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Monday 26 august 2024
RFK Jr. suspends his presidential bid and backs Donald Trump before
appearing with him at his rally
cratic Party and run as an withdraw his candidacy in followed conversations Shortly before his speech in
Continued from Front independent, and now to at least two states late this with Trump over the past Phoenix, his campaign had
throw my support to Presi- week, Arizona and Penn- few weeks. He cast their al- said in a Pennsylvania court
Kennedy cited free speech, dent Trump,” Kennedy said sylvania, but election of- liance as “a unity party,” an filing that he would be en-
the war in Ukraine and “a at his event in Phoenix. ficials in the battlegrounds arrangement that would dorsing Trump for presi-
war on our children” as However, he made clear of Michigan, Nevada and “allow us to disagree pub- dent. However, a spokes-
among the reasons he that he wasn’t formally Wisconsin said it would be licly and privately and seri- person for Kennedy said
would try to remove his ending his bid and said his too late for him to take his ously.” Kennedy suggested the court filing had been
name from the ballot in supporters could continue name off the ballot even if Trump offered him a job made in error and the law-
battleground states. to back him in the majority he wants to do so. if he returns to the White yer who wrote it said he’d
“These are the principal of states where they are un- House, but neither he nor correct it. Kennedy took
causes that persuaded likely to sway the outcome. ELECTION 2024 Trump offered details. the stage moments later,
me to leave the Demo- Kennedy took steps to Kennedy said his actions Kennedy’s running mate, aired his grievances with
Nicole Shanahan, this the Democratic Party, the
week entertained the idea news media and political
that Kennedy could join institutions, and extolled
Trump’s administration as Trump. He spoke for nearly
secretary of the Depart- 20 minutes before he said
ment of Health and Human explicitly that he was en-
Services. dorsing Trump.
The announcement ended Kennedy later joined Trump
days of speculation and onstage at a rally co-host-
landed with heaps of con- ed by Turning Point Action
fusion and contradictions in Glendale, where Trump’s
from Kennedy’s aides and campaign had teased he
allies, an emblematic cap would be joined by “a spe-
for a quixotic campaign. cial guest.”q
Famed Coney Island Cyclone
roller coaster is shut down after
mid-ride malfunction
NEW YORK (AP) — The famous
Coney Island Cyclone roller
coaster in New York City was
shut down indefinitely after
coming to a stop mid-ride
this week.
The 97-year-old wooden roller
coaster at Luna Park was on People ride the Coney Island
its ascent on Thursday when Cyclone roller coaster, April 9,
ride operators took it out of 2021, in the Brooklyn borough
service due to a damaged of New York.
chain sprocket in the motor (AP Photo/John Minchillo, file)
room. The operator stopped and for failure to immediately
the ride and several people notify the department about
were removed from the roller the incident. “At Luna Park
coaster without injury, ac- in Coney Island, safety is our
cording to New York City’s number one priority and ride
Department of Buildings maintenance, and thorough
Video posted on social media testing happens daily before
shows a person being care- Luna Park opens and through-
fully escorted down the tracks. out the day as necessary,”
Inspectors with the buildings the statement read. “The
department were at the Coney Island Cyclone is a
scene Friday and issued the 97-year-old roller coaster that
owners of Luna Park violations is meticulously maintained
for the damaged equipment and tested daily.”q