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Best spots to view the sunset
                                                                                      May 14, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                              Page 8
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r

            Wind turbines work in Livermore, Calif., Aug. 10, 2022.                                                                             Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                    Page 2
             U.S. energy panel approves rule to expand transmission of renewable power

            By MATTHEW DALY                     The  rule,  under  development  for  natural gas, and other energy sources  with Chairman Willie Phillips and fel-
            Associated Press                    two years, is aimed at boosting the  face increasingly strict federal pollu-  low Democratic commissioner Allison
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal energy  nation’s aging power grid to meet  tion rules, setting up what experts say  Clements voting in favor. Republican
            regulators on Monday approved a  surging demand fueled by huge data  could be a crisis for electric reliability.  Mark Christie opposed the rule, dis-
            long-awaited rule to make it easier  centers, electrification of vehicles and  The grid is also being tested by more  missing it as a gift to solar and wind
            to transmit renewable energy such as  buildings, artificial intelligence and  frequent service disruptions during  power operators.
            wind and solar power to the electric  other uses.                       extreme weather events driven by
            grid — a key part of President Joe  The  increased  demand  comes  as  climate change.                                      Continued on Page 2
            Biden’s  goal  to  eliminate  carbon  coal-fired power plants continue to  The Federal Energy Regulatory Com-
            emissions economy-wide by 2050.     be  retired  amid  competition  from  mission approved the new rule, 2-1,
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