on the Tajik side were drive north of the capital,
while across the border in der with Afghanistan. Pakistan have reduced their in control of Tajik forces and Kabul, — a sure sign that the
Tajikistan, reservists are services, Balkh provincial there was no fighting with majority of American troops
being called up to rein- The Afghan military exo- governor’s spokesman Mu- Taliban from the Tajik side. have left Afghanistan.
force the southern border, dus comes as the Taliban nir Farhad said Tuesday. He
according to officials and have overrun most districts said Turkey and Russia had
reports Tuesday. in northeastern Badakhshan closed their consulates and
province. Many fell without a their diplomats had left the
Nearly 1,000 Afghan soldiers fight but along the province’s city.
have fled the Taliban advanc- northern border with Ta-
es by crossing the border into jikistan, hundreds of Afghan However, a Turkish official
Tajikistan, according to re- forces crossed over, seeking said the consulate in Mazar-
ports from Tajikistan. safety in Tajikistan. e-Sharif was open and was
“carrying on accepting visa
The Taliban surge came as The consulates of Turkey applications and other con-
U.S. Central Command in a and Russia have reportedly sular requests.” The official,
statement Tuesday said 90% closed in Mazar-e-Sharif, who was not identified by
of the withdrawal of U.S. the capital of northern Balkh name in line with briefing
troops and equipment is province, and Afghanistan’s rules, said Ankara was moni-
complete. The U.S. says the fourth-largest city. Iran said toring the security situation
last troops will be gone by it has restricted activities at its and was taking “required
August. consulate in the city. There measures” for the safety of
has been fighting in Balkh Turkish missions and person-
Meanwhile, a statement province, but the provincial nel.