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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 11 Mei 2022

                      Crucial NATO decisions expected in Finland, Sweden this week

            (AP)  —  Key  decision-      the  Soviet  Union  in  World  The  Finnish  Social  Demo-
            makers  in  non-aligned  War II.                          crats  led  by  Prime  Minister
            Finland  and  Sweden  are                                 Sanna Marin are likely to join
            set to announce their po-    NATO  membership  was  other  parties  in  Finland  in
            sitions  on  NATO  mem-      never  seriously  considered  endorsing  a  NATO  applica-
            bership this week in what  in  Stockholm  and  Helsinki  tion.  The  situation  in  Swe-
            could  be  a  serious  blow  until Russian forces attacked  den isn’t as clear.
            to  Russia  as  its  military  Ukraine more than 10 weeks
            struggles to make decisive  ago.  Virtually  overnight,  the  The  Swedish  Social  Dem-
            gains in Ukraine.            conversation in both capitals  ocrats  have  always  been
                                         shifted from “Why should we  staunchly committed to non-
            If  Finland’s  president  and  join?” to “How long does it  alignment.  But  Prime  Min-
            the  Social  Democrats  who  take?”                       ister  Magdalena  Andersson,
            govern  both  countries  ig-                              the  party’s  leader,  has  said
            nore Moscow’s warnings and  Along     with   hard-nosed  there’s a clear “before and af-  interim,  before  they’re  cov-  moves and steering migration
            come  out  in  favor  of  acces-  Ukrainian  resistance  and  ter Feb. 24.”            ered  by  the  alliance’s  one-  toward  the  Russian-Finnish
            sion, NATO could soon add  wide-ranging  Western  sanc-                                for-all,  all-for-one  security  border, similar to what hap-
            two  new  members  right  on  tions,  it’s  one  of  the  most  Andersson and other top So-  guarantees.            pened  on  Poland’s  frontier
            Russia’s doorstep.           significant  ways  in  which  cial  Democrats  are  believed                           with Belarus last year.
                                         the invasion appears to have  to be leaning toward NATO  The  Kremlin  has  warned  of
            Such  an  expansion  by  the  backfired on Putin.         membership, but several sub-  “military and political reper-  There  are  signs  that  Russia
            Western  military  alliance                               groupings  of  the  party  have  cussions”  if  the  Swedes  and  already has increased its focus
            would  leave  Russia  sur-   “There  is  no  going  back  to  come  out  against,  including  Finns decide to join NATO.  on Sweden and Finland, with
            rounded  by  NATO  coun-     the status quo before the in-  the  women’s  faction,  led  by                         several airspace violations by
            tries in the Baltic Sea and the  vasion,” said Heli Hautala, a  Climate  and  Environment  Dmitry  Medvedev,  the  for-  Russian  military  aircraft  re-
            Arctic, as well as represent a  Finnish  diplomat  previously  Minister Annika Strandhall.  mer  Russian  president  who  ported in recent weeks and an
            serious  setback  for  Russian  posted to Moscow and a re-                             is  deputy  head  of  Russia’s  apparent  campaign  in  Mos-
            President Vladimir Putin.    search  fellow  at  the  Center  “We believe that our interests  Security  Council,  said  last  cow  with  posters  depicting
                                         for a New American Security  are best served by being mili-  month  it  would  force  Mos-  famous Swedes as Nazi sym-
            Putin  cited  NATO’s  previ-  in Washington.              tarily  nonaligned,”  Strand-  cow to strengthen its military  pathizers. Putin used similar
            ous  expansion  in  Eastern                               hall told Swedish broadcaster  presence in the Baltic region.  tactics against Ukraine’s lead-
            Europe  -  and  the  possibility  Finnish  President  Sauli  Ni-  TV4.  “Traditionally,  Sweden                     ers before launching what the
            of  Ukraine  joining  the  alli-  inisto,  the  Western  leader  has  been  a  strong  voice  for  However,  analysts  say  mili-  Kremlin  called  its  “special
            ance - among the reasons for  who  appeared  to  have  the  peace and disarmament.”    tary action against the Nordic  military operation.”
            Russia’s invasion of Ukraine  best  rapport  with  Putin  be-                          countries  appears  unlikely,
            on Feb. 24. On Monday, he  fore  the  Ukraine  war,  is  Neither Finland nor Sweden  given how bogged down Rus-     After   remaining   firmly
            marked  Victory  Day  -  the  expected  to  announce  his  is  planning  a  referendum,  sian forces are in Ukraine.  against  membership  for  de-
            holiday  when  Russia  com-  stance  on  NATO  member-    fearing  it  could  become  a                             cades, public opinion in both
            memorates  Nazi  Germany’s  ship on Thursday. The gov-    prime target of Russian inter-  Many  of  the  Russian  troops  countries shifted rapidly this
            surrender  in  World  War  erning  Social  Democratic  ference.                        stationed near the 1,300-kilo-  year.  Polls  show  more  than
            II  -  without  being  able  to  parties in both countries are                         meter (830-mile) border with  70% of Finns and about 50%
            celebrate  any  major  break-  set to present their positions  Sweden  and  Finland  have  Finland were sent to Ukraine  of Swedes now favor joining.
            throughs in Ukraine.         this weekend.                sought — and received -- as-  and have suffered “significant
                                                                      surances of support from the  losses” there, Hautala said.  The shocking scenes playing
            Belonging  to  NATO  would  If their answer is “yes,” there  U.S. and other NATO mem-                               out  in  Ukraine  made  Finns
            be a historic development for  would be robust majorities in  bers in the application period  She  said  potential  Russian  draw  the  conclusion  that
            the  two  Nordic  countries:  both parliaments for NATO  should  they  seek  member-   countermeasures  could  in-  “this  could  happen  to  us,”
            Sweden has avoided military  membership, paving the way  ship.                         clude  moving  weapons  sys-  said  Charly  Salonius-Paster-
            alliances  for  more  than  200  for formal application proce-                         tems closer to Finland, disin-  nak, a researcher at the Finn-
            years, while Finland adopted  dures to begin right away.  Both  countries  feel  they  formation campaigns, cyber-  ish Institute of International
            neutrality  after  its  defeat  by                        would  be  vulnerable  in  the  attacks,  economic  counter-  Affairs.

                                      Donors fall well short of UN target for Syria aid

            (AP) — International do-     of  people  from  conflict-  the  war  in  Ukraine  and  the  EU,  the  United  States  and  also provide 1.56 billion eu-
            nors  on  Tuesday  pledged  torn Syria who rely on aid  fallout from the coronavirus  other  nations  pledged  $6.4  ros ($1.65 billion) next year.
            $6.7 billion to help Syrians  to survive.                 pandemic  weighed  heavily  billion, with the U.N asking  The U.S. pledged over $800
            and neighboring countries                                 on donors’ economies.        for  $10  billion  to  meet  vital  million.
            hosting  refugees  but  fell  European  Union  Neighbor-                               needs.
            well short of a U.N. target  hood  Commissioner  Oliver  Still,  “donors  are  sending                              Borrell  vowed  that  the  EU
            for  assistance  to  millions  Varhelyi  acknowledged  that  now  a  very  strong  signal  to  Earlier,  EU  foreign  policy  would  maintain  sanctions
                                                                      Syria and this region that we  chief  Josep  Borrell  warned  against   Syrian   President
                                                                      are  ready  to  do  even  more  that  Russia’s  invasion  of  Bashar  Assad’s  government
                                                                      than before,” he said.       Ukraine is making the plight  and stressed that there can be
                                                                                                   of  poverty-stricken  Syrians  no normalized relations until
                                                                      The  United  Nations  had  far  worse.  Borrell  said  that  Syrian  refugees  are  “safe  to
                                                                      been seeking $10.5 billion for  60%  of  Syria’s  population  go back home.”
                                                                      2022. It says that 14.6 million  “suffer  food  insecurity,  and
                                                                      people  in  Syria  rely  on  aid  barely know where the next  Food prices around the world
                                                                      –  1.2  million  more  than  in  meal is going to come from.”  were  already  rising,  but  the
                                                                      2021 – and that over 90% of                               war  in  Ukraine  —  a  major
                                                                      Syrians live in poverty. About  Borrell  said  the  27-nation  wheat  supplier  —  has  made
                                                                      3.9 million people in Syria go  bloc  would  provide  an  ad-  things  worse.  The  impact  is
                                                                      hungry every day.            ditional 1 billion euros ($1.1  worsening the plight of mil-
                                                                                                   billion)  for  Syria  this  year,  lions of Syrians driven from
                                                                      It’s the second year in a row  bringing  the  annual  total  to  their homes by the country’s
                                                                      that pledges have not lived up  1.5  billion  euros  ($1.6  bil-  11-year  war.  Many  rely  on
                                                                      to expectations. Last year, the  lion). He said the EU would  international aid to survive.
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