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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 February 2023

            Vaccine litigation lingers after lifting of military mandate

             By KEVIN McGILL                                                                                                    saw as a cumbersome 50-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   step  process  to  obtain  re-
             NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Fed-                                                                                            ligious  exemptions  for  the
             eral  appeals  court  judges                                                                                       COVID-19  vaccine.  Their
             closely questioned a Biden                                                                                         lawyers  have  called  a
             administration    attorney                                                                                         "sham"  with  applications
             Monday  on  the  conse-                                                                                            being  "categorically  de-
             quences military personnel                                                                                         nied."
             might face for refusing CO-                                                                                        The  Defense  Department
             VID-19  vaccinations,  even                                                                                        denied  the  process  was
             though  Biden's  vaccine                                                                                           onerous and said the Navy
             mandate  for  military  per-                                                                                       has a compelling interest in
             sonnel has been rescinded.                                                                                         requiring  vaccinations  for
             Lawyers  for  a  group  of                                                                                         personnel who often oper-
             Navy SEALS and other Navy                                                                                          ate for long periods in "con-
             personnel who refuse to be                                                                                         fined  spaces  that  are  ripe
             vaccinated  for  religious                                                                                         breeding grounds for respi-
             reasons told a 5th U.S. Cir-                                                                                       ratory illnesses."
             cuit Court of Appeals pan-                                                                                         On    Monday,     Heather
             el that federal court injunc-                                                                                      Hacker, an attorney for the
             tions against the mandate                                                                                          Navy  personnel,  said  the
             are still needed, in part be-                                                                                      situation could be seen as
             cause decisions on deploy-                                                                                         worse  now  for  them  now
             ments  and  assignments     Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin speaks during a briefing at the Pentagon in Washington, Nov. 16,   that  the  older  mandate
             can still be made based on   2022.                                                                                 policy has been rescinded,
             vaccination status.                                                                               Associated Press  because  current  policy
             "Is there any assurance on  Ross assured the panel that  can still make decisions on  Circuit  that  Austin's  memo  does not provide for a sail-
             the  record,  that  there  will  there are no plans to bring  how  and  whether  to  de-  and other Defense Depart-  or's  religious  objections  to
             be  no  deployment  deci-   back the requirement.        ploy  unvaccinated  troops,  ment actions show that the  the  vaccine  to  be  consid-
             sions  based  on  vaccina-  "Given  the  prevailing  pub-  under a memo signed last  Navy  still  intends  to  treat  ered  when  deployment  or
             tion?" Judge James Ho, one  lic  health  guidelines  and  month  by  Defense  Secre-  unvaccinated     personnel  assignment  decisions  are
             of three judges hearing the  the state of the virus, there  tary Lloyd Austin.        "like  second-class  citizens  made.
             case asked Department of  is  currently  no  intention  to  Military  leaders  have  long  because  of  their  religious  "Exactly, your honor," Hack-
             Justice lawyer Casen Ross.  require  universal  vaccina-  argued  that  to  maintain  beliefs."                    er replied.
             Ross  said  such  questions  tion  of  all  service  mem-  unit health and troop read-  Government  lawyers  ar-   In  January  of  last  year,
             were  speculative  and  not  bers," Ross said.           iness,  troops  have  for  de-  gue the policy is in line with  a  federal  judge  in  Texas
             at issue in the case before  The   Pentagon    formally  cades been required to get  "well-established  principles  barred  the  Navy  from  tak-
             the  court.  Ho  and  Judge  dropped  the  requirement  as  many  as  17  vaccines,  of  judicial  noninterference  ing any action against the
             Kyle Duncan noted that the  in  January  following  a  De-  particularly  those  who  are  with  core  military  decision  Navy plaintiffs for being un-
             administration had only re-  cember  vote  in  Congress  deploying overseas.          making," in their briefs.    vaccinated.  A  5th  Circuit
             luctantly ended the military  to end the mandate. How-   Attorneys  for  the  unvac-  The  Navy  SEALS  filed  their  panel  rejected  the  Biden
             mandate  after  December  ever,  vaccine  opponents  cinated  Navy  personnel  lawsuit  in  November  of  administration's  request  to
             congressional  action,  but  note  that  commanders  argued  in  briefs  to  the  5th  2021, describing what they  block the judge's order.q

              Legal sizes for lobsters could change to protect population

              By PATRICK WHITTLE          Georges  Bank.  The  regu-  to protect rare whales.      New  England,  and  the  dramatically in the last 15
              Associated Press            latory  Atlantic  States  Ma-  Recent  surveys  that  show  hearings  will  be  held  in  years. The catch in Maine,
              PORTLAND, Maine (AP) —  rine Fisheries Commission is  declining  levels  of  young  those places, Starks said.   which  is  by  far  the  larg-
              The  rules  about  the  mini-  considering  changing  the  lobsters are a concern for  Changes could be imple-   est  producer  of  lobsters,
              mum  and  maximum  sizes  standards  by  a  fraction  the  future  of  the  fishery,  mented by fall 2024 if they  is  typically  more  than  100
              of  lobsters  that  can  be  of an inch in some of the  said  Caitlin  Starks,  senior  are approved, Starks said.  million  pounds  (45  million
              trapped  off  New  England  fishing  grounds.  The  com-  fishery  management  plan  Lobster fishing groups such  kilograms)  per  year.  Fish-
              could soon become strict-   mission said it's considering  coordinator  for  the  com-  as the Massachusetts Lob-  ermen  had  never  even
              er, potentially bringing big  the  changes  because  of  mission.  "Those  numbers  stermen's  Association  are  eclipsed 80 million pounds
              changes  to  one  of  the  a worrisome lack of baby  were       declining,"   Starks  following  the  develop-   (36  million  kilograms)  in  a
              most valuable seafood in-   lobsters  growing  off  New  said.  "The  levels  of  new  ments,  said  Beth  Casoni,  single  year  as  recently  as
              dustries in the country.    England.                    lobsters  recruiting  into  the  executive  director  of  the  2008. But the population of
              Fishers  are  required  to  The changes would arrive  fishery  were  particularly  group.                        lobsters  off  southern  New
              measure     lobsters   from  at a time when the lobster  low,  and  there  was  con-  The  association  doesn't  England has crashed. And
              eyes to tail and must throw  industry is experiencing re-  cern  that  was  going  to  have  a  stance  yet  be-  scientists who perform sur-
              back  the  crustaceans  if  cord  highs  in  both  catch  foreshadow decline."       cause  the  exact  specifi-  veys of baby lobsters from
              they're  too  large  or  too  and value, and consumers  The commission is soliciting  cations  of  the  proposed  eastern  Canada  to  Long
              small. The rules, which can  are  paying  more  for  lob-  public  comment  on  the  changes are still to come,  Island,  New  York,  have
              vary slightly based on fish-  sters — already a premium  proposal and plans to hold  she said.                   found  a  below  average
              ing grounds, are intended  product — than they were  public  hearings  about  it  "We're waiting to see what  number of them settling on
              to  maintain  a  breeding  just  a  few  years  ago.  The  in  March,  Starks  said.  The  the  preferred  manage-  the ocean bottom in areas
              population  of  the  lob-   industry is also challenged  changes    would   affect  ment options are," Casoni  such as the Gulf of Maine
              sters  in  key  areas  such  by  warming  oceans  and  lobster  fishers  from  Maine  said. The size of the U.S. lob-  since  2012,  the  commis-
              as  the  Gulf  of  Maine  and  new fishing rules designed  to the waters off southern  ster  catch  has  increased  sion said in a statement.q
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