Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
CLASSIFIED Friday 6 OctOber 2017
Not so sweet: dOCTOR ON dUTY
75% of honey samples had key pesticide Dr. Aedriaensses
friends and relatives to ship Tel. 586 3434
San Nicolas
them honey samples. More Dr. Linden
than 300 samples arrived TIME SHARE FOR SALE Tel. 584 6427
and researchers tested 198 Divi Phoenix Resort EMERGENCIA 911
of them for five of the most 1 bdrm Unit # 633 sleeps up to 6
common types of neonics. peoples week 1 and 2. Have 37
Overall, 75 percent of the weeks left. deed
samples had at least one Price $37,000 for 2 weeks.
neonic, 45 percent had POLICE 100
two or more and 10 per- 215 9067397 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
cent had four or more. _________________________________208098 NOORD 527-3200
Results varied by region. In TIME SHARE FOR SALE STA. CRUZ 527-2900
North America, 86 percent Divi Village SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
of samples had the pesti- one bedroom $6,500 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
cide; Asia, 80 percent; Eu- for details FIRE DEPT. 115
In this May 27, 2015 photo, volunteers check honey bee hives at FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
EcOhio Farm in Mason, Ohio. rope, where there’s a par- email: HOSPITAL 527-4000
(AP Photo/John Minchillo) tial ban, 79 percent; Africa _________________________________208180 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
By SETH BORENSTEIN places where we did not 73 percent; the Australian Casa Del Mar Ambassdor AMBULANCE 582-1234
region, 71 percent and
AP Science Writer find any.”Over the past few South America, 57 percent. 1 BR week39 Room # 1334 RED CROSS 582-2219
Pool/view $4000
WASHINGTON (AP) — When years, several studies — in The study found that nearly dutch Village
researchers collected hon- the lab and the field — link half of the honey samples Studio week 40 room # 33 Women in Difficulties
ey samples from around insecticides called neo- exceeded a level of the Old contract 32 weeks remain PHARMACY
the world, they found that nicotinoids (nee-oh-NIH’- pesticide that some previ- $4500 call:(297)630-1307 Oranjestad:
three-quarters of them had kuh-tih-noyds), or neonics, ous research said weakens Oduber Tel. 582 1780
a common type of pes- to reduced and weak- bees, but the pesticide San Nicolas
ticide suspected of play- ened honeybee hives, makers say otherwise. An ________________________________208192 Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
ing a role in the decline although pesticide mak- outside expert, University TIME SHARE FOR RENT
of bees. Even honey from ers dispute those studies. of Nebraska’s Judy Wu- Divi Dutch Village INFORMATION 118
the island paradise of Tahiti Neonics work by attacking Smart, said the study used one bedroom plus also a Studio TAXI-TAS 587-5900
had the chemical. an insect’s central nervous too few honey samples to starting 10/7 to 12/16. also PROF. TAXI 588-0035
That demonstrates how system;Bees and other pol- make the broad conclu- locations from interval TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
pervasive a problem the linators have been on the sions the researchers did. Local # 565 9394 or 508 0016 or SERVICE AUA 583-3232
much-debated pesticide decline for more than a de- Ann Bryan, spokeswoman A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
is for honeybees, said au- cade and experts blame for Syngenta which makes ________________________________208194 280-2828
thors of a study published a combination of factors: the neonic thiamethoxam, crUiSe SHiP
Thursday in the journal Sci- neonics, parasites, disease, said the amount of the
ence. They said it is not a climate change and lack pesticide found in honey
health problem for peo- of a diverse food supply. samples “are 50 times low-
ple because levels were Honeybees don’t just make er than what could cause
far below governments’ honey; about one-third possible effects on bees.”q October 6
thresholds on what’s safe of the human diet comes Monarch
to eat.“What this shows is from plants that are polli- TIME SHARE FOR SALE October 8
the magnitude of the con- nated by the insects. Bees Divi Golf Aruba Airport 524-2424
tamination,” said study pick up the pesticide when one bedroom plus a Studio American Airlines 582-2700
lead author Edward Mitch- they feed on fields grown (luxury units) starting 10/7 to Avianca 588-0059
ell, a biology professor at from treated seeds. 12/16. below mkt Aruba Airlines 583-8300
the University of Neuchatel As part of a citizen science Local # 565 9394 or 508 0016 or Jet Blue 588-2244
in Switzerland, adding that project, the Swiss research- Surinam 582-7896
there are “relatively few ers asked other experts, Venezolana 583-7674
________________________________208194 Aruba Foundation
For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051
AL-ANON group
Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
Tel. 582-4433
Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583-8989
Tel. 525-2672
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583-5400
Bloodbank Aruba
Tel. 587-0002