Page 16 - AHATA SEPT 16 2020_Neat
P. 16

             Wednesday 16 september 2020

            A  bronze  statue  representing  the  U.S  first  lady  Melania  Trump
            made by Brad Downey, a Berlin-based U.S. artist, is erected in
            her birthplace of Sevnica, Slovenia, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020, af-
            ter a previous one, made in wood, was set alight.
                                                     Associated Press

            Bronze statue of

            U.S. first lady is                                        In this July 4, 2020, file photo, a woman carries an American flag during a protest outside the U.S.
                                                                      Consulate in Hong Kong.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            unveiled in Slovenia                                      U.S. issues sweeping new travel

            SEVNICA,  Slovenia  (AP)  —  to  the  eternal  memory  of   warning for China, Hong Kong
            A bronze statue represent-   a  monument  to  Melania
            ing  U.S.  first  lady  Melania  which  stood  at  this  loca-
            Trump  was  unveiled  Tues-  tion."  "We  are  here  today
            day  in  her  native  Slovenia  because we put up again   BEIJING (AP) — The U.S. on  power,"  the  advisory  said,  retain broad autonomy for
            to replace a wooden one  a statue of Melania to the       Tuesday  issued  a  sweep-   adding that new legislation  50  years  after  the  former
            that was set on fire in July.  place  where  it  was  burnt   ing  new  advisory  warning  also  covers  offenses  com-  British colony's 1997 hando-
            The new sculpture is a rep-  and to commemorate the       against travel to mainland  mitted  by  non-Hong  Kong  ver to Chinese rule.
            lica  of  the  original  one  by  statue that was set on fire,"   China and Hong Kong, cit-  residents  or  organizations  Other Western nations have
            U.S. artist Brad Downey and  said Slovenian artist Marko   ing the risk of "arbitrary de-  outside of Hong Kong, pos-  also suspended their extra-
            placed near Trump's home-    Vivoda.                      tention"  and  "arbitrary  en-  sibly subjecting U.S. citizens  dition  treaties  with  Hong
            town of Sevnica, in central  The   life-sized   sculpture   forcement of local laws."  who have publicly criticized  Kong following the national
            Slovenia.                    bears  no  obvious  resem-   The  advisory  is  likely  to  China to a "heightened risk  security's law's passage.
            The  original  statue  was  blance to the U.S. first lady.   heighten tensions between  of  arrest,  detention,  expul-  The  U.S.  has  also  acted
            torched  by  unknown  ar-    Born Melanija Knavs in near-  the sides that have spiked  sion, or prosecution."       to  end  special  trade  and
            sonists on July 4th. The rus-  by Novo Mesto in 1970, the   since  Beijing's  imposition  When  in  Hong  Kong,  U.S.  commercial  privileges  that
            tic figure was cut from the  new U.S. first lady grew up   on  Hong  Kong  of  a  strict  citizens  are  "strongly  cau-  Hong  Kong  had  enjoyed
            trunk of a linden tree, show-  in  Sevnica  while  Slovenia   new  national  security  law  tioned to be aware of their  and has imposed sanctions
            ing her in a pale blue dress  was part of the Communist-  in  June  that  has  already  surroundings  and  avoid  on Hong Kong and Chinese
            like  the  one  she  wore  at  ruled former Yugoslavia. An   been  met  with  a  series  of  demonstrations,"  the  ad-  officials,  including  Hong
            Donald Trump's presidential  Alpine  nation  of  2  million   U.S. punitive actions.   visory  said.  Chinese  for-  Kong's  pro-Beijing  leader
            inauguration.                people,  Slovenia  is  now  a   The statement warned U.S.  eign  ministry  spokesperson  Carrie Lam, involved in en-
            A  plaque  next  to  the  new  member  of  the  European   citizens that China imposes  Wang  Wenbin  told  report-  forcing  the  new  security
                                                                      "arbitrary  detention  and  ers at a daily briefing Tues-
                                                                                                                                law. Tensions between Bei-
            one  reads  it  is  "dedicated  Union and NATO.q
                                                                      exit bans" to compel coop-   day  that  the  U.S.  should  jing  and  Washington  have
                                                                      eration  with  investigations,  "fully respect the facts and  hit their lowest point in de-
            Vietnam sentences                                         pressure  family  members  should  not  engage  in  un-   cades    amid   simmering
                                                                                                                                disputes  over  trade,  tech-
                                                                      to  return  to  China  from  warranted political manip-
            seven for human                                           abroad,  influence  civil  dis-  ulation"  when  issuing  such  nology,  Taiwan,  Tibet,  the
                                                                                                                                South China Sea, the coro-
                                                                      putes and "gain bargaining  advisories.  "China  has  al-
                                                                                                   ways  protected  the  safety  navirus  pandemic  and,
                                                                      leverage over foreign gov-
            smuggling to Britain                                      ernments."                   and legal rights of foreign-  most recently, Hong Kong.
                                                                      "U.S.  citizens  traveling  or  ers in China in accordance  The impact of the tensions
                                                                      residing  in  China  or  Hong  with  law.  China  is  one  of  has  been  felt  in  the  tit-for-
            HANOI,  Vietnam  (AP)  —  A  men and one woman were       Kong,  may  be  detained  the  safest  countries  in  the  tat  closures  of  diplomatic
            court in central Vietnam on  found  guilty  of  "organizing   without access to U.S. con-  world,"  Wang  said.  "Of  missions  as  well  as  visa  re-
            Monday  sentenced  seven  and  brokering"  illegal  im-   sular services or information  course, foreigners in China  strictions  on  students  and
            people to up to 7 1/2 years  migration  by  the  Ha  Tinh   about  their  alleged  crime.  also have an obligation to  journalists.
            in  prison  for  smuggling  a  provincial  court  in  central   U.S.  citizens  may  be  sub-  abide by Chinese laws."     The  latest  travel  advisory
            woman  who  later  died  in  Vietnam.                     jected  to  prolonged  inter-  Last month, the Trump ad-  did not offer any new warn-
            a  truck  together  with  38  From the sealed container,   rogations  and  extended  ministration  suspended  or  ings regarding COVID-19 in
            other people as they were  My sent a string of texts to   detention without due pro-   terminated  three  bilateral  mainland China and Hong
            being transported into Brit-  her mother in Vietnam say-  cess  of  law,"  the  advisory  agreements   with   Hong  Kong,  but  referred  travel-
            ain,  state  media  reported  ing "I can't breathe," typing   said.                    Kong  covering  extradition  ers to earlier notices advis-
            Tuesday.                     out  her  name  and  home    In  Hong  Kong,  China  "uni-  and  tax  exemptions,  cit-  ing Americans to avoid the
            According  to  the  Thanh  address  before  passing       laterally  and  arbitrarily  ex-  ing  Beijing's  violation  of  its  regions  and  return  home
            Nien  newspaper,  the  six  out.q                         ercises police and security  pledge  for  Hong  Kong  to  from them if possible.q
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