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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 16 May 2023

            Palestinian President Abbas urges U.N. to suspend Israel

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                 government and its plan to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    overhaul  Israel’s  judiciary
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —                                                                                            show  no  sign  of  abating.
            Palestinian  President  Mah-                                                                                        Israel’s polarization and the
            moud  Abbas  urged  the                                                                                             Netanyahu  government’s
            United Nations on Monday                                                                                            extremist  positions  have
            to  suspend  Israel’s  mem-                                                                                         also sparked growing inter-
            bership unless it implements                                                                                        national concern.
            resolutions     establishing                                                                                        Mansour  said  Friday  that
            separate  Jewish  and  Arab                                                                                         Palestinian  refugees  “are
            states and the return of Pal-                                                                                       being  forcibly  removed
            estinian refugees.                                                                                                  from their homes and forc-
            Abbas spoke during the first                                                                                        ibly transferred by Israel at
            official  U.N.  commemora-                                                                                          an  unprecedented  rate,”
            tion of the flight of hundreds                                                                                      reminiscent of 1948.
            of thousands of Palestinians                                                                                        In a speech to the U.N. Se-
            from what is now Israel fol-                                                                                        curity  Council  on  April  25,
            lowing  the  U.N.’s  partition                                                                                      Palestinian  Foreign  Minis-
            of British-ruled Palestine into                                                                                     ter  Riyad  Malki  renewed
            separate  Jewish  and  Arab                                                                                         his  call  for  countries  that
            states 75 years ago.                                                                                                haven’t yet recognized the
            Israel’s  U.N.  ambassador,                                                                                         state of Palestine “to do so
            Gilad  Erdan,  had  sent  let-                                                                                      as a means to salvage the
            ters  to  General  Assembly                                                                                         moribund  two-state  solu-
            ambassadors      condemn-                                                                                           tion.” He also urged coun-
            ing  the  commemoration                                                                                             tries to support the Palestin-
            and  urging  them  not  to                                                                                          ian request for full member-
            attend  what  he  called  an   Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas speaks during a conference to support Jerusalem at the   ship  in  the  United  Nations,
            “abominable  event”  and      Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, on Feb. 12, 2023.                           which  would  demonstrate
            a  “blatant  attempt  to  dis-                                                                     Associated Press   international  support  for  a
            tort  history.”  He  said  those                                                                                    two-state solution where Is-
            who  attended  would  be     dence. The Arabs rejected  they were given in the par-    organize a high-level event   raelis and Palestinians lived
                                         the  plan  and  neighboring  tition.
                                                                                                   on  May  15  to  commemo-
            condoning      antisemitism                                                                                         side-by-side in peace.
            and giving a green light to   Arab  countries  launched  Abbas said Palestinians are  rate  the  Nakba.  The  Unit-  To hurt Israel economically,
                                         a  war  against  the  Jewish  not against Jews, but “I am  ed  States  was  among  the
            Palestinians  “to  continue                                                                                         Malki  urged  countries  to
            exploiting  international  or-  state.                    against those who occupy  countries  that  joined  Israel   ban  products  from  Israeli
                                         The Nakba commemorates  our land.”
                                                                                                   in voting against the resolu-
            gans to promote their libel-                                                                                        settlements and trade with
            ous narrative.”              the  estimated  700,000  Pal-  He  said  Israel  should  rec-  tion.                   settlements,  to  “sanction
                                         estinians  who  fled  or  were  ognize  and  apologize  for  Explaining why a U.N. com-
            Israel and the United States                                                                                        those who collect funds for
            were  among  those  that     forced from their homes in  the  Nakba  and  pay  com-    memoration  took  so  long,   settlements and those who
                                                                      pensation  to  the  refugees  Palestinian  U.N.  Ambassa-
            boycotted the commemo-                                                                                              advocate  for  them  and
            ration  of  what  is  known  as   The  fate  of  these  refugees  and  for  land  it  now  oc-  dor Riyad Mansour told The   those who advance them,”
                                                                      cupies. And he said that if  Associated  Press  on  Friday
                                         and their descendants  es-
            the Nakba, or catastrophe.                                                                                          and to list settler organiza-
            In  an  hourlong  emotion-   timated  at  over  5  million  these  root  causes  are  not  that  the  Palestinians  have   tions  that  carry  out  killings
                                                                      addressed,  the  Palestin-
                                         across the Middle East  re-
                                                                                                   moved  cautiously  at  the
            charged  speech,  Abbas                                                                                             and  burnings  as  “terrorist
            asked  the  world’s  nations   mains  a  major  disputed  is-  ians will continue to pursue  United  Nations  since  the   organizations.”
                                         sue in the Arab-Israeli con-
                                                                      legal  action,  especially  at  General  Assembly  raised
            why more than 1,000 reso-                                                                                           And he urged the interna-
            lutions  adopted  by  U.N.   flict. Israel rejects demands  the  International  Criminal  their  status  in  2012  from  a   tional  community  to  take
                                         for  a  mass  return  of  refu-
                                                                      Court,  which  was  greeted  non-member  observer  to
            bodies  regarding  the  Pal-                                                                                        Israel  to  the  International
            estinians  had  never  been   gees  to  long-lost  homes,  by loud applause from the  a  non-member  observer       Court  of  Justice.  The  Gen-
                                         saying  it  would  threaten  large  audience  in  a  U.N.  state.
            implemented.  He  held  up                                                                                          eral  Assembly  asked  the
            a letter from Israel’s foreign   the  country’s  Jewish  char-  conference room.       U.N. recognition as a state   court in December to give
                                                                                                   enabled  the  Palestinians
                                                                      Israel has remained defiant.
            minister, Moshe Sharett, af-                                                                                        its opinion on the legal con-
            ter resolutions were adopt-  Abbas  specifically  blamed  “We  will  fight  the  ‘Nakba’  to  join  treaties,  take  cases   sequences of Israel’s occu-
                                         Britain,  as  Palestine’s  ruler  lie with full strength and we  against Israel’s occupation
            ed in 1947 and 1948 prom-                                                                                           pation of Palestinian territo-
            ising  to  implement  them   before  the  1947  partition,  won’t allow the Palestinians  to  the  International  Crimi-  ries, a move denounced by
                                         and the United States, Isra-
                                                                      to  continue  to  spread  lies  nal  Court  and  the  Inter-
            and  said:  “Either  they  do                                                                                       Israel.q
            respect  these  obligations,   el’s most important ally, for  and distort history,” Foreign  national  Court  of  Justice,
                                                                      Minister Eli Cohen said in a  which  is  the  U.N.’s  high-
                                         the flight of the Palestinians.
            or  they  stop  becoming  a
            member.”                     He  said  the  most  impor-  statement.                   est tribunal, and in 2019 to
                                         tant  right  Palestinians  are  As  the  75th  anniversary  chair the Group of 77, the
            The   General    Assembly,
            which had 57 member na-      demanding now is self-de-    approached,     the   now  U.N. coalition of 134 mainly
                                         termination based on June  193-member  General  As-
                                                                                                   developing  nations  and
            tions in 1947, approved the
            resolution dividing Palestine   1967 borders. He reiterated  sembly approved a resolu-  China, he said.
                                         that  the  Palestinians  have  tion last Nov. 30 by a vote  The  Nakba  commemora-
            by a vote of 33-13 with 10
            abstentions. The Jewish side   agreed  to  accept  22%  of  of 90-30 with 47 abstentions  tion  comes  as  Israeli-Pal-
                                         the 1947 territory as part of  requesting  the  U.N.  Com-
                                                                                                   estinian  fighting  has  inten-
            accepted the U.N. partition
            plan  and  after  the  British   a  two-state  solution  to  the  mittee  on  the  Exercise  of  sified  and  protests  over
                                                                      the  Inalienable  Rights  of  Prime  Minister  Benjamin
                                         decades-old  Israeli-Pales-
            mandate  expired  in  1948,
            Israel declared its indepen-  tinian conflict, not the 44%  the  Palestinian  People  to  Netanyahu’s   right-wing
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