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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 18 May 2024

            Global temperature is rising

            Be mindful of the current heat wave this week!

            Various international media outlets are raising                                                 from Monash University, Australia, and his team.
            alarms about a heat wave occurring in the Ca-
            ribbean, where the heat index could reach up                                                    In  this  study,  researchers  used  data  from  the
            to  50  degrees  Celsius.  This  poses  a  significant                                          Multi-Country Multi-City Collaborative Research
            risk to those working or engaging in outdoor ac-                                                Network  (MCC),  which  included  daily  mortal-
            tivities.                                                                                       ity and temperature records from 750 locations
                                                                                                            in 43 countries. During the warm seasons from
            In response, the minister of Nature and Elderly                                                 1990  to  2019,  excess  deaths  related  to  heat
            Affairs of Aruba, Ursell Arends, has issued a press                                             waves accounted for 153,078 deaths per year,
            release especially directed at the elderly, warn-                                               totaling 236 deaths per ten billion inhabitants,
            ing  them  about  the  dangers  of  heat  waves.                                                or 1% of global deaths.
            “As Minister of Nature, I recognize that climate
            change is a reality,” stated Minister Arends, not-                                              Asia  and  Europe  are  the  continents  with  the
            ing that the United Nations has confirmed that  The goal of the meeting was to collaborate with  highest  number  of  deaths  per  million  inhabit-
            2023 has broken all global records for high tem-  all relevant agencies to develop an action and  ants, with the highest mortality rates from heat
            peratures,  marking  the  10th  consecutive  year  cooperation plan. “All those involved in caring  waves recorded in arid climate regions.
            of temperature increases.                       for the elderly must work together to assess the
                                                            risks and prepare a plan to mitigate them.”     Heat waves, or periods of extremely high tem-
            Although  the  government  cannot  change                                                       peratures lasting several days, can cause ther-
            global  temperatures,  every  effort  must  be  Research on the internet has found data indi-   mal stress on the human body, leading to seri-
            made to mitigate the impact on the most vul-    cating that between 1999 and 2019, more than  ous health risks, particularly for the elderly. It is for
            nerable. For this reason, Minister Arends called  150,000 deaths worldwide were related to heat  this reason that we advise our visitors to always
            an emergency meeting with various agencies  waves each year, according to a recent study  carry and wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water
            that in one way or another serve the elderly.   published  in  PLOS  Medicine  by  Yuming  Guo  and stay in the shade whenever possible.q

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored a loyal visitor at the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  recently  had  the  The honorees were:                          On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  we
            great  pleasure  of  recognizing  a  Distinguished                                              would like to express our sincere gratitude and
            Visitor of Aruba. The honorees were respective-  Distinguished Visitors                         appreciation  to  the  honorees  for  their  contin-
            ly honored with a certificate for their years of  Mr.  Timothy  &  Mrs.  Kathleen  Blackburn  from  ued visits to the “One Happy Island” q
            visits, loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba.   Plainfield Illinois, United States.

            The honorary certification is presented on be-  Mr. Jorgino Willems representing the Aruba Tour-
            half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ap-  ism Authority, and staff members of the Bucuti
            preciation and to say “Masha Danki” to guests  & Tara Beach Resort bestowed the certificate
            who have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or  upon the honorees, presented them with gifts,
            more consecutively.                             and thanked them for choosing Aruba as their
                                                            favorite  vacation  destination,  as  their  home
            The three levels of honor are as follows:       away from home.

            Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively vis-  The top reasons for returning to Aruba provided
            iting Aruba)                                    by the honorees were:
            Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively  •          Aruba’s people
            visiting Aruba)                                 •       Aruba’s drinkable water.
            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  consecutively  •        Aruba’s weather.
            visiting Aruba)                                 •       “Amazing place to relax”.
                                                            •        Aruba’s constant sunshine.
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