P. 39

Diamars, 12 December 2017                                      AWEMainta                                                                    39

              Fiesta di                                DIAMARS, 12 di december Iglesia ta celebra Fiesta di “Nos  Señora di

             Birgen di                                 E aña aki un biaha mas Parokia Sagrado Curason di Hesus Savaneta/Pos

          Guadalupe                                    Chikito ta invita tur devoto, parokiano y pueblo en general pa un misa spe-
                                                       cial unda lo tin un homenahe cu animacion di mariachi durante Santo Sacri-

          na Parokia                                   ficio di Misa pa 7 or di anochi na misa di Savaneta.

               Sagrado                                 Tene cuenta cu lo no tin misa 8 or di mainta e dia aki.
                                                       Lo tin tambe e acostumbrado fiesta den hofi di pastorie, cu bendemento di

           Curason di                                  cuminda, cu lo tuma luga despues di misa.  Tin pre-benta di ticket y por haya

                                                       esaki cerca Lichi de Cuba na telefon 592-4414. Entrada di e bendemento aki
                   Hesus                               ta pa cubri e gastonan di renobacion di nos misa.

                                                                 Ehecutivo femenino

                                                              di oficina di Offshore
           With deep sympathy we announce the passing of
             our husband, Paps, Opa, brother and uncle:

                                                            deteni na St. Maarten

             Roland Wilbert Peterson
          Ridder & Ocier in de Orde van Oranje Nassau
          Sunrise 31 October 1941 – Sunset 11 December
          Roland died peacefully at home, surrounded by his
          loving family, after a brave and valiant struggle
          with Parkinson’s disease.
          Our loved one is still alive within us and around us.
          Remembering Roland with love in our hearts are
          Loving and caring wife :   Martha Peterson-Hagen
          His Children and Grandchildren, who were the
          Pride and Joy of his Life:
          Daughter :     Angelique Peterson
          Son :          Roland Peterson Jr.
          Granddaughters :   Danique Soemers
                         Soa Peterson
          Brothers :   Leonard and Flora Peterson and family

          Romeo and Marlene Peterson and family
          Sisters :   Rona Peterson and family
                 Molly Anne Peterson and family
          Nieces, nephews and cousins
          Caregivers : Santa Marshall
                     Jeanette Antoe
                     Brigitte Jimenez
          Acquaintances, former colleagues from the Aruba   PHILIPSBURG - Autoridadnan policial a confirma detencion di un
          Police Force, former colleagues from the DOOV,
          former colleagues from the San Nicolas Business   ehecutivo y ex propietario di un Trustkantoor, Corinne de Tullio (54)
          Association, and former colleagues from the Aruba
          Hospitality and Security Foundation.            kende a nace na Aruba.
          Families: Peterson, Hagen, Bislip, Every, Harper,
          Lejuez, Soemers, Brock, Elemans, Verhoef, van   E detencion a tuma lugar diadomingo na Philipsburg, den cuadro di un
          Venrooij, Ros, Idzerda, Bernier, Roberts, de Windt,
          Coronel, Snel, Polak, de Cuba.                  investigacion riba corupcion cu proyectonan di construccion na Sint
          Invite friends and acquaintances to take part in the
          funeral ceremony, which will take place at:     Maarten.
          Aurora Funeral Home, Thursday 14 December       E cargonan ta esnan tradicional di labamento di plaka, keda sin raporta
          2017 from 2pm to 4pm. Followed by the intern-
          ment at the Central Cemetery at Sabana Basora.  transaccionnan no-usual, destruccion di prueba y operando un oficina
          Condolences will be held at Aurora Funeral Home,
          Wednesday 13 December 2017 from 6pm to 9pm.     sin licencia.
          Please no condolences at home.
          We apologize if during our grief we forgot to   E team anti corupcion Hulandes ta investigando e caso hunto cu Land-
          mention any family member or friend.
          Weep not that Roland has gone, but smile that   srecherche.
          Roland has been.
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