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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 8 december 2022

            Ambassador Dick Miller Celebrates 20th Anniversary as First

            Ambassador for Aruba

            It was 20 years ago today;  tourism  here  on  the  island  five  (5)  RE/MAX  offices  in
            Saturday,   December     7,  and  around  the  World.  the greater Sarasota / Ven-
            2002,  when  the  Govern-    Dick Miller hosted “The Dick  ice,  Florida  area.  He  and
            ment of Aruba paid tribute  Miller  Show  Aruba”  on  the  his wife, Deborah, who was
            to Dick and Deborah Miller  radio  7  nights-a-week  for  also  named  as  Ambassa-
            at  a  sumptuous  luncheon  18  years.  Known  world-     dor  are  the  number  one
            hosted  by  the  Radisson  wide as the Tourism Man in  real  estate  Platinum  Team
            Aruba Beach Resort & Ca-     the  Caribbean,  Dick  Miller  at  RE/MAX  Platinum  Real-
            sino (now the Hilton Aruba  takes  his  honorary  lifetime  ty’s five offices.
            Caribbean  Resort  &  Ca-    Ambassadorship  seriously,
            sino).                       continuing to promote Aru-   Dick  and  Deborah  wish  to
                                         ba wherever he travels.      thank  the  Aruba  Govern-
            More  than  200  ACE  travel                              ment  and  the  people  of
            agent delegates and well-    The  people  of  Aruba  con-  Aruba  for  always  welcom-
            wishers,  along  with  Aruba  tinue to be a part of his ex-  ing  them  back  to  the  is-
            Tourism  Authority  repre-   tended family. Today, Dick  land  as  part  of  the  Aruba
            sentatives from Aruba and  Miller  is  a  Team  Leader  at  family.q
            the United States filled the
            ballroom as then Minister of
            Tourism and Transportation,
            Edison  Briesen,  along  with
            Marcial (Charly) Ibarra, Di-
            rector of North America for
            the Aruba Tourism Authority
            presented Dick and Debo-
            rah  Miller  with  the  presti-
            gious  first  Official  Ambas-
            sador  title  to  be  given  by
            the  Island  Government  of

            The Award was created for
            Dick Miller for his boundless
            energy in promoting Aruba
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