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A28    u.s. news
                     Diaranson 11 Mei 2022

                             Parents hunting for baby formula as shortage spans U.S.

                                                                      “For babies who are not be-                               Industry  executives  say  the
                                                                      ing breastfed, this is the only  Like many Americans, Stew-  constraints  began  last  year
                                                                      thing they eat,” said Dr. Ste-  art  relies  on  WIC  —  a  fed-  as the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                      ven Abrams, of the Universi-  eral program similar to food  led  to  disruptions  in  ingre-
                                                                      ty of Texas, Austin. “So it has  stamps  that  serves  mothers  dients, labor and transporta-
                                                                      to have all of their nutrition  and children — to afford for-  tion.  Supplies  were  further
                                                                      and, furthermore, it needs to  mula  for  her  daughter.  Ab-  squeezed by parents stockpil-
                                                                      be properly prepared so that  bott’s recall wiped out many  ing during lockdowns.
                                                                      it’s  safe  for  the  smallest  in-  WIC-covered brands, though
                                                                      fants.”                      the program is now allowing  Then in February, Abbott re-
                                                                                                   substitutions.               called  several  major  brands
                                                                      Laura Stewart, a 52-year-old                              and  shut  down  its  Sturgis,
                                                                      mother  of  three  who  lives  Trying  to  keep  formula  in  Michigan, factory when fed-
                                                                      just  north  of  Springfield,  stock, retailers including CVS  eral  officials  concluded  four
                                                                      Missouri, has been struggling  and  Walgreens  have  begun  babies  suffered  bacterial  in-
                                                                      for several weeks to find for-  limiting  purchases  to  three  fections after consuming for-
                                                                      mula  for  her  10-month-old  containers per customer.    mula from the facility. Two of
                                                                      daughter, Riley.                                          the infants died.
            (AP)  —  Parents  across  press  secretary  Jenn  Psaki                                Nationwide  about  40%  of
            the  U.S.  are  scrambling  said the Food and Drug Ad-    Riley  normally  gets  a  brand  large  retail  stores  are  out  of  When  FDA  inspectors  vis-
            to  find  baby  formula  be-  ministration  was  “working  of Abbott’s Similac designed  stock, up from 31% in mid-  ited the plant in March they
            cause  supply  disruptions  around  the  clock  to  address  for  children  with  sensitive  April,  according  to  Datas-  found  lax  safety  protocols
            and a massive safety recall  any  possible  shortages”  and  stomachs.  Last  month,  she  embly,  a  data  analytics  firm.  and traces of the bacteria on
            have  swept  many  leading  will  try  to  expedite  imports  instead  used  four  different  More than half of U.S. states  several  surfaces.  None  of
            brands off store shelves.    of  foreign  baby  formula  to  brands.                   are  seeing  out-of-stock  rates  the bacterial strains matched
                                         increase supply.                                          between  40%  and  50%,  ac-  those collected from the  in-
            Months  of  spot  shortages  at                           “She spits up more. She’s just  cording  to  the  firm,  which  fants, however, and the FDA
            pharmacies  and  supermar-   For  now,  pediatricians  and  more cranky. She is typically  collects data from 11,000 lo-  hasn’t offered an explanation
            kets  have  been  exacerbated  health  workers  are  urging  a  very  happy  girl,”  Stewart  cations.              for  how  the  contamination
            by the recall at Abbott, which  parents  who  can’t  find  for-  said. “When she has the right                      occurred.
            was forced to shutter its larg-  mula  to  contact  food  banks  formula, she doesn’t spit up.  Baby  formula  is  particularly
            est  U.S.  formula  manufac-  or  doctor’s  offices.  They  She’s perfectly fine.”     vulnerable to disruptions be-  For  its  part,  Abbott  says  its
            turing plant in February due  warn  against  watering  down                            cause just a handful of com-  formula  “is  not  likely  the
            to contamination concerns.   formula to stretch supplies or  A small can costs $17 to $18  panies account for almost the  source of infection,” though
                                         using online DIY recipes.    and  lasts  three  to  five  days,  entire U.S. supply.   the FDA says its investigation
            On  Monday,  White  House                                 Stewart said.                                             continues.
                                 Afghans still adjusting to US: New life, new struggles

            (AP) — Taliban forces had taken  progress, filled with uncertainty and  Then there are more mundane chal-   Some  have  managed  to  get  estab-
            the  Afghan  capital.  Crowds  of  anxiety about the future.            lenges  that  are  nonetheless  daunt-  lished.  “But  there  are  many  more
            panicked  people  thronged  the                                         ing for many Afghans. They include  who are not doing fine than are doing
            airport.  And  a  young  man  who  Afghan  refugees,  some  of  whom  learning English, navigating govern-  well,”  said  Megan  Flores,  executive
            had  worked  as  a  subcontractor  faced  possible  reprisals  for  working  ment bureaucracies and public trans-  director of the Immigrant & Refugee
            for the U.S. military faced a ter-  with  their  government  or  American  portation, and finding a job.    Outreach  Center  in  McLean,  Vir-
            rible choice.                       forces  during  the  war  with  the  Tal-                               ginia.
                                                iban,  say  in  interviews  that  they  are  There is also the isolation for those,
            Hasibullah Hasrat, after having navi-  grateful to the U.S. for rescuing them  like Hasrat, who came alone. “I don’t  The experience of the evacuated Af-
            gated the chaotic streets and Taliban  and family members.              know  anyone  here,”  he  said  in  the  ghans  is  not  unlike  what  refugees
            checkpoints to make it inside the air-                                  apartment  outside  Washington  he  have  historically  faced  in  coming  to
            port, could either go back for his wife  But they are often struggling to gain  shares  with  two  other  evacuees.  “I  the United States. In some ways it’s a
            and two young children or board an  a foothold in a new land, straining to  have  no  friends,  no  family,  no  rela-  preview for the up to 100,000 Ukrai-
            evacuation flight and get them later.  pay their bills as assistance from the  tives. I just live with my roommates  nians  who  President  Joe  Biden  says
            Not  taking  the  flight  likely  meant  government  and  resettlement  agen-  and  my  roommates  are  from  other  will be welcomed, also in many cases
            none  of  them  would  get  out  of  Af-  cies starts to run out, stuck in tem-  parts of Afghanistan.”     on two years of humanitarian parole.
            ghanistan.                          porary housing, and trying to figure
                                                out how to apply for asylum because
            Hasrat’s decision haunts him. He is in  most  of  the  Afghans  came  under  a
            the U.S., one of more than 78,000 Af-  two-year emergency status known as
            ghans admitted into the country fol-  humanitarian parole.
            lowing the U.S. troop withdrawal in
            August that ended America’s longest  “We are not sure what may happen,”
            war. But his family hasn’t been able to  said  Gulsom  Esmaelzade,  whose
            join him. They’re still in Afghanistan,  family has been shuttled between ho-
            where an economic crisis has led to  tel rooms in the San Diego area since
            widespread  hunger  and  where  Tal-  January, after spending three months
            iban repression is on the rise.     at  a  New  Jersey  military  base.  “We
                                                don’t have anything back at home in
            “My wife is alone there,” he said, his  Afghanistan  and  here  we  also  don’t
            voice breaking as he describes nightly  have any future.”
            phone calls home. “My son cries, asks
            where I am, when am I coming. And  It’s taken a toll. Esmaelzade said her
            I don’t know what to say.”          mother  has  had  to  be  rushed  three
                                                times to the emergency room when
            It’s  a  reminder  that  the  journey  for  her blood pressure shot up to danger-
            many of the Afghans who came to the  ous levels. The younger woman attri-
            United States in the historic evacua-  butes it to the stress of their lives.
            tion  remains  very  much  a  work  in
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