Page 7 - aruba-today-20230207
P. 7
local Tuesday 7 February 2023
FADA Aruba is active during the carnaval season
(Oranjestad)—The carna- they must set an example
val season is one of many for their children to have
activities and celebrations the chance to understand
that also invite alcohol that alcohol is not an im-
consumption. The Anti- portant part of life.
drug Foundation of Aruba
(FADA) is going to be active “On our part we’re also
during the carnaval season busy with reminding chil-
with their campaign called dren to remind their par-
‘Amigo DIDI’ (DD Friends) to ents not to drink and drive.
raise awareness on alcohol In the case that they do
consumption to the public. have to drive, it is important
to have an Amigo DIDI. It
In a press conference for should be highlighted that
local news outlets, Mioso- the Amigo DIDI is the one
tis Tromp, social worker for driving, and not the pas-
FADA, indicated that the senger,” she remarked.
carnaval season is where
they are especially active, FADA Aruba will be pres-
seeing as the busiest days ent in every grand parade
are yet to come. have noticed that drinking ing parades, these things with their banners to keep
Tromp remarked that even is also becoming popular happen and in the case reminding the public the
She explained that the or- though Amigo DIDI is seen among the youths. that it does, we must make message behind their cam-
ganization has already as a campaign specifically sure to be OK and that chil- paign. “Alcohol is some-
started with their plan, and directed towards adults, “We often forget during the dren are beside their par- thing that doesn’t have to
they will be visiting differ- they have also been visit- festivities that kids may not ents,” she underlined. be a part of carnaval, but
ent locations to inform and ing schools in the last few be used to seeing people if you do consume alcohol,
raise awareness on the im- weeks, giving presentations drink or experience drunk She highlighted that it is please do so moderately,”
portance of the campaign about alcohol consump- people daily. It’s very im- very important to them to she urged.q
‘Amigo DIDI’. tion. This is because they portant to explain that dur- try to remind parents that
Transfer of command to the carnaval monarchs of Aruba
(Oranjestad)—Sunday morning in declared.
front of the government office, the
official transfer of command was The Prime Minister continued by
held for the princes and panchos, saying that Aruba was not able to
who will all lead Aruba’s 69th an- celebrate in the last two years, the
nual carnaval for the next two biggest cultural manifestation on
weeks. Prime Minister, Evelyn Wev- the island. With much enthusiasm,
er-Croes, officially handed over the Aruban public is prepared to
the key to the carnaval monarchs finally walk the streets again to cel-
of Aruba. ebrate the majestic creativity that
is only possible in Aruba.
During this event, the prince and
pancho of every carnaval cate- “Our government is always here to
gory read their official decree with listen to everyone, and with a lot of
the changes they want to see from attention, I listened to the decrees
the Prime Minister for the period of of the princes and panchos this
the carnaval festivities. morning. Some of their wishes are
a challenge and we hope to make
“We are gathered together today all the changes desired in the blink
for the transfer of command, so of an eye, but we will keep every
that for the next two weeks, the single one of these points in consid-
governance of this country during eration,” she remarked.
the carnaval festivities will no lon-
ger be in the hands of the 8 minis- The Prime Minister handed over the
ters, but in the hands of the 6 princ- kid prince and pancho a sword, so
es and panchos,” Wever-Croes they can protect the carnaval fes-
tivities for the children. The youth
prince and pancho received a
machete as a symbol of defense
for the youths during carnaval. The
adult prins and pancho received
the traditional key, which symbol-
izes the support and confidence
to open and lead the 69th annual
carnaval. Additionally, the last pair
also received a spare key, in case
the pair has to much fun and end
up losing the key. q