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A32 sports
Diaranson 11 Mei 2022
Ohtani hits 2 homers, 1st grand slam; Angels beat Rays 11-3
ers in a game for the second since April 29. Ohtani came
time this season and eighth into the game in a 5-for-27
in the majors. Ohtani had a May slump, but after getting
solo shot in the sixth inning a two-run double and scor-
off Jalen Beeks. In the sev- ing the winning run in the
enth, he connected on a 3-1 ninth inning in Sunday’s 5-4
cutter from Calvin Faucher, win over Washington, Ohtani
who was making his big- has shown manager Joe Mad-
league debut, and sent it over don signs of rediscovering his
the wall in left for the Angels’ swing.
third grand slam this season.
“He has booked better. I
“I wasn’t expecting to hit two mean, when the ball is going
home runs,” said Ohtani, on left center, he just been a
who has gone deep six times little bit underneath every-
this season. “I wasn’t sitting thing and now the angles
on any particular pitches. If have gotten better off the bat.
the ball was in the zone, I If we could keep them right
wanted to put good swings there for the next several
on it. Trout set the tone the months,” Maddon said.
previous at-bat by hitting that
home run.” Trout and Jared Walsh also
went deep and drove in three
Ohtani — who will receive runs each for the Angels, who
his AL MVP Award before have won five of six.
Tuesday’s game — is one
homer shy of becoming the Randy Arozarena homered
third Japanese-born player to and Wander Franco had three
reach 100 in the majors. He hits for the Rays, who have
has 147 in his professional dropped their last two after
career, including 48 with winning six straight.
the Hokkaido Nippon Ham
Fighters in five seasons in Trout’s two-run shot to left
Japan’s Nippon Professional field off Beeks in the sixth
Baseball league. inning extended the An-
gels’ lead to 5-1. Ohtani
“He got the first three guys then homered on the next
on and then had the wrong pitch, the fourth time the
three guys coming up. Hope- two MVPs have connected
fully he can look back and in consecutive at-bats and the
(AP) — Shohei Ohtani night. have the appreciation he first since June 8, 2019.
can do it all on a base- “Honestly I didn’t know it was pitching to Trout and
ball field, yet the Japanese Ohtani’s first slam came on was my first one. In my head Ohtani,” Cash said. Arozarena gave the Rays a 1-0
two-way sensation had a two-homer night, Mike I thought I hit one in Japan, lead in the fourth inning with
never hit a grand slam as a Trout also homered and the but I guess not,” Ohtani said Ohtani also finished with a drive into the right-center
professional. surging Los Angeles Angels through his interpreter. three hits on the night to field bleachers off Noah Syn-
beat the Tampa Bay Rays 11- raise his batting average to dergaard (3-1).
He changed that Monday 3. The AL MVP hit two hom- .252, the highest it has been
Tom Brady to join Fox Sports when playing career ends
(AP) — Seven-time Su- as an ambassador for us, par-
per Bowl champion Tom ticularly with respect to client
Brady will join Fox Sports and promotional initiatives,”
as its lead football analyst Murdoch said.
once his playing career
ends, the network said Murdoch said it’s “entirely
Tuesday. up to” Brady when he decides
to retire from football and
When that actually happens join Fox. Brady led the Buc-
is unclear, because Brady caneers to a Super Bowl title
recently changed his mind following the 2020 season
about retiring and said he and NFC South champion-
plans to continue playing for ship last season. He teamed
the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with coach Bill Belichick to
for his 23rd NFL season. win six Super Bowls dur-
ing 20 seasons with the New
Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan England Patriots.
Murdoch made the an-
nouncement during a corpo- Fox recently lost its top
rate investor call on Tuesday. football announcers, Joe
Buck and Troy Aikman, to
“Over the course of this ESPN. It replaced Buck with
long-term agreement, Tom Burkhardt.
will not only call our our big-
gest NFL games with Kevin Murdoch offered no other
Burkhardt, he will also serve details on the deal.