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Tuesday 7 February 2023
Biden 2024? Most Democrats say no thank you: AP-NORC poll
rus relief, the bipartisan in-
frastructure law, the CHIPS
and Science Act, and tax
and spending measures
that help to address cli-
mate change and improve
the IRS’ ability to enforce
the tax code and help tax-
Yet just 13% have a lot of
confidence in Biden’s abili-
ty to accomplish major pol-
icy goals, a possible reflec-
tion of the fact that he must
now work with a Republi-
can majority in the House
that wants to cut spending
in return for lifting the gov-
ernment’s legal borrowing
The poll also shows only 23%
of U.S. adults say they have
“a great deal” of confi-
dence in Biden to effec-
tively manage the White
House. That has ticked
down from 28% a year ago
and remains significantly
lower than 44% two years
ago, just as Biden took of-
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris stand on stage at the Democratic National Committee winter meeting, Feb.
3, 2023, in Philadelphia. Just 21% have a lot of con-
Associated Press fidence in Biden’s ability to
handle a crisis, down slight-
Continued from Front Republican wave. good condition in my opin- powerful.” ly from 26% last March.
Overall, 41% approve of ion and that’s coming from “The most powerful argu- On working with congres-
“I, honestly, think that he how Biden is handling his a 76-year-old woman,” ment of all is results,” said sional Republicans and
would be too old,” said Sar- job as president, the poll Lockwood said. “You might Buttigieg, 41. “And you managing government
ah Overman, 37, a Demo- shows, similar to ratings be a little more careful go- can’t argue — at least, I spending, roughly half of
crat who works in educa- at the end of last year. A ing down the steps as you would say you can’t argue U.S. adults say they have
tion in Raleigh, North Caro- majority of Democrats still get older, but if your brain with a straight face that it hardly any confidence in
lina. “We could use some- approve of the job Biden is still working, that’s the im- isn’t a good thing that we the president, and only
one younger in the office.” is doing as president, yet portant part.” have had 12 million jobs around 1 in 10 say they
As the president gives his their appetite for a reelec- Already the oldest presi- created under this presi- have high confidence.
State of the Union ad- tion campaign has slipped dent in U.S. history, Biden dent.” Republican voters are un-
dress on Tuesday, he has despite his electoral track has been dogged by ques- Voters like Ross Truckey, 35, willing to give Biden the
a chance to confront fun- record. Only 22% of U.S. tions about his age as he have been watching the benefit of the doubt, hurt-
damental doubts about his adults overall say he should would be 86 if he serves a president carefully. A law- ing his ratings.
competence to govern. run again, down from 29% full eight years as president. yer in Michigan, Truckey John Rodriguez, 76, backed
Biden has previously leaned who said so before last He often works long days, did not vote for Biden or Trump and assumes that
heavily on his track record year’s midterm elections. standing for hours, remem- Republican Donald Trump Biden is merely doing the
to say that he’s more than The decline among Demo- bering the names of strang- in 2020. He feels as though bidding of his aides. That
up to the task. When asked crats saying Biden should ers he meets while traveling Biden has been the latest creates a challenge for a
if he can handle the of- run again for president who want to share a story in a string of “subpar” presi- president who promised to
fice’s responsibilities at his appears concentrated about their lives with him. dents. unite the country.
age, the president has of- among younger people. Yet he’s been a national “His age and possibly his But the key obstacle for
ten responded as if he’s Among Democrats age 45 political figure for a half- mental acuity is not where Biden might be voters such
accepting a dare: “Watch and over, 49% say Biden century, having first been I would want the leader of as Vikram Joglekar, 46, who
me.” should run for reelection, elected to the Senate from the country to be,” Truckey works in the computer in-
Democratic candidates nearly as many as the 58% Delaware in 1972, and the said. “He, at times, appears dustry in Austin, Texas. He
performed better than ex- who said that in October. moments when he appears to be an old man who is backed the president in
pected in the 2022 mid- But among those under lost on stage or stumbles past his prime. Sometimes I 2020, only to summarize his
term elections, a testament age 45, 23% now say he through speeches can gar- feel a little bit of pity for the feelings about Biden’s time
to Biden’s message that he should run for reelection, ner more attention than his guy being pushed out in in office as “meh.”
is defending democracy after 45% said that before policies. front of crowds.” “It’s not up for me to de-
and elevating the middle the midterms. On CNN on Sunday, Trans- Biden has repeatedly em- cide whether someone
class. Democrats expand- Linda Lockwood, a Demo- portation Secretary Pete phasized in speeches that should run or not,” Joglekar
ed their control of the Sen- crat and retiree from Kan- Buttigieg, who sought the it’s essential for the public said. “I don’t know who is
ate by one seat and nar- sas City, Kansas, said she Democratic presidential to know the totality of what going to be on the ballot,
rowly lost their House ma- is not that worried about nomination in 2020, ac- his administration is doing. but I would hope it would
jority even though history Biden’s age. knowledged that “genera- It’s notched four big legisla- be someone better from his
indicated there would be a “He seems to be in pretty tional arguments can be tive victories with coronavi- party.”q