Page 12 - AHATA OCT 20 2020_Neat
P. 12

Tuesday 20 OcTOber 2020 LOCAL

            Defense is deploying additional soldiers for coastal surveillance

            WILLEMSTAD,  CURACAO  —  be recognized in time.           for  coastal  observation.   of  interest  under  observa-  in  the  Caribbean.  This  is
            Defense is deploying addi-                                The  extra  effort  also  works   tion  concealed.  Support-  done in a variety of ways,
            tional soldiers to the Coast  The support is provided by  preventively  against  ille-  ing  the  civil  authorities  is  from hurricane relief to sup-
            Guard in the Caribbean to  both  army  soldiers  of  the  gal  weapons  or  drug  traf-  one of the three main tasks  port of the police or Coast
            support with coastal surveil-  Company  in  the  West  as  ficking.  The  Compagnie  in   of  the  Ministry  of  Defense  Guard.q
            lance. The military are con-  well  as  the  Curacao  mili-  the  West  is  specialized  in
            ducting  additional  coastal  tia.  Defense  has  decided  both  mobile  observations
            observations,  this  extra  ef-  on  this  deployment  after  (hereby they move on foot   Birds flying high
            fort  is  needed  to  prevent  a  request  for  assistance  or  in  vehicles),  as  well  as
            possible  landings  with  un-  from the authorities of Cu-  "static" observations where   ORANJESTAD  —  On  May  11th,  2010,  the  Aruba  Bird-
            documented  migrants  to  racao to the Coast Guard  they  have  specific  areas          life Conservation (ABC) was founded with the aim of
                                                                                                     protecting the biodiversity in general and birds in and
                                                                                                     around Aruba in particular. Among other things, the
                                                                                                     foundation will focus on increasing the survival chanc-
                                                                                                     es of species of wild birds by promoting their preserva-
                                                                                                     tion and conservation.

                                                                                                     The foundation publishes the most beautiful pictures
                                                                                                     of local birds on their social media that show us the
                                                                                                     beauty of Aruba’s birds and nature in general. Have a
                                                                                                     look at their latest bird beauties.

                                                                                                     Tricky choices
                                                                                                     The rains are strengthening the synchronizations of our
                                                                                                     flora  and  fauna.  Cacti  are  bearing  fruit  as  offerings
                                                                                                     to our birds. Both are working on the next generation
                                                                                                     and need each other in the process. Sometimes the
                                                                                                     cacti can abundantly produce fruit which can make
                                                                                                     the choices a bird has to make seem like a real luxury
                                                                                                     problem. Both of these fruits are ready for harvesting.
                                                                                                     But  like  in  the  case  of  humans  who  are  offered  a
                                                                                                     chocolate from a box of different kinds of chocolates,
                                                                                                     the well-known “tricky” question arises …. Which one
                                                                                                     of these chocolates has my name written all over it?
                                                                                                     Let me take a last closer look at the options, before I
                                                                                                     make a wrong choice and miss out on the sweetest
                                                                                                     among them. Will it be the one to the right, or the one
                                                                                                     to the left? A Crested Bobwhite before a very tricky
                                                                                                     choice! In Papiamento: Patrishi.

                                                                                                     Bird migration is in its peak point. Like our tourists they
                                                                                                     love to eat the best when they arrive in Aruba. A Black-
                                                                                                     bellied Plover enjoying a hearty Aruban seafood meal
                                                                                                     at Aruba’s National Park.
                                                                                                     Let us be kind to our migratory guests! In Papiamento:
                                                                                                     Lopi gris. q
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