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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 16 september 2020
            City to pay $12M to Breonna Taylor's family, reform police

            By DYLAN LOVAN               for charges against the of-
            Associated Press             ficers and urged people to
            LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The  "say  her  name,"  a  phrase
            city of Louisville will pay $12  that has become a refrain
            million to the family of Bre-  for  those  outraged  by  the
            onna Taylor and reform po-   shooting.
            lice  practices  as  part  of  a  Fischer said the civil settle-
            lawsuit  settlement  months  ment  has  nothing  do  with
            after Taylor's slaying by po-  the criminal investigation.
            lice  thrust  the  Black  wom-  Asked  about  the  criminal
            an's  name  to  the  forefront  investigation,  Senate  Ma-
            of a national reckoning on  jority  Leader  Mitch  Mc-
            race,  Mayor  Greg  Fischer  Connell,  who  represents
            announced Tuesday.           Kentucky,  told  reporters
            Taylor's   death   sparked  Tuesday  "the  investigation
            months  of  protests  in  Lou-  seems to have been more
            isville and calls nationwide  complicated  than  a  lot  of
            for the officers to be crimi-  people felt." He said he has
            nally  charged.  The  state's  confidence  in  Cameron
            attorney  general,  Daniel  and stands by him.
            Cameron,  is  investigating  The  Louisville  news  confer-
            police actions in the March  ence  was  broadcast  over
            13 fatal shooting.           a  loudspeaker  downtown     Tamika Palmer, mother of Breonna Taylor, addresses the media in Louisville, Ky., on Thursday, Aug.
            "I cannot begin to imagine  and  protesters  listened  as   13, 2020.
            Ms. Palmer's pain, and I am  they  sat  around  a  memo-                                                                        Associated Press
            deeply, deeply sorry for Bre-  rial to Taylor.
            onna's death," Fischer said,  Protesters  gathered  Tues-  investigation of a drug traf-  handled  by  police,  Mayor  ery two weeks in the com-
            referring to Taylor's mother,  day at what they have re-  ficking suspect who was a  Fischer  said.  Other  reforms  munities  where  they  serve.
            Tamika Palmer.               named  "Injustice  Square"  former boyfriend of Taylor's.  seek to build stronger com-  The  city  will  also  track  po-
            At  Tuesday's  news  confer-  to  listen  to  the  news  con-  That  man,  Jamarcus  Glov-  munity  connections  by  es-  lice  use  of  force  incidents
            ence, an emotional Palmer  ference  on  loudspeakers.  er, was arrested at a differ-   tablishing  a  housing  credit  and citizen complaints.
            pushed for charges against  Some  had  been  there  ev-   ent location about 10 miles  program to encourage of-     The city has already taken
            the officers involved in the  ery  day  for  113  days,  de-  (16  kilometers)  away  from  ficers to live in certain low-  some  other  reform  mea-
            shooting.                    manding  justice  for  Taylor.  Taylor's  apartment  on  the  income  areas  in  the  city.  sures,  including  passing  a
            "As  significant  as  today  is,  The announcement did not  same evening.              Officers will also be encour-  law  named  for  Taylor  that
            it's  only  the  beginning  of  bring them much comfort.  The settlement includes re-  aged to perform two paid  bans  the  use  of  the  no-
            getting full justice for Breon-  "It's  just  not  enough,"  said  forms on how warrants are  hours of volunteer work ev-  knock warrants. q
            na," Palmer said. "We must  Holly McGlawn, who stood
            not lose focus on what the  calculating    how    much
            real  drive  is  and  with  that  Taylor  might  have  made
            being said, it's time to move  had she lived. Taylor could
            forward  with  the  crimi-   have worked to another 40
            nal  charges  because  she  or  50  years,  she  said.  "You
            deserves  that  and  much  can't put a price on a Black
            more."                       woman being able to sleep
            The lawsuit, filed in April by  at night and know she's not
            Palmer, alleged the police  going to get murdered."
            used  flawed  information  In  the  time  since  Taylor's
            when they obtained a "no-    shooting,  her  death  —
            knock"  warrant  to  enter  along  with  George  Floyd
            the  26-year-old  woman's  and others — has become
            apartment  in  March.  Tay-  a  rallying  cry  for  protest-
            lor and her boyfriend were  ers seeking a reckoning on
            roused from bed by police,  racial  justice  and  police
            and her boyfriend, Kenneth  reform.  High-profile  celeb-
            Walker,  has  said  he  fired  rities  like  Oprah  Winfrey
            once  at  the  officers  think-  and  LeBron  James  have
            ing  it  was  an  intruder.  In-  called for the officers to be
            vestigators say police were  charged in Taylor's death.
            returning  fire  when  they  Palmer's  lawsuit  accused
            shot  Taylor  several  times.  three  Louisville  police  offi-
            No drugs were found at her  cers of blindly firing into Tay-
            home.                        lor's apartment the night of
            "We won't let Breonna Tay-   the March raid, striking Tay-
            lor's life be swept under the  lor several times. One of the
            rug,"  said  Ben  Crump,  an  officers, Jonathan Matting-
            attorney for Taylor's family.  ly, went into the home after
            Crump said the $12 million  the door was broken down
            settlement  is  the  largest  and was struck in the leg by
            such  settlement  given  out  the gunshot from Walker.
            for  a  Black  woman  killed  The warrant was one of five
            by  police.  He  also  called  issued  in  a  wide-ranging
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