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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 7 Mei 2021

                                  Woman from Mali gives birth to 9 babies in Morocco

            BAMAKO, Mali (AP) — A  ters.
            Malian  woman  has  given
            birth  to  nine  babies  at  Cisse  had  been  expecting
            once — after only expect-    seven  babies.  Malian  doc-
            ing  seven,  according  to  tors,  under  government  or-
            Mali's  Minister  of  Health  ders, sent her to Morocco for
            and  the  Moroccan  clinic  the  births  because  hospitals
            where the nonuplets were  in  Mali,  one  of  the  world's
            born.                        poorest  countries,  are  ill-
                                         equipped to provide adequate
            It  appeared  to  be  the  first  care for this exceptional mul-
            time on record that a woman  tiple pregnancy.
            had given birth to nine sur-
            viving babies at once.       The  Casablanca  clinic's  di-
                                         rector  Youssef  Alaoui  told
            The five girls and four boys,  Moroccan state TV that they
            and their mother, "are all do-  had  been  contacted  by  Ma-
            ing well," Mali's health min-  lian doctors about the case a
            ister said in a statement.   month and a half ago. They
                                         were not expecting nine ba-
            The  mother,  25-year-old  bies, he said.
            Halima  Cisse,  gave  birth  to
            the babies by cesarean section  Cisse gave birth prematurely
            on Tuesday in Morocco after  at  30  weeks  and  is  now  in
            being  sent  there  for  special  stable  condition  after  heavy  The  current  holder  of  the  tion  about  the  pregnancy  or  risk  of  losing  her  uterus  or
            care, Mali's top health official  bleeding  for  which  she  was  Guinness record is American  births.              losing her life," he said. The
            announced.                   given a blood transfusion, he  Nadya  Suleman,  who  gave                              babies "could suffer physical
                                         said.                        birth to eight premature but  Yacoub  Khalaf,  a  professor  and  mental  handicaps.  The
            Associated  Press  reporters                              otherwise healthy children in  of  reproductive  medicine  at  risk of cerebral palsy is astro-
            saw some of the babies wig-  The Guinness Book of World  2009.                         King's  College  London,  said  nomically higher."
            gling  their  hands  and  feet  Records  said  in  an  email  to                       that such births would be ex-
            inside incubators Wednesday  The  AP  on  Wednesday  that  Alaoui,  the  clinic  director,  traordinarily  unlikely  with-  He  urged  more  awareness
            in the private Ain Borja clinic  its  current  record  for  most  told The AP that as far as he  out  fertility  treatment,  and  worldwide about monitoring
            in  Casablanca.  Medical  staff  living births at once is eight,  was aware Cisse had not used  noted  the  dangers  involved  fertility treatments and about
            checked their status regularly  and  that  it  is  verifying  the  fertility treatments. The Ma-  with such multiple births.  the risks and costs of having
            in the neonatal ward wallpa-  Morocco birth.              lian  health  ministry  did  not                          so many premature babies at
            pered  with  cartoon  charac-                             provide  any  other  informa-  The  mother  "was  at  severe  one time.

                         Fishing tensions flare between France, UK over Brexit rules

            LONDON (AP) — British Royal                                             an invasion."
            Navy  vessels  and  French  police  The  French  naval  policing  boats                                     Authorities  on  Jersey,  the  largest
            boats  patrolled  Thursday  near  Athos, which has a large machine gun  French authorities said the patrol ves-  of  the  Channel  Islands,  said  some
            the  English  Channel  island  of  on  its  front  deck,  and  the  unarmed  sels were there to assist in any mari-  French  boats  had  not  provided  the
            Jersey,  where  French  fishermen  Themis were sent to keep watch on  time emergencies. "We would thus be  right paperwork and accused France
            angry  about  losing  access  to  its  waters  between  France  and  Jersey,  capable of intervening rapidly should  of acting disproportionately after Par-
            waters  gathered  for  a  maritime  French  maritime  authorities  said.  the situation worsen, which is not the  is threatened to cut off electricity to
            protest.                            The  deployment  came  after  Britain  case  at  the  moment,"  they  said  in  a  the island.
                                                on  Wednesday  directed  two  naval  statement to The Associated Press.
            The irate mariners set off flares and  vessels,  the  HMS  Severn  and  the                                 Jersey and the other Channel Islands
            entered  the  island's  main  harbor  HMS Tamar, to also patrol the waters  The  French  flotilla  later  dispersed  lie  closer  to  France  than  to  Britain
            in  the  first  major  dispute  between  around  the  island,  a  self-governing  peacefully after wrapping up its pro-  and Jersey receives most of its elec-
            France and Britain over fishing rights  British Crown Dependency near the  test, French authorities said.   tricity from France, supplied through
            in the wake of the U.K.'s Brexit di-  coast of northern France.                                             undersea cables.
            vorce from the European Union.                                          The  British  government  said  that,
                                                French  fishermen  steamed  into  Jer-  "given  the  situation  is  resolved  for  French  maritime  minister  Annick
            EU  officials  appealed  for  calm,  but  sey waters to protest new post-Brexit  now," the Royal Navy vessels would  Girardin warned Tuesday that France
            also accused the U.K. of not respect-  rules requiring them to submit their  return to port in the U.K.     was  ready  to  take  "retaliatory  mea-
            ing the terms of the post-Brexit trade  past fishing activities in order to re-                             sures,"  accusing  Jersey  of  stalling  in
            deal.                               ceive a license to continue operating  Opponents  accused  British  Prime  issuing licenses to French boats.
                                                in  the  island's  waters.  French  fish-  Minister  Boris  Johnson  of  escalat-
                                                ing  communities  claim  some  boats  ing the crisis and of using the fishing  Jersey government officials met with
                                                that have operated around Jersey for  spat  as  an  Election  Day  stunt.  The  French fishermen on Thursday in an
                                                years have suddenly had their access  story dominated U.K. front pages on  attempt to end the dispute, calling the
                                                restricted.                         Thursday as voters went to the polls  talks "constructive."
                                                                                    in local and regional elections in Eng-
                                                Dimitri  Rogoff,  who  heads  a  group  land, Scotland and Wales.       Don Thompson, president of the Jer-
                                                of  fishermen,  said  about  50  boats                                  sey Fishermen's Association, said the
                                                from French ports along the western  French  and  British  fishermen  have  French  fishermen  should  be  given
                                                Normandy  coast  joined  the  protest  often clashed. The latest dispute, the  more time to supply the information
                                                Thursday morning, gathering off the  first  since  Britain's  departure  from  to get the permits but that no more
                                                Jersey port of St. Helier. He said the  the European Union last year, came  concessions should be made.
                                                protest  over  licenses  was  not  an  at-  after  Jersey  implemented  new  re-
                                                tempt to blockade the port.         quirements that make fishermen ac-  He  said  if  French  fishermen  had
                                                                                    count  for  their  past  work  in  Jersey  missing  paperwork,  "then  they  just
                                                Yet  Jersey  fisherman  John  Dearing  waters to be eligible for a license to  need to go back to their government,
                                                said the scene off St. Helier was "like  continue operating.            not hold Jersey under siege."
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