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a8    local
                       Tuesday 16 May 2023

            World Migratory Bird Day 2023

                                                                                                                Prikichi (Brown Throated Parakeet)

                                        Lora (Yellow Shouldered Amazon)

            Oranjtestad - World Migra-   The  Directorate  of  Nature   which is full of spectacular
            tory Bird Day is a day that  and  Environment  (DNM)      birds.
            creates  awareness  about  recognizes the importance
            the importance of preserv-   of  our  bays  and  wetlands   The  DNM  urges  the  com-
            ing  migratory  birds  and  for  the  migratory  birds    munity to be careful when            Blenchi Dornasol (Ruby Topaz Hummingbird)
            their habitats. World Migra-  that need to rest, eat and
            tory Bird Day is celebrated  breed. The condition of the                                                            dealing with wild local and
            twice  a  year,  on  May  13  habitat  must  be  favorable                                                          migratory  birds.  The  "Na-
            and October 14.              for the birds. Migratory birds                                                         tional Decree on Protected
                                         depend  on  various  water                                                             Flora  and  Fauna"  is  avail-
            This  year's  theme  is  water.  sources such as ocean wa-                                                          able at and
            Since migratory birds travel  ter,  lagoons,  rivers,  dams,                                                        contains the list of protect-
            enormous distances, water  wetlands, and bays. These                                                                ed birds in Aruba.
            is essential to their journey.  locations  have  trees  that
            The  quality  and  quantity  serve  as  food  and  breed-                                                           In this list you will find birds
            of available water is under  ing  grounds  for  the  birds                                                          like  the  Blue  Tails  emerald,
            constant threat worldwide.  and  shelter.  These  areas                                                             the  Ruby  Topaz  Humming-
            That is why many world or-   are essential for the birds to                                                         bird,   Peregrine   Falcon,
            ganizations  jointly  set  up  rest after or before the long                                                        the   Yellow   Shouldered
            strategic  campaigns  to  journey.                                                                                  Amazon,  the  national  bird
            draw attention to World Mi-                                                                                         Brown-Throated  Parakeet
            gratory Bird Day.            Unfortunately,  the  aquatic                : Blenchi (Blue Tails Emerald)             and  the  national  symbol
                                         habitat and ecosystem are                                                              the Burrowing Owl.q
            This  collaboration  should  under constant threat from
            lead to greater awareness  humans. In Aruba, this is no
            of migratory birds and their  exception, as the high de-
            needs.  The  hope  is  that  mand  for  land  for  housing
            more  international  organi-  and  the  severe  drought
            zations will join, not only for  threatens  the  ideal  condi-
            the  good  of  the  birds  but  tions  for  these  birds.  The
            also for their habitats.     main  habitat  for  birds  in
                                         Aruba  is  the  Bubali  Plas,

                                                                                                      Shoco (Burrowing Owl)
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