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                     Saturday 18 May 2024

            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

            (Oranjestad)—If  you’ve  been  to  the  northern  of Bari Aldo Moro, presented their research on
            coast  of  Aruba  already,  you’ve  probably  no-  these  fossilized  coral  reefs  at  the  University  of
            ticed  how  the  ground  differs  entirely  from  the  Aruba.  Their  focus  for  their  research  included
            sandy beaches on the southern part of the is-   studying the health and formation patterns of
            land.  These  hard  surfaces,  with  sharp  bumps  these coral reefs, and to investigate how these
            and holes are actually fossilized coral reefs, of  reefs have responded and can respond to fluc-
            which  its  growth  and  changes  can  be  traced  tuating sea levels or extreme weather, like hur-
            back to the last glacial period.                ricanes and tsunamis.

            On May 30 2023, geoscientists, Dr. Patrick Boy-  Through underwater and land surveillance, and
            den from the Marum research faculty at the Uni-  3D models of the reefs, they were able to nar-
            versity of Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio Rovere from  row  down  when  these  formations  started  to
            the  Ca’  Foscari  University  of  Venice  and  Prof.  take  place.  They  were  also  able  to  track  the   truly an incredible and rare remnant of geologi-
            dr. Gianfranco Scicchitano, from the University  fluctuation  of  sea  levels  during  the  past  hun-  cal history, as they provide a clear view of how
                                                            dred  or  even  thousands  of  years,  and  the  ef-  these reefs have formed.
                                                            fects that this fluctuation has had on the coral
                                                            reefs of the windward side of Aruba.            This research is also important for the future of
                                                                                                            coral reefs on the island. By studying rising sea
                                                            These findings can certainly put things into per-  levels and climate impact on these coral reefs,
                                                            spective. The ground on which we have walked    we are able to take concrete action in protect-
                                                            many  times  in  the  northern  part  of  the  island   ing and preserving our coral reefs. So, if you are
                                                            hold such rich history, history that dates back to   ever visiting one of the bocas or driving along
                                                            a  time  that  most  of  us  cannot  even  imagine.   the northern part of the island, please be con-
                                                            As the scientists themselves have pointed out,   scious to help protect our natural historical rem-
                                                            these fossilized reefs on the windward side are   nant. Oh, and wear (coral-friendly) sunscreen!q

              Aruba to Me

              ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would
              like to portrait you! By inviting you to send us
              your  favorite  vacation  picture  while  enjoying
              our Happy Island.

              Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is …….
              Send your picture with that text (including your
              name and where you are from) to: news@aru-
     and we will publish your vaca-
              tion memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep
              your best moments alive? Please do note: By
              submitting photos, text or any other materials,  For today we received a lovely message from
              you give permission to The Aruba Today News-   our awesome visitor Stacy Brundige, from Hoo-
              paper,  Caribbean  Speed  Printers  and  any  of  sick Falls, New York.
              its  affiliated  companies  to  use  said  materials,
              as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional  She wrote to us saying: “I recently got married
              purposes without compensation.                 on this beautiful island (May 15th 2024).   Aruba
                                                             to me is marrying my best friend!”
              Last but not least: check out our website, Insta-
              gram and Facebook page! Thank you for sup-     Congratulations Stacy! Thank you for sending
              porting our free newspaper, we strive to make  us this wonderful message sharing what Aruba
              you a happy reader every day again.            means to you with us and our readers! q
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