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U.S. NEWS Monday 26 august 2024
NASA decision against using a Boeing capsule to bring astronauts
back adds to company’s problems
(AP) – NASA’s announce- and Butch Wilmore and
ment Saturday that it won’t Suni Williams launched
use a troubled Boeing cap- aboard Starliner in early
sule to return two stranded June for what was intend-
astronauts to Earth is a yet ed to be an 8-day stay in
another setback for the space. But thruster failures
struggling company, al- and helium leaks led NASA
though the financial dam- to park the vehicle at the
age is likely to be less than space station while engi-
the reputational harm. neers debated how to re-
Once a symbol of Ameri- turn them to Earth.
can engineering and tech- The company said in a reg-
nological prowess, Boeing ulatory filing that the latest
has seen its reputation bat- hitch with Starliner caused
tered since two 737 Max a $125 million loss through
airliners crashed in 2018 June 30, which pushed cu-
and 2019, killing 346 peo- mulative cost overruns on
ple. The safety of its prod- the program to more than
ucts came under renewed $1.5 billion. “Risk remains
scrutiny after a panel blew that we may record addi-
out of a Max during a flight tional losses in future peri-
this January. ods,” Boeing said.
And now NASA has decid- Robert “Kelly” Ortberg re-
ed that it is safer to keep FILE – The Boeing logo is displayed in El Segundo, Calif., on Jan. 25, 2011. placed Calhoun as CEO
the astronauts in space (AP Photo/Reed Saxon, File) this month. Unlike the com-
until February rather than but carrying astronauts is same period. vehicle to carry astronauts pany’s recent chief execu-
risk using the Boeing Star- a high-profile job — like The results have been to the International Space tives, Ortberg is an outsider
liner capsule that delivered Boeing’s work building Air dragged down by several Station after the retirement who previously led aero-
them to the international Force One presidential jets. fixed-price contracts for of space shuttles, along space manufacturer Rock-
space station. The capsule Boeing has lost more than NASA and the Pentagon, with a $2.6 billion contract well Collins, where he de-
has been plagued by prob- $25 billion since 2018 as including a deal to build to SpaceX. veloped a reputation for
lems with its propulsion sys- its aircraft-manufacturing new Air Force One presi- Boeing, with more than a walking among workers on
tem. business cratered after dential jets. Boeing has century of building airplane factory floors and building
NASA administrator Bill Nel- those crashes. For a time, found itself on the hook and decades as a NASA ties to airline and govern-
son said the decision to the defense and space as costs for those projects contractor, was seen as the ment customers.
send the Boeing capsule side of the company pro- have risen far beyond the favorite. But Starliner suf- Boeing’s defense division
back to Earth empty “is a vided a partial cushion, company’s estimates. fered technical setbacks has recently won some
result of a commitment to posting strong profits and The company recorded that caused it to cancel huge contracts. It is lined
safety.” Boeing had insisted steady revenue through a $1 billion loss from fixed- some test launches, fall up to provide Apache he-
Starliner was safe based 2021. price government con- behind schedule and go licopters to foreign govern-
on recent tests of thrusters Since 2022, however, Boe- tracts in the second quar- over budget. SpaceX won ments, sell 50 F-15 fighter jets
both in space and on the ing’s defense and space ter alone, but the problem the race to ferry astronauts to Israel as the bulk of a $20
ground. division has stumbled too, is not new. to the ISS, which it accom- billion deal, and build pro-
The space capsule pro- losing $6 billion — slightly In 2014, NASA awarded plished in 2020. totype surveillance planes
gram represents a tiny frac- more than the airplane Boeing a $4.2 billion fixed- Boeing was finally ready to for the Air Force under a
tion of Boeing’s revenue, side of the company in the price contract to build a carry astronauts this year, $2.56 billion contract.q
Walmart recalls apple juice sold in 25
states due to elevated arsenic levels
WASHINGTON (AP) — cal issues. seeking comment Sunday.
Walmart has recalled near- The recall applies to 9,535 Very low levels of inorganic
ly 10,000 cases of apple cases of Great Value brand and organic arsenic are
juice sold in stores across apple juice sold in 25 states, found in most food prod-
the U.S. that were found to Puerto Rico and the District ucts, according to the Na-
contain potentially harmful of Columbia. Florida-based tional Institutes of Health.
levels of inorganic arsenic. manufacturer Refresco Testing is routine, as slightly
The U.S. Food and Drug Ad- Beverages US Inc. volun- elevated levels of either FILE - A woman wheels a cart with her purchases out of a
ministration gave the recall tarily recalled the contami- form can cause symptoms Walmart store, Nov. 18, 2020, in Derry, N.H.
a more urgent classification nated six-packs of 8-ounce such as vomiting, abdomi- (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)
Friday after making its origi- (227-gram) juice bottles nal pain, diarrhea, numb- according to the FDA. The enough that the FDA does
nal announcement Aug. after discovering levels of ness and muscle cramping. Environmental Protection not expect them to cause
15. The new classification the chemical contaminant Inorganic arsenic is more Agency has labeled inor- such severe health conse-
said the affected product that exceeded industry toxic to humans than the ganic arsenic a carcino- quences.
may temporarily cause ad- standards. naturally occurring form of gen, or a substance that The FDA has not shared
verse health consequenc- Spokespeople for Refresco the mineral arsenic, and causes cancer. reports of possible illnesses
es but is unlikely to cause and Walmart did not imme- the health effects from ex- Levels found in the recalled associated with the apple
serious or irreversible medi- diately respond to emails posure are more severe, apple juice bottles are low juice recall.q