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                                                                                                                           Tuesday 15 OcTOber 2019

            1st edition of Shoco Artfest 2019:

            Unique art-honoring event

            ORANJESTAD — Mark your  ple  that  have  their  artistic
            calendar  for  the  1st  edi-  way  and  with  this  festival
            tion  of  Shoco  Artfest  that  he wants to give exposure
            will  take  place  on  Satur-  to  new  and  upcoming  lo-
            day October 19th and Sun-    cal  artists.  The  festival  is  a
            day  October  20th  2019.  If  mixture  of  urban,  fine  and   and Paul Wong.        will  go  to  children’s  home  which  is  located  between
            you  are  looking  to  get  a  cultural art pieces. Ten dif-  There will be a special sec-  Casa  Cuna  Foundation.  the  airport  and  Oranjes-
            glimpse of Aruba’s creative  ferent  local  artists  will  be   tion which will be displaying  Just imaging such beautiful  tad, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
            community you don’t want  displaying  their  creativ-     art  on  skateboard  decks.  art  hanging  at  your  home  on  both  days.  Food  and
            to  miss  out  on  this  unique  ity in different types of art.   Each  artist  will  be  creat-  while  you  support  a  good  drinks  are  also  available.
            art-honoring event.          There  will  be  wood  and   ing their art on these decks  cause at the same time.    Entrance    is   completely
                                         rock  sculptures,  airbrush   which will be auctioned off                             free.  For  more  information
            Paul  Wong  is  a  local  art-  and  paintbrush  art,  art  on   to  the  public.  All  the  pro-  The  event  will  take  place  check  out  the  Facebook
            ist  and  is  the  organizer  of  wheels, bikes & trucks, tat-  ceeds of this silent auction  at  Camacuri  Motorworld  page Shoco artfest 2019.q
            this  festival.  He  is  a  great  too demonstrations, murals
            admirer  of  art.  The  name  and local art vendors.
            of  the  festival  is  based  on  The artists taking part of this  Family honored as Distinguished Visitors
            his  very  own  painting  of  festival  are:  Sjoerd  Can-
            an  owl  “Shoco”  with  the  ninga,  George  Rosel,  Evris   EAGLE BEACH — Recently,
            Aruban flag and therefore  Fearon, Dario Wilson, Jesus      Kimberley  Richardson  of
            he chose the name Shoco  Fontalba,  Emil  Krosendijk,       the Aruba Tourism Author-
            Artfest.  Wong  knows  that  Nimia  Geerman,  Juancho       ity had the great pleasure
            there are a lot of local peo-  Hoek,  Merveline  Geerman    to  honor  Aruba’s  loyal
                                                                        and friendly visitors as Dis-
                                                                        tinguished Visitors of Aru-
                                                                        ba.  The  symbolic  Distin-
                                                                        guished  visitor  certificate
                                                                        is  presented  on  behalf  of
                                                                        the Minister of Tourism, as
                                                                        a token of appreciation to
                                                                        the guests who visit Aruba
                                                                        10  years  and  more  con-
                                                                        The honorees were Elmer
                                                                        and Kathryn Richard-       love the island very much,  with  the  representatives
                                                                        son with their daugh-      especially  for  its  year-  of the Divi Aruba Phoenix
                                                                        ter Yvette Ynocencio.  round       sunny    weather,  presented the certificates
                                                                        This family was accompa-   nice sandy beaches and  to the honorees, handed
                                                                        nied  by  brothers  Alexan-  beautiful   sunsets,   deli-  over  some  presents  and
                                                                        der  and  Robert  Stevens,  cious variety of foods, and  also  thanked  them  for
                                                                        all  honored  as  Distin-  Aruba’s warm and friend-    choosing  Aruba  as  their
                                                                        guished Visitors of Aruba.   ly people.                favorite vacation destina-
                                                                        This  wonderful  group  of                             tion  and  as  their  home-
                                                                        people  stated  that  they  Ms.  Richardson  together  away-from-home.q
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