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A30     world news
                     Diaranson 19 Mei 2021

                               New Dutch exhibition takes unflinching look at slavery

            (AP) — The delicacy of one of the first ob-     open to the general public until the Dutch lock-  flesh  torn  off  with  red  hot  pincers  while  being
            jects in new exhibition at Amsterdam’s Rijks-   down eases further, possibly in June.           burned alive,” Bonjasky says in the online narra-
            museum  belies  its  brutality.  At  the  end  of  a                                            tion. “Their severed heads would later be displayed
            thin iron rod are the artistically interwoven  Amsterdam had a significant role in the global slave  on spikes as a warning.”
            letters GWC — used to brand the initials of a  trade — the stately mansions lining its canals at-
            Dutch trading company into the skin of en-      test to the fortunes made by Golden Age traders  The  “might”  shown  by  Wally  and  the  other  en-
            slaved workers.                                 often with the use of slave labor. That history has  slaved men “is still in my blood,” Bonjasky says. “It
                                                            led to calls for a formal apology from the current  has been passed down through generations and is
            The  stark  contrast  between  finery  and  brutality,  municipality.                           one of the reasons why I was able to become kick-
            wealth and inhumanity is a recurring pattern at the                                             boxing world champion three times.”
            museum’s  unflinching  exhibition  titled,  simply,   “Well, apologies are in the air, absolutely. And I
            “Slavery,” that examines the history of Dutch in-  think that, with this exhibition, as a museum, what  Another story in the exhibition that provides a glar-
            volvement in the international slave trade.     we are adding to that is that we bring this story in  ing contrast to the horror of Wally’s short life is
                                                            the  most  honest  way  possible  for  us  at  the  mo-  that of Oopjen Coppit, the widow of Marten Sool-
            Nearby,  a  huge  wooden  set  of  stocks  and  heavy  ment,” said Smeulders.                   mans,  whose  father  owned  Amsterdam’s  largest
            iron  chains  and  locks  used  to  constrain  enslaved                                         sugar  refinery,  processing  crops harvested by en-
            people stands close to a small box, intricately deco-  The Dutch show is part of a broader movement to  slaved men and women in South America.
            rated with gold, tortoiseshell and velvet celebrating  re-examine colonial histories. In neighboring Bel-
            some  of  the  valuable  commodities  traded  by  the  gium, the Africa Museum near Brussels re-opened  In  the  exhibition,  she  is  a  personification  of  the
            Dutch West India Company in the 18th century:  a few years ago after a major renovation and shone  wealth generated for a privileged few by enslaved
            Gold, ivory and human beings.                   a  light  on  the  country’s  dark  colonial  history  in  workers. In a full-length portrait painted in 1664
                                                            Congo.                                          by  Rembrandt  van  Rijn,  she  wears  a  long  black,
            The exhibit, being opened Tuesday by King Wil-                                                  lace-trimmed  dress  accessorized  a  pearl  necklace
            lem-Alexander, tells the story of slavery by drilling  Germany is returning hundreds of artifacts known  and earrings.
            down into the personal stories of 10 people, rang-  as the Benin Bronzes that were mostly looted from
            ing  from  enslaved  workers  to  a  wealthy  Amster-  West Africa by a British colonial expedition.  “That we’re able to use Rembrandt to speak about
            dam woman.                                                                                      the history of slavery is really exciting and really
                                                            The 10 stories featured in the Amsterdam exhibi-  new,” Smeulders said.
            “We wanted to make the case, that this is a history  tion span 250 years of Dutch colonial history and
            that speaks to anybody in the Netherlands. It be-  four  continents  —  Europe,  Asia,  South  America  Oopjen’s second husband, Maerten Daey, also had
            longs to all of us, so that’s why we chose a per-  and Africa.                                  links to the slave trade. Before their wedding, he
            sonal  approach,”  Valika  Smeulders,  head  of  the  Among the stories is that of Wally, an enslaved man  served as a soldier with the Dutch West India Com-
            museum’s history department, told The Associated  forced to work on a sugar plantation in the colony  pany in Brazil, where he kidnapped and raped an
            Press.                                          of Suriname. In an audio presentation, his history  African woman called Francisca, fathering a daugh-
                                                            is narrated by former kickboxing world champion  ter in 1632, according to church records cited in
            The exhibition opens — belatedly and mainly on-  Remy  Bonjasky,  whose  ancestors  worked  on  the  the exhibition.
            line because of the COVID-19 pandemic — at a  same plantation.                                  “The lives of Marten, Oopjen and Maerten are in-
            time when scrutiny of many nations’ brutal colo-                                                tertwined with the history of slavery,” Rijksmuse-
            nial  history  has  been  spurred  by  the  Black  Lives  Wally became involved in a conflict with the man-  um  Director  Taco  Dibbits  says  in  an  audio  tour
            Matter movement that swept the world last year  agers of the plantation in 1707. He and other en-  of the exhibition. “They owed their wealth to the
            after the death of Black man George Floyd.      slaved people fled before they were recaptured, in-  slave labor in Brazil. It is an example of how the
            School children will be able to visit the museum  terrogated and executed.                      history of slavery and the history of the Nether-
            beginning  this  week,  but  the  exhibition  will  not  Wally and his fellow escapees “were to have their  lands are bound together.”

                             Hong Kong's new bishop wants differing views respected

            (AP)  —  Hong  Kong’s  in-   Chow,  whose  appointment  the Jesuit order in mainland                                the June 4 anniversary of the
            coming  Roman  Catho-        won’t be effective until Dec.  China,  Hong  Kong,  Macau  When   asked   about   his  crackdown  in  which  Chi-
            lic  bishop  Stephen  Chow  4,  will  replace  Bishop  Mi-  and Taiwan as China and the  thoughts  on  calls  to  com-  nese  troops  moved  against
            called  for  respect  for  dif-  chael  Yeung,  who  died  in  Vatican  signed  a  landmark  memorate  the  Tiananmen  student-led,  pro-democracy
            ferent  views  as  he  pre-  2019.  A  Hong  Kong  native,  deal  in  2018  that  gave  both  Square  crackdown  in  1989  demonstrations  in  Beijing,
            pares  to  lead  a  diocese  the  62-year-old  Chow  was  sides  a  say  in  the  appoint-  this  year,  Chow  said  that  killing  hundreds,  possible
            that  has  been  polarized  educated in the U.S. and Ire-  ments of bishops in the Chi-  whether  public  commemo-  thousands, of protesters.
            by the city’s deteriorating  land and is a school supervi-  nese church.               ration is possible this year de-
            political situation.         sor at the city’s Wah Yan Col-                            pends on legal requirements.  He said that there are differ-
                                         lege.                        China’s Catholics are legally                             ent  means  of  commemora-
            Chow said while he had “no                                only  allowed  to  worship  in  He  had  participated  in  past  tion. “I pray for all those who
            big plan” on how to unify a  The Catholic community in  churches  approved  by  the  public  commemorations  in  have passed in 1989, in all as-
            Catholic community divided  Hong Kong comprises about  Chinese  government,  but  Hong Kong, which last year  pects, from all walks of life,”
            since months of anti-govern-  404,000  people,  or  about  many  attend  underground  for the first time did not al-  Chow said.
            ment protests in 2019, he be-  5.3% of the city’s population.  churches led by bishops loyal  low public gatherings to mark
            lieved that God wanted them  The  Catholic  community  to Rome.
            to be united.                is  split  between  those  who
                                         see  Beijing’s  control  over  Chow said Tuesday that there
            “Unity  is  not  the  same  as  Hong  Kong  as  an  attack  on  should not be the assumption
            uniformity,”  Chow  said  at  the city’s freedoms, and pro-  that Beijing and the Chinese
            a  news  conference  Tuesday,  establishment  figures  who  church  are  enemies  since
            one  day  after  Pope  Fran-  prefer  a  less  confrontational  both churches believe in the
            cis  named  him  to  head  the  approach.                 same faith, and should try to
            Hong  Kong  diocese.  “One  Hong  Kong’s  largely  pro-   seek understanding together.
            thing  I’ve  always  mentioned  Beijing chief executive, Car-
            recently in schools is unity is  rie  Lam,  is  also  a  Roman  However,  he  reiterated  that
            plurality.                   Catholic.                    the  Latin  Church  does  not
                                                                      have a formal diplomatic re-
            “We  need  to  respect  plural-  Chow  has  headed  the  Chi-  lationship  with  China,  and
            ity,” he said.               nese Province of the Society  therefore  operates  indepen-
                                         of  Jesus  since  2018,  and  led  dently.
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