Page 10 - AHATA OCT 20 2020_Neat
P. 10

                  Tuesday 20 OcTOber 2020

             The native element of culture                                                                              Episode LXXVI -76

              ORANJESTAD — Culture is the result of the raw material available, a
              heritage backpack of wisdom, technology, creativity and the desire
              to improve on a personal level.

                                                                                     guages lacks a word that means  Although  writing  systems  existed
                                                                                     “religion":  their  beliefs  and  spiritu-  before the arrival of the colonists,
                                                                                     ality  were  so  intrinsically  linked  to  a  very  few  indigenous  tribes  did
                                                                                     everything that they did on a daily  put their history, beliefs or wisdom
                                                                                     basis  (be  it  economic,  political,  in writing. Culture was transmitted
                                                                                     artistic, etc.) that a term was not  orally from generation to genera-
                                                                                     necessary to designate to it.       tion.  This  has  led  some  abusers
                                                                                     There  is  no  common  culture  to  take  advantage  of  the  knowl-
                                                                                     among  all  Amerindian  tribes  and  edge of many tribes, since before
                                                                                     there is no common religion how-    oral tradition could be part of the
                                                                                     ever their animistic expression and  Intellectual  Property  Law,  some
                                                                                     ceremonies  are  one  in  spirit  with  American  companies  had  used
                                                                                     the  natural  way  of  life  of  the  Pa-  and patented medicinal and bo-
                                                                                     cha. There are no sacred texts or a  tanical knowledge obtained by in-
                                                                                     mythology that all tribes believe in.  digenous people to gain econom-
                                                                                     However, in the particular mythol-  ic  benefit  by  becoming  the  true
            Each native culture is different, therefore for the Romans, the Germanic   ogy of each tribe there is always a  authors  of  the  discovery  or  cure.
            people were barbarians. The Saxons considered the Vikings who ravaged    Great Spirit, the great creator of all  For those to whom native cultures
            their shores demons, while Christians and Muslims accused each other of   things or god. There is also the be-  seem  to  be  something  strange,
            being  animals  while  fighting  their  holy  wars.  History  shows  that  human   lief that the earth's natural resourc-  they  will  only  deprive  themselves
            beings have an irrational fear for those they consider different and differ-  es could be applied, however if this  of experiencing the spirit of a real
            ent beliefs or ways of life often become obstacles to seeking a common   is in ones benefit something should  vision or to live an ancestral expe-
            understanding and coexistence. When we consider the American con-        be given in exchange for that. Fur-  rience.
            tinent, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego we will be amazed of how many    thermore,  the  spiritual  leaders  of
            different native cultures we encounter that structured their economy on   the tribe (mistakenly called by the  Symbolism,  folk  rites,  and  tribal
            hunting and agriculture, deeply relating, coexisting with their natural en-  white  "shamans")  were  believed  customs  are  a  native  way  of  be-
            vironment for their survival and with their spiritual relationship of all things.  to be capable of communicating  ing  grateful,  celebrate  life  and
            Within this context, we know that the vocabulary of all indigenous lan-  with the spirit world.              be ready for defending it against
                                                                                                                         thieves of land, language, cultural
                                                                                                                         identity and spirituality as there are
                                                                                                                         still  menaces  to  nature  and  this
                                                                                                                         fading way of life.

                                                                                                                           To  get  to  know  more  regard-
                                                                                                                           ing  Aruba’s  and  its  origins,  its
                                                                                                                           animals culture etc., we highly
                                                                                                                           recommend you to book your
                                                                                                                           participation.  Living  our  cul-
                                                                                                                           tural encounter session is mind
                                                                                                                           opening and entertaining curi-
                                                                                                                           ous hearts for decades.  Mail us
                                                                                                                           Our facilities and activities take
                                                                                                                           place close to the high rise ho-
                                                                                                                           tel zone.
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