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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 26 august 2024
            The suspect in the Germany attack was motivated by Islamic State

            group ideology, prosecutors say

            SOLINGEN,  Germany  (AP)                                                                                            The  festival,  which  was
            — A Syrian man on Sunday                                                                                            due  to  have  run  through
            was ordered held on suspi-                                                                                          Sunday,  was  canceled  as
            cion  of  murder  and  mem-                                                                                         police  looked  for  clues  in
            bership  in  a  terrorist  orga-                                                                                    the  cordoned-off  square.
            nization in connection with                                                                                         Instead, residents gathered
            the  Solingen  knife  attack                                                                                        to mourn the dead and in-
            that  left  three  dead  and                                                                                        jured,  placing  flowers  and
            eight wounded at a festival                                                                                         notes near the scene of the
            marking the city’s 650th an-                                                                                        attack.
                                                                                                                                  “Warum?”  —  meaning
            A  judge  at  the  Federal                                                                                          “why”  —  asked  one  sign
            Court of Justice in Karlsruhe                                                                                       placed  amid  candles  and
            ordered 26-year-old Issa Al                                                                                         teddy bears.
            H.  held  pending  further  in-
            vestigation  and  a  possible                                                                                       Among those asking them-
            indictment  after  federal                                                                                          selves  the  question  was
            prosecutors  said  that  he   The alleged perpetrator of the knife attack in Solingen is escorted from a helicopter in Karlsruhe,   62-year-old  Cord  Boetther,
            shared the radical ideology   Germany, Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024.                                                       a merchant fron Solingen.
            of the Islamic State extrem-                                                                  (Uli Deck/dpa via AP)  “Why  does  something  like
            ist group — and was acting                                                                                          this  have  to  happen?  It’s
            on  those  beliefs  when  he  on  the  basis  of  his  “radi-  dence.  IS  said  on  its  news  people injured.     incomprehensible  and  it
            stabbed his victims repeat-  cal  Islamic  convictions”  site  that  the  attacker  tar-  Friday’s attack plunged the  hurts,” Boetther said.
            edly  from  behind  in  the  decided “to kill the largest  geted  Christians,  and  that  city  of  Solingen  into  shock
            head and upper body.         possible  number  of  those  the perpetrator carried out  and  grief.  A  city  of  about  IS declared its caliphate in
            The  ruling  came  after  the  he  considers  unbelievers”  the assaults Friday night “to  160,000  residents  near  the  large parts of Iraq and Syria
            suspect  turned  himself  in,  at the festival, the Office of  avenge  Muslims  in  Pales-  bigger  cities  of  Cologne  about a decade ago, but
            saying that he was respon-   the Federal Prosecutor said  tine and everywhere.”        and  Duesseldorf,  Solingen  now  holds  no  control  over
            sible  for  the  attack,  police  in a statement.                                      was  holding  a  “Festival  of  any land and has lost many
            said.  He  is  also  suspected                            The  attack  comes  amid  Diversity”  to  celebrate  its  prominent   leaders.   The
            of  attempted  murder  and  The suspect is a Syrian citi-  debate  over  immigration  anniversary.                  group is mostly out of glob-
            serious  bodily  injury,  pros-  zen  who  had  applied  for  before  regional  elections  People alerted police short-  al news headlines.
            ecutors said. His last name  asylum in Germany, police  on  Sept.  1  in  Germany’s  ly after 9:30 p.m. local time
            wasn’t released in line with  confirmed  to  The  Associ-  Saxony  and  Thuringia  re-  Friday that a man had as-   Still,  it  continues  to  recruit
            German privacy rules.        ated  Press.  The  dpa  news  gions  where  anti-immigra-  saulted several people with  members  and  claim  re-
                                         agency  reported,  without  tion  parties  such  as  the  a knife on the city’s central  sponsibility  for  deadly  at-
            The suspect, wearing hand-   citing  a  specific  source,  populist Alternative for Ger-  square,  the  Fronhof.  The  tacks  around  the  world,
            cuffs and leg shackles, was  that  his  asylum  claim  had  many are expected to do  three  people  killed  were  including  lethal  operations
            taken Sunday from the po-    been  denied  and  that  he  well.  In  June,  Chancellor  two men, ages 56 and 67,  in  Iran  and  Russia  earlier
            lice  station  in  Solingen  for  was to have been deport-  Olaf Scholz vowed that the  and  a  56-year-old  wom-   this year that killed dozens
            the  initial  court  appear-  ed last year.               country would start deport-  an,  authorities  said.  Police  of  people.  Its  sleeper  cells
            ance.                                                     ing criminals from Afghani-  said  that  the  attacker  ap-  in  Syria  and  Iraq  still  carry
                                         On  Saturday,  the  Islamic  stan and Syria again after a  peared  to  have  deliber-  out attacks on government
            He “shares the ideology of  State  group  claimed  re-    knife attack by an Afghan  ately aimed for his victims’  forces in both countries as
            the  foreign  terrorist  organi-  sponsibility  for  the  attack,  immigrant  left  one  police  throats.           well  as  U.S.-backed  Syrian
            zation  Islamic  State”  and  without   providing   evi-  officer dead and four other                               fighters.q

             Wildfires in Brazil leave at least 2 dead in Sao Paulo state.

             Dozens of cities are on high alert

            SAO  PAULO  (AP)  —  Wild-   America’s  most  populous                                                              way.
            fires in Brazil’s southern Sao  cities with more than 11 mil-
            Paulo  state  have  killed  at  lion residents.                                                                     The  government  said  that
            least  two  people,  officials                                                                                      in  the  city  of  Urupes,  two
            said  Saturday.  At  least  36  At  least  7,300  government                                                        employees  working  at  an
            cities  have  been  put  on  workers and volunteers had                                                             industrial plant died on Fri-
            high alert.                  been deployed across the                                                               day  while  trying  to  fight
                                         state  to  “contain  the  ad-                                                          back  a  fire,  but  provided
            Local  and  federal  authori-  vance  and  put  out  these                                                          few other details.
            ties  were  stepping  up  ef-  fires,”  de  Freitas  told  jour-
            forts  to  control  the  flames,  nalists.  De  Freitas  warned                                                     The   region   has   been
            Sao    Paulo   state   Gov.  that  the  flames,  spurred                                                            plagued  with  the  worst
            Tarcísio de Freitas said.    on by a heat wave and a                                                                wildfires  in  decades,  ac-
                                         drought,  may  be  fanned    Burnt  trees  lie  next  to  condominiums  as  wildfires  rage  in  Sao   cording to local news orga-
                                                                      Paulo state in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024.
            The fires have raged in the  by strong winds.                                             (AP Photo/Marcos Limonti)  nization  Folha  de  S.Paulo,
            region  outside  the  city  of  While the city largely hasn’t  videos  on  social  media  filled with smoke and burn-  which  counted  4,973  fires
            Sao  Paulo,  one  of  Latin  been affected by the fires,  show the skies of rural areas  ing  trees  along  the  high-  in the region just this year.q
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