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Tuesday 14 May 2024 locAl
Papiamento words and phrases you may want to know!
(Oranjestad)—Aruba is a melting ened “tardi” is used to keep
pot of different nationalities, cul- the rhythm on the phrase. And
tures and languages. Primarily for the same could be said for our
this reason, the average Aruban last greeting of the day.
can understand and speak Dutch, 3. Bon nochi. You guessed it, “bon
English and Spanish relatively well. nochi” means “good night”.
However, as much as we pride Just like “tardi”, “nochi” is ac-
ourselves in being able to com- tually the shortened version of
municate with almost everyone, the word “anochi”.
we cherish our native tongue Pa-
piamento above all else. Want to Yes…no…maybe?
learn some common words in our The affirmative and negative ex-
language? Here are a few basic pression is very simple in Papia-
words and phrases that can get mento. Just like Spanish, our yeses
you a hat tip from an Aruban. are “si” and our no’s are “no”. Pret-
ty easy right? If you want to gain
When you arrive at the airport in some extra points from younger lo-
Aruba, one of the first words in Pa- cals, you can also say “se”, which
piamento you may encounter is is a more casual affirmative used
“Bon bini.” Bon bini in Papiamento means “how?” and is pronounced es may look very familiar. mostly by the younger generation.
means welcome, and is probably with a rounder “o” sounds, like in However, do note: some older
the most famous Papiamento the English word “cone”. “Ta bay” 1. Bon dia is used in the morning, generations may find this improper
word for tourists. refers to how you are doing. up to about noon. Bon dia es- and not respectful, so keep that in
sentially means good morn- mind.
Hi! Bye! When we say goodbye, we use ing. The word “bon” means
To be fair, there is no unique way the word “ayo” (not like the Ayo “good”, and while “dia” does Thanks man…
to say “hello” in Papiamento. At Rock Formation, but also…kinda?). not directly mean “morning” in Lastly, a word that we can also
least, not officially. We often just We may also use “te oro”, which English, it is used often to refer say more often is “danki”, which
use the English “hello” or “hey”, or means “see you later”. to the morning time. means literally “thank you”. “Dan-
Dutch “hallo” to greet someone. 2. Bon tardi. In the afternoon to ki” is derived from the Dutch word
We do however, always follow it up Greetings during the day early evening hours, we use “bedankt”. Though we don’t really
with “con bay?” or “con ta?” Con Most, if not all, languages have dif- “bon tardi” to greet people, have a translation for “I appreciate
bay is a shortened version of “con ferent ways to greet according to which means “good after- it” in English, we do use “masha
ta bay?”, which essentially means the time of day, and Papiamento noon”. “Tardi” actually comes danki” to convey the message.
“how are you?” is no different. Since Papiamento is from the word “atardi”, which “Masha” means “a lot” or “very”,
heavily influences from Portuguese directly translates to “after- so “masha danki” means “thank
The word “con” in Papiamento and Spanish, some of these phras- noon”. However, the short- you very much”. q
Lessons from our elders:
Plants and fruits for medicinal use
(Oranjestad)—Though western It is said that this tea can also be Arrowroot is native to tropical
medicine is now widely used for drank after an operation on the America and can be sold as a pow-
common illnesses and to keep our ovaries or uterus. This gets rid of ir- der or whole. It is said that you can
bodies healthy and happy, it is still ritation and inflammation. take arrowroot powder and make
very common in every household a “shalup” (porridge) for stomach
in Aruba (and around the world) to When the fruit is unripe and green, pain or when you’re feeling weak.
have staple home remedies that this can be used to stimulate You can make it with milk too, but
is passed on through generations. menstruation flow in women. This it is advised to best use just water.
Here are some tips that our elders also stimulates the passing kidney You can also add prunes for a bit used to lower blood pressure, by
have passed on to us over the stones. When ripe, the fruit can be of sweetness. Arrowroot shalup is steeping its leaves in boiled water
years. used for poisoning in the gut and also good to treat an unhealthy and drinking it. You can also make
can help treat rheumatic diseases, gut or for diarrhea. eggplant juice to help purify your
Pineapple like arthritis. blood. However, do make sure to
To make arrowroot shalup, boil a bit drink slowly; let it mix with your spit
However, breastfeeding women of water and add one tablespoon and then swallow.
who cannot produce much milk of arrowroot powder and stir con-
are advised not to consume too tinuously until you reach porridge Eggplant kataplan* can also be
pineapple, and people with acid consistency. If you make a shalup used to treat skin tumors, abscesses
reflux are recommended to not with milk, add a pinch of salt. Raw and hemorrhoids. Eggplant kata-
consume any pineapple at all. arrowroot powder can be used to plan can also be used externally to
powder babies. treat arthritis.
Eggplant/Aubergine *warapa: term referring to a wa-
Pineapple has more uses than top- Eggplants, or aubergines, are easy ter and sugar solution, a.k.a simple
ping it on your Christmas ham. Ac- to find in supermarkets around the syrup.
cording to elders, the skin of a pine- world and can be grown all year *kataplan: porridge-like mixture
apple is great to use to refresh your round on the island. Related to po- used externally for wounds or parts
body. Clean the skin thoroughly tato and tomato, eggplants are of the body that are painful or
and make tea or warapa* with it. good to calm nerves. It can also be swollen.