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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 18 May 2024
            Community Service Clubs Unite for a major project at Stichting

            Ambiente Feliz

            The Aruba Lions Club, along                                                            accomplish these,” Ponson
            with  seven  other  commu-                                                             said.
            nity  service  clubs,  held  a
            press  conference  to  an-                                                             When they started with the
            nounce  their  largest  proj-                                                          idea  for  the  project  and
            ect  of  the  year  scheduled                                                          estimated  the  expenses
            for  Saturday,  May  25th,  at                                                         that might be involved and
            Stichting Ambiente Feliz.                                                              divided  them  among  the  25th  at  Stichting  Ambien-
                                                                                                   clubs, “not once did a club  te  Feliz,  they  will  carry  out
            Representatives  from  Ki-                                                             doubt they could help with  their  work  both  inside  and
            wanis  Club,  Quota  Club,                                                             these expenses.”             outside  the  building,  even
            Aruba  Women’s  Club,  Ro-                                                                                          doing  minor  repairs  where
            tary  Club  of  Aruba,  One                                                            They managed to create a  needed,  “to  leave  the
            Happy  Island  Lions  Club,                                                            logo  on  a  T-shirt  that  most  place where all the clients
            and Rubin Ponson of Aruba                                                              clubs will wear on that day.  of  the  organization  have
            Lions  Club  mentioned  that  “now it’s great to see all the  from  other  service  clubs,  I  It  is  a  logo  with  several  the right to a life similar to
            they have been working on  clubs  coming  together  to  think it’s an opportunity for  hands holding each other,  ours,” Ponson said.
            this project for a long time  do  community  work.  Unity  everyone to come togeth-    forming a heart, and within
            to show the community the  is strength, and that’s what  er  and  carry  out  a  great  each heart are the logos of  For  this,  they  have  some
            volunteer  work  that  these  we  will  demonstrate  with  community  project,”  Pon-  the clubs.                   materials,  but  they  are  still
            groups do.                   many members working to-     son assured.                                              hoping  to  find  financial
                                         gether on this project.”                                  “To us, the logo represents  assistance,  as  Ponson  in-
            Members  of  these  eight                                 He  also  mentioned  that  something  beautiful  and  formed  that  any  financial
            clubs,  along  with  those  Ponson informed that each  their  work  is  voluntary  and  what  we  stand  for  as  a  help  is  always  welcome
            wishing  to  join  the  initia-  club  is  contributing  a  sum  it’s  important  for  the  com-  group  on  the  day  of  the  “because  what  they  have
            tive,  will  gather  for  a  proj-  and  will  make  a  donation  munity  to  know  that  these  activity.  It  is  also  a  beauti-  allocated  for  this  budget
            ect  at  Stichting  Ambiente  to cover the expenses, with  groups  always  count  on  ful  memory  of  May  25th  will  be  given  to  this  institu-
            Feliz on May 25th. This year,  some  businesses  also  pro-  the  community’s  support,  for each member of each  tion afterward.”
            the  foundation  will  have  viding support.              which  is  where  their  funds  club  in  their  hearts,  know-
            the  opportunity  to  receive                             come  from  to  carry  out  ing they contributed to this  In  the  future,  they  plan  to
            these  groups  for  various  This is not the first time they  such  projects.  Each  club  project,” he expressed.  carry out other projects like
            tasks,  such  as  building  re-  have  undertaken  such  a  has its own projects where                              this but with other organiza-
            pairs,  painting,  cleaning,  large  project.  Ponson  ex-  the  community  can  make  From early morning on May  tions that may need it.q
            and other necessary main-    plained  that  in  the  past  donations  during  fundrais-
            tenance,    according    to  years they have managed  ing  events  and  see  where
            Ponson.                      to  do  similar  activities,  but  and how this work is done.
                                         it takes a lot of time before
            During  these  activities,  the  they can unite all the clubs  “Often the clubs are work-
            clients  of  Stichting  Ambi-  again for a project like this.  ing  on  projects  that  not
            ente  Feliz  will  be  enter-                             everyone sees at all times,
            tained with a half-day bus  “We  are  happy  and  I  be-  especially  when  we  talk
            trip while the work is being  lieve that through the many  about  health-related  proj-
            done at their facility.      meetings we had to reach  ects.  But  if  the  clubs  are
                                         this point, we could already  working  in  different  areas,
            This idea started some time  feel the enthusiasm for do-  we  will  show  that  each
            ago, with several meetings  ing  this  work  together.  Be-  club’s  projects  are  neces-
            between  the  clubs,  and  sides  meeting  colleagues  sary to have the funds and

            University of Aruba announces their launch of ‘O’STAD200

            Incubator’ on May 20th, 2024.

            (Oranjestad)—The  O’STAD  This  initiative  stems  from  a  aid  selected  businesses  education, structured men-   ties,  and  financial  rewards
            200  incubator  program,  a  partnership  including  the  through    comprehensive  torship, network opportuni-     for  standout  participants.
            collaboration between Im-    Ministry  of  Economic  Af-                                                            The program includes train-
            pact Hub Aruba, the Aruba  fairs,  Communication,  and                                                              ing,  workshops,  and  net-
            Chamber  of  Commerce,  Sustainable  Development                                                                    working  to  steer  startups
            and the University of Aruba,  and  aims  to  stimulate  in-                                                         and  small  businesses  to-
            celebrates Oranjestad’s bi-  novation  and  support  the                                                            wards achievement.
            centennial with a focus on  local  business  community
            entrepreneurship and busi-   amid digital transformation                                                            The  program  launches  as
            ness  growth.  The  program  and globalization.                                                                     of Monday, May 20th, 2024.
            provides  emerging  entre-                                                                                          Visit  the  ostad200  website
            preneurs  and  established  Their  mission  is  to  position                                                        ( and social
            business  owners  with  edu-  Oranjestad  as  a  center  of                                                         media to stay updated! q
            cation,  mentorship,  and  business  excellence,  gen-
            resources  to  navigate  the  erating  economic  devel-                                                             Photo   credit:   ostad200.
            modern economy.              opment  and  job  creation.                                                            com
                                         O’STAD  200  Inc.  plans  to
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