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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 7 Mei 2021

                          Shooting at Idaho middle school injures 3; student captured

            BOISE,  Idaho  (AP)  —  agencies were on scene.           ready  to  provide  whatever
            A  shooting  at  an  east-                                support  school  staffers,  stu-
            ern  Idaho  middle  school  Students were evacuated to a  dents  and  the  community
            Thursday injured two stu-    nearby high school, and par-  needs.
            dents and a custodian, and  ents lined up to be reunited
            a  male  student  has  been  with their children.         Community  members  were
            taken  into  custody,  au-                                rounding up bottles of water
            thorities said.              Bonneville  County  sheriff's  and packaged snacks to bring
                                         Sgt. Bryan Lovell said the in-  to students while they waited
            The  victims'  injuries  were  vestigation  is  still  underway  in hot weather to be reunited
            not believed to be life-threat-  and  no  additional  informa-  with  their  families.  Rebecca
            ening,   Jefferson   County  tion  was  available.  He  said  Noah Casper, mayor of near-
            Sheriff Steve Anderson said.  the  school  was  still  in  the  by  Idaho  Falls,  said  people
                                         process of accounting for and  hoping  to  help  by  donat-
            "Today  we  had  the  worst  releasing all the students.   ing water and snacks should
            nightmare  a  school  district                            bring  them  to  the  Upper
            could  encounter.  We  had  Rigby  is  a  small  city  about  Valley Child Advocacy Cen-
            a  school  shooting  here  at  95  miles  (145  kilometers)  ter,  rather  than  going  to  the
            Rigby  Middle  School,"  Jef-  southwest  of  Yellowstone  school.
            ferson School District Super-  National Park. Rigby Middle
            intendent Chad Martin said.  School  has  about  1,500  stu-  The attack appears to be Ida-
            "What we know so far is the  dents in sixth through eighth  ho's second school shooting.
            shooter has been apprehend-  grades, according to the Na-  In  1999,  a  student  at  a  high
            ed. There is no further threat  tional  Center  for  Education  school in Notus fired a shot-
            to the students."            Statistics.                  gun  several  times.  No  one
                                                                      was struck by the gunfire, but
            Police  were  called  to  the  The  president  of  the  Idaho  one  student  was  injured  by
            school  around  9:15  a.m.  Education Association, Layne  ricocheting  debris  from  the
            Multiple  law  enforcement  McInelly, said the union was  first shell.

                       NY: Broadband cos paid for 8.5M fake net neutrality comments

            The  Office  of  the  New  dustry had sued to stop these  "distinct group" of more than  commenting process.        to the report.
            York  Attorney  General  rules during the Obama ad-       1.6 million pro-net neutrality
            said  in  a  new  report  that  ministration but lost.    comments,  many  of  which  The  fake  comments  had  Still, the report criticized the
            a campaign funded by the                                  used  mailing  addresses  out-  high-profile victims. In 2018,  broadband  industry  group's
            broadband  industry  sub-    The  proceeding  generated  a  side the U.S.              two   senators,   Democrat  behavior  as  "troubling,"  say-
            mitted  millions  of  fake  record-breaking  number  of                                Jeff Merkley of Oregon and  ing  the  campaign  organiz-
            comments supporting the  comments  —  more  than  22  A broadband industry group,  Republican  Pat  Toomey  of  ers ignored red flags and hid
            2017 repeal of net neutral-  million — and nearly 18 mil-  called Broadband for Ameri-  Pennsylvania, said their iden-  the broadband industry's in-
            ity.                         lion  were  fake,  the  attorney  ca, spent $4.2 million gener-  tities were stolen  to file fake  volvement.
                                         general's office found. It has  ating  more  than  8.5  million  comments  for  the  net  neu-
            The  Federal  Communica-     long been known that the tal-  of the fake FCC comments.  trality  proceeding.  "We  were  The  lead  generators  copied
            tions  Commission's  con-    ly included fake comments.   Half  a  million  fake  letters  among  those  whose  identi-  names  and  addresses  they
            tentious  2017  repeal  undid                             were also sent to Congress.  ties were misused to express  had  already  collected  and
            Obama-era rules that barred  One  19-year-old  in  Cali-                               viewpoints we do not hold,"  said those people had agreed
            internet  service  providers  fornia  submitted  more  than  The  goal  of  the  broadband  they  wrote  to  the  FCC's  to join the campaign against
            from  slowing  or  blocking  7.7  million  pro-net  neutral-  industry  campaign,  accord-  then-chairman,  Pai,  asking  net neutrality, the report said.
            websites and apps or charging  ity  comments.  The  attorney  ing  to  internal  documents  him  to  investigate  the  fake  One  company  copied  infor-
            companies  more  for  faster  general's office did not iden-  the  attorney  general's  office  comments.           mation that had been stolen
            speeds to consumers. The in-  tify  the  origins  of  another  received, was to make it seem                        in  a  data  breach  and  posted
                                                                      like  there  was  "widespread  Many expect the FCC to try  online.
                                                                      grassroots  support"  for  the  to  reinstate  net  neutrality
                                                                      repeal  of  net  neutrality  that  rules once a third Democratic  The  attorney  general,  Leti-
                                                                      could give the FCC chairman  commissioner  is  appointed.  tia  James,  also  announced
                                                                      at the time, Ajit Pai, "volume  The agency is currently split  agreements with three of the
                                                                      and intellectual cover" for the  half Democrat and Republi-  companies that were respon-
                                                                      repeal.                      can,  which  makes  undoing  sible for millions of the fake
                                                                                                   the repeal unlikely.         comments, Fluent Inc., Opt-
                                                                      The  agency  is  supposed  to                             Intelligence  Inc.  and  React-
                                                                      use the comments it receives,  Broadband  for  America's  2Media  Inc.,  that  require
                                                                      from  industry  and  public-  website  says its members in-  them  to  change  practices  in
                                                                      industry groups and the pub-  clude AT&T and Comcast as  future  advocacy  campaigns
                                                                      lic, to shape how it makes its  well as major trade groups for  and pay $4.4 million in fines.
                                                                      rules.                       the  wireless,  cable  and  tele-  The companies did not reply
                                                                                                   com industries.              to requests for comment.
                                                                      The  FCC  did  not  immedi-
                                                                      ately answer how or if it has  The campaign hired compa-  The attorney general's office
                                                                      changed  its  commenting  nies  known  as  lead  genera-  and  other  law  enforcement
                                                                      process, but the acting chair-  tors  which  created  the  fake  agencies are still investigating
                                                                      woman, Jessica Rosenworcel,  comments,  but  that  the  at-  "other  responsible  parties,"
                                                                      said in a prepared statement  torney  general's  office  had  according to the report.
                                                                      that  "widespread  problems  not  found  evidence  that  the
                                                                      with the record" of the 2017  broadband  companies  had  AT&T,  Comcast  and  indus-
                                                                      proceedings  "was  troubling  "direct  knowledge  of  fraud"  try trade groups NCTA and
                                                                      at  the  time"  and  the  agency  and thus they had not violat-  USTelecom did not respond
                                                                      has to learn and improve the  ed New York law, according  to questions.
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