Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210519
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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 19 Mei 2021

                         Spain, Morocco square off after 8,000 migrants arrive by sea

            (AP)  —  Spain  deployed  tend  a  summit  on  interna-
            its military to the Moroc-   tional aid to Africa, and flew
            can  border  Tuesday  and  by helicopter to Ceuta. While
            expelled  nearly  half  of  calling Morocco a “friend of
            the thousands of migrants  Spain,”  Sánchez  also  urged
            who  jumped  fences  or  authorities  to  “respect  the
            swam  onto  European  soil  shared border.”
            over two days after Rabat
            loosened  border  controls  A  senior  Moroccan  Foreign
            amid  a  deepening  diplo-   Ministry  official  said  the
            matic spat.                  government  had  recalled  its
                                         ambassador to Spain for con-
            Overwhelmed soldiers sepa-   sultations. The official wasn’t
            rated  the  adults  from  the  authorized to be identified by
            young and carried children in  name in media reports.
            their  arms  while  Red  Cross
            workers  helped  an  endless  By Tuesday afternoon, nearly
            trickle of migrants who were  8,000  sea-soaked people had
            emerging  from  the  water  crossed  the  border  into  the
            shivering and exhausted. One  city  since  early  Monday,  the
            unconscious  woman  laid  on  Spanish government said, in-
            the sand before she was car-  cluding  some  2,000  thought
            ried away on a stretcher.    to  be  teenagers.  The  num-
                                         ber  getting  in  slowed  after
            The  sudden  influx  of  mi-  Spain  deployed  additional
            grants  has  fueled  the  diplo-  police  officers  and  soldiers,   a deterrent role, but there are  der  watch  came  after  Spain  ality  and  under  any  circum-
            matic  spat  between  Rabat  but  the  arrivals  didn’t  stop   great quantities of people on  decided  to  grant  entry  for  stance.”
            and Madrid over the disput-  even when anti-riot police on   the Moroccan side waiting to  medical  treatment  to  the
            ed Western Sahara region and  the Moroccan side dispersed   enter,”  he  told  Cadena  SER  chief of a militant group that  Over the decades, Spain has
            created a humanitarian crisis  crowds  of  people  hoping  to   radio.                 fights  Morocco  for  the  in-  built a close relationship with
            for Ceuta, the Spanish city of  cross over.                                            dependence  of  Western  Sa-  Morocco  to  crack  down  on
            85,000 in North Africa on the                             Four Spanish armored vehi-   hara.  Morocco  annexed  the  illegal  border  crossings  but
            Mediterranean Sea, separated  At least 4,000 were returned   cles parked Tuesday at Tarajal  sprawling region on the west  also to increase economic ex-
            from Morocco by a double-    to  Morocco,  according  to   beach  in  Ceuta,  where  the  coast of Africa in 1975.  changes and fight extremism.
            wide,  10-meter  (32-feet)  Spain’s  Interior  Ministry.   border fence leads to a short                            Sánchez on Tuesday avoided
            fence.                       Morocco and Spain signed an   breakwater. Some people also  Morocco’s  Foreign  Ministry  any direct criticism to Rabat
                                         agreement three decades ago   rushed up the hills surround-  has  said  Madrid’s  move  to  in his speech.
            Amina Farkani, a 31-year-old  to expel all those who swim   ing the city and jumped over  assist Brahim Ghali, head of
            Moroccan woman who com-      across the border.           the fences.                  the Polisario Front, was “in-  “To  be  effective,”  he  said,
            muted to jobs in Ceuta for 18                                                          consistent  with  the  spirit  of  “that  cooperation  must  al-
            years  until  foreign  workers  Yet  many  arriving  Tuesday   In a video shared by a Span-  partnership and good neigh-  ways be based on respect —
            were  banned  from  entering  were  sub-Saharan  Africans   ish  police  union  urging  borliness”  and  vowed  there  respect  for  the  shared  bor-
            when  coronavirus  outbreaks  who  often  migrate  to  flee   authorities  to  send  in  re-  would be “consequences.”  der.″
            began to surge last year, said  poverty or violence at home.   inforcements,  anti-riot  offi-
            she saw an opportunity to go  Spain  has  agreements  to  re-  cers behind the border fence  Vivas,  Ceuta’s  conservative  The prime minister also faced
            back to work when she heard  turn some of those migrants   were using shields to protect  regional  president,  said  resi-  a political storm at home. The
            that police were not control-  to their native countries, but   themselves  from  stones  be-  dents were in a state of “an-  far-right  Vox  party  blamed
            ling the border.             not all of them.             ing thrown by people in Mo-  guish, concern and fear” and  the  migration  crisis  on  the
                                                                      rocco.                       60%  of  the  city’s  children  government’s “inaction” and
            “They  let  people  pass  and  One  young  man  drowned                                had not shown up for school  sending its leader on a quick
            stand  there  without  speak-  and  dozens  were  treated  for   The  European  Union’s  top  on  Tuesday.  He  also  linked  visit to Ceuta.
            ing,” Farkani told The Asso-  hypothermia  or  small  inju-  migration  official  –  Home  the  sudden  mass  arrival  to
            ciated Press. “People just pass  ries, the Red Cross in Ceuta   Affairs  Commissioner  Ylva  Spain’s  compassionate  assis-  Many  African  migrants  re-
            and pass and pass.”          said,  adding  that  it  was  per-  Johansson  –  described  the  tance to Ghali.      gard Ceuta and nearby Mel-
                                         forming coronavirus tests on   incidents  as  “worrying”  and                          illa, another Spanish territory,
            Farkani was among the thou-  the  new  arrivals.  The  adults   called on Morocco to prevent  The Spanish government of-  as a gateway into Europe. In
            sands of migrants who were  were  being  transferred  to   people from setting out in the  ficially rejects the notion that  2020,  2,228  chose  to  cross
            sent back to Morocco. AP re-  Ceuta’s main soccer stadium,   first place.              Morocco  is  punishing  Spain  into the two enclaves by sea
            porters saw Spanish military  while those thought to be mi-                            for  a  humanitarian  move.  or land, often risking injuries
            personnel and police officers  nors were sent to warehouses   “The  most  important  thing  Foreign  Minister  Arancha  or death.
            ushering  both  adults  and  run by charity groups.       now  is  that  Morocco  con-  González  Laya  summoned
            children through a gate in the                            tinues to commit to prevent  Morocco’s ambassador, how-   On Tuesday, another 80 Afri-
            border  fence.  Some  tried  to  Neither  the  government  in   irregular departures, and that  ever,  to  express  the  govern-  can migrants reached Melilla,
            resist  and  were  pushed  and  Rabat nor local officials have   those  who  do  not  have  the  ment’s “disgust” and to com-  350  kilometers  (218  miles)
            chased by soldiers who used  commented  about  the  mass   right to stay are orderly and  municate that Spain rejected  east  of  Ceuta,  by  jumping
            batons to hasten them.       influx  or  responded  to  que-  effectively returned,” Johans-  “the massive entry of Moroc-  over  the  enclave’s  double
                                         ries by The Associated Press.  son told the European Parlia-  can immigrants.”         fence.
            Interior  Minister  Fernando                              ment.
            Grande-Marlaska denied that  “It’s  such  a  strong  invasion                          Moroccan Ambassador Kari-    Morocco scored a diplomatic
            unaccompanied      migrants  that  we  are  not  able  to  cal-  “Spanish  borders  are  Euro-  ma  Benyaich  was  later  re-  victory  last  year  when  the
            under 18, who are allowed to  culate the number of people   pean borders. The European  called by Rabat.            previous U.S. administration
            remain legally under the tu-  that have entered,” said Juan   Union wants to build a rela-                          under  Donald  Trump  rec-
            telage of Spanish authorities,  Jesús Vivas, the president of   tionship with Morocco based  Sánchez  appeared  on  live  ognized  Rabat’s  sovereignty
            were being deported.         Ceuta,  an  autonomous  city   on trust and shared commit-  television  to  announce  he  over  Western  Sahara,  paving
                                         of about 20 square kilometers   ments. Migration is a key ele-  would  visit  Ceuta  and  that  the way for normalizing rela-
            Spanish  Prime  Minister  Pe-  (7.7 square miles).        ment,” she said.             his top priority was to ensure  tions between Israel and Mo-
            dro  Sánchez  canceled  a  trip                                                        safety in the city “in the face  rocco.
            to Paris, where he was to at-  “The army is at the border in   Morocco’s  loosened  bor-  of any challenge, any eventu-
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