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P. 11
local Thursday 8 december 2022
Full Stack Vision Foundation Gifts Refurbished Computers
to YMCA Aruba in San Nicolas
ORANJESTAD – The Full Stack Vi- room. Although this space was of Aruba’s youth and children, as
sion Foundation team met with originally a computer room, but as YMCA Aruba well as industry professionals, with a
Ms. Inki Geerman, Team Leader of the original computers broke down The YMCA Aruba is a nonprofit or- focus on 21st century skills.
the Y’s CARE Afterschool Program, and were disposed of, the space ganization that is a part of the inter-
at YMCA Aruba’s San Nicolas lo- transitioned. The newly reactivat- national organization, the YMCA, For more information check out
cation on November 24th, 2022 ed computer room at the YMCA which is committed to improving the YMCA Aruba Facebook Page
to officialize their gift of six (6) re- San Nicolas community center the lives of people in communities and Full Stack Vision Foundation
furbished computers to the com- is available for use during YMCA on a global scale. YMCA Aruba’s website.
munity center thus establishing a Aruba’s Afterschool Program Hours mission is to strive for spiritual, intel-
new computer room for YMCA San which are Monday to Friday from lectual and physical wellbeing of Links:
Nicolas. 12.30PM to 6PM. both individuals and communities •
as a whole. pius--x--school/
The six (6) computers that were re- YMCA Aruba’s San Nicolas loca- •
furbished by Full Stack Vision Foun- tion & Full Stack Vision are currently Full Stack Vision Foundation •
dation (also known as Full Stack in the works to further develop Full Stack Vision Foundation is a coderdojo
Vision and FSV) were donated their collaborative relationship in nonprofit organization with a focus •
by SKOA’s Pius X School which is the form of introducing Aru Coder on developing skills for future jobs we--are/our--reach/locations
based in Dakota, Aruba. YMCA Dojo sessions, a FREE kids & youth in the borderless economy by mak- •
Aruba previously used The San computer coding club that is pow- ing Aruba digitally intelligent. Full ArubaYMCA
Nicolas-based community cen- ered by FSV, in the newly up-and- Stack Vision executes their vision • q
ter’s space as a homework support running computer room as of 2023. and mission through the education
Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Protestant Congregation of Aruba
ORANJESTAD – On Satur- up there? Who did this and
day, 10th of December, why? Did you know that
the Protestant Congrega- in 1904 a book of photo-
tion of Aruba will celebrate graphs was given to Queen
200 years since its estab- Wilhelmina, as a greeting
lishment, showing historic from the Caribbean part
photographs and sharing of the kingdom to wish her
stories from their ancestors. a speedy recovery after ill-
ness? It contains 32 splen-
Which people shaped the did black-and-white pho-
history of the Protestant tos, which have now been
Church in Aruba? What digitally reproduced in pin-
is the history behind the point-sharp clarity. We are
Kerki 1846? Why was the going to show them!
church in Piedra Plat built?
Why was the church in Se- Another feature of this eve- ety. An evening with im-
roe Colorado ever built? ning: stories about our an- ages and stories.
How did the present-day cestors, those who shaped
church in Oranjestad end present-day Aruban soci- The speakers at this eve-
ning are:
Prof. Wim Rutgers, authority
on the Netherlands;
Leon Bereños, fountain of
Peter Scholing, National Li-
brary Aruba;
Rev. Jan Rinzema.
Oranjestad church, Satur-
day 10 December, 7 PM.q