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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 28 augustus 2021

                                    Ronaldo makes sensational return to Man United

            (AP) - Cristiano Ronaldo is head-   aldo’s long-time rival — joined Paris  with Madrid, but was the top scorer  time Solskjaer was sounding positive
            ing  back  to  Manchester  United,  Saint-Germain  after  his  contract  at  in Serie A for the last two seasons and  about United’s hopes.
            the team that turned him into a  Barcelona expired. PSG forward Kyl-    scored 101 goals in 134 appearances.
            global superstar.                   ian Mbappe is also the subject of a bid                                 It  is  not  the  first  time  United  has
                                                of about 160 million euros ($188 mil-  “In the end,” Ronaldo said, “we can  beaten  City  to  a  player  that  both
            In  a  fast-moving  deal  that  stunned  lion) from Real Madrid.        all  look  back  and  realize  that  we  clubs apparently wanted. Alexis San-
            the world of soccer, Ronaldo secured                                    achieved great things, not all that we  chez joined United in 2018 after ap-
            a return to Old Trafford on Friday —  Yet Ronaldo returning to United was  wanted,  but  still,  we  wrote  a  pretty  pearing to be close to moving to City,
            a day after telling Juventus he no lon-  not long in the making.        beautiful story together.”          while United was prepared to pay 80
            ger wanted to play for the Italian club.                                                                    million pounds (then $97 million) to
                                                Indeed, the team did not expect him  Solskjaer  had  already  dropped  hints  sign  Harry  Maguire  from  Leicester
            “Welcome  back,  Cristiano,”  read  a  to leave Juventus in this transfer win-  that United would be trying to sign  in 2019 — a sum City didn’t try to
            tweet posted by United. Within min-  dow and only made a move when it  its  former  star  when  speaking  at  a  match.
            utes,  the  club’s  official  website  had  became clear he would be available.  news  conference  on  Friday,  reveal-
            crashed.                                                                ing that its playmaker from Portugal,  United,  which  hasn’t  won  the  Pre-
                                                On Thursday, Ronaldo met with Ju-   Bruno Fernandes, had been talking to  mier  League  since  2013,  has  also
            Ronaldo is 36 years old, a completely  ventus  coach  Massimiliano  Allegri  Ronaldo.                       signed  England  winger  Jadon  San-
            different player to the skinny, outra-  and told him he wanted to leave the                                 cho and France center back Raphael
            geously  skillful  17-year-old  winger  club where he had spent the last three  “Agent  Bruno,”  Fernandes  later  Varane for a combined cost of about
            who  first  arrived  at  United  from  years after joining from Madrid. He  tweeted with a laughing emoji.  $150 million.
            Sporting Lisbon in 2003 with a box  had one year left on his contract.
            of  tricks  but  little  end  product.  In                              Before  playing  his  first  game  back  With  Ronaldo  also  now  joining  the
            the following six years, he scored 118  By  Friday,  Ronaldo  was  boarding  a  at  United,  Ronaldo  will  feature  for  squad, there will be an expectation on
            goals in 292 appearances and swiftly  private  jet  from  Turin  to  Lisbon,  in  Portugal in World Cup qualifiers and  Solskjaer to deliver a first trophy of
            became  one  of  the  most  fearsome  his  native  Portugal,  and  saying  the  has  the  chance  to  become  the  lead-  his tenure that began in 2018.
            strikers  in  the  world,  winning  the  world would soon be made aware of  ing scorer in men’s international soc-
            first of his five FIFA world player of  his next move.                  cer. He has 109 goals for his national  Ronaldo’s  work  rate  and  pressing
            the year awards.                                                        team, tied with former Iran striker Ali  might be questionable in the twilight
                                                By then, United was the clear front-  Daei.                             of his career but he remains a reliable
            Ole  Gunnar  Solskjaer,  the  current  runner  after  fierce  rival  Manchester                             and proven scorer. With his five goals
            Man United manager, knows that all  City pulled out of the running for his  The landscape in English soccer has  and  one  assist,  he  won  the  Golden
            too well. He was once a teammate of  signature.                         changed in the 12 years Ronaldo has  Boot at this year’s European Cham-
            Ronaldo.                                                                been away. United and Chelsea were  pionship  despite  only  playing  four
                                                “Everyone at the club looks forward  the top teams in the Premier League  games.
            “He is the greatest player of all time,  to welcoming Cristiano back to Man-  when he left, but Man City has been
            definitely,” Solskjaer said Friday after  chester,” United said in a brief state-  the  dominant  force  over  the  past  He  is  likely  to  share  striker  duties
            Ronaldo’s return was sealed.        ment.                               decade,  winning  the  title  five  times  with another veteran player, 34-year-
                                                                                    from 2012.                          old  Uruguay  international  Edinson
            Ronaldo will join for a fee of 15 mil-  Ronaldo soon took to Instagram, say-                                Cavani,  with  exciting  prospect  Ma-
            lion  euros  ($17.  7  million),  with  8  ing he gave his “heart and soul for Ju-  City  had  been  considering  an  op-  son Greenwood — at 19, nearly half
            million euros ($9.4 million) in add-  ventus.”                          tion to buy Ronaldo after its top tar-  Ronaldo’s age — set to revert to play-
            ons. The transfer is subject to agree-                                  get, Harry Kane, said Wednesday he  ing as a wide forward in competition
            ment  of  personal  terms,  visa  and  a  “I’ll always love the city of Turin until  was  staying  at  Tottenham  for  now.  with Marcus Rashford and Sancho.
            medical examination.                my final days,” he wrote.           It  would  have  been  a  controversial
                                                                                    move,  considering  Ronaldo’s  past  It is a short-term move by United, no
            It  is  the  latest  blockbuster  move  of  He  never  won  the  Champions  links with United, but City manager  doubt. But one that will shake up the
            the  transfer  window,  coming  barely  League  with  Juventus,  like  he  did  Pep Guardiola was downplaying the  Premier League and generate excite-
            two weeks after Lionel Messi — Ron-  with United in 2008 and four times  prospect on Friday — about the same  ment inside the club’s vast fan base.

                          NFL’s vaccine rate at 93%, mandatory shots were discussed

            (AP) - The NFL says 93% of players  at  that  point,  we  began  banging  the  required hospitalization.    The NFL said that 120 players have
            are vaccinated for COVID-19 and  drum for what (the NFLPA’s) experts                                        received  warning  letters  with  25
            the  league  wanted  mandatory  also  concede  is  the  single  greatest  Regarding  daily  testing,  Sills  said  players  fined  for  mask  or  tracking
            vaccination  but  the  NFLPA  way  that  we  can  protect  the  players  “testing isn’t prevention.”        device violations.
            wouldn’t agreed to it.              and the staff, which is to get to a 100
                                                percent  vaccination  level.  That  was  “It’s  one  part  of  our  mitigation  Under league rules, the first offense
            The  league  also  has  asked  the  our request from that, and we would  strategy but it’s not the key part,” he  for violating the protocols will result
            players’ union to adjust protocols so  still love to see that mandate go into  said. “It’s not testing alone that will  in a fine of $14,650. Repeat violations
            vaccinated  players  would  be  tested  effect tomorrow.”               get us through this surge.”         could  result  in  a  player  being
            weekly  instead  of  every  14  days.                                                                       suspended or fined a week’s salary.
            Unvaccinated players are tested daily.  NFL  officials  also  do  not  have  a
                                                vaccine mandate.
            NFLPA president JC Tretter, a center
            for the Cleveland Browns, said earlier  The  league  reported  68  positives
            this  week  the  decision  not  to  make  cases out of 7,190 tested individuals
            vaccination  mandatory  was  done  between  Aug.  1-21.  The  0.95%
            by  the  league.  But  league  officials  incidence rate is lower than in most
            disputed that assertion.            communities.

            “We’ve  been  discussing  mandatory  Dr.  Allen  Sills,  the  league’s  chief
            vaccination  from  the  start,”  NFL  medical officer, said almost all cases
            deputy    general   counsel   Larry  across have been the Delta variant. He
            Ferazani said Thursday. “In fact, we  said vaccinated individuals have had
            took the lead and required staff and  very  mild  upper  respiratory  illness,
            coaches to be vaccinated in order to  shorter duration. Sills also said none
            have  access  to  a  player.  Beginning  of the players who’ve tested positive
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