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                         Benzema recalled by France coach Deschamps for Euro 2020

            (AP) — France coach Di-                                                                                             the first time, but Manches-
            dier  Deschamps  recalled                                                                                           ter United forward Anthony
            forward  Karim  Benzema                                                                                             Martial  was  left  out  after
            after  nearly  six  years  out                                                                                      struggling to shake off a knee
            for  his  alleged  part  in  a                                                                                      injury  he  picked  up  with
            "sex tape" scandal, includ-                                                                                         France in late March.
            ing  the  Real  Madrid  star
            in his squad for the Euro-                                                                                          All eyes will be on Benzema
            pean Championship.                                                                                                  if  he's  selected  against  Ger-
                                                                                                                                many  on  June  15  —  seven
            The  33-year-old  Benzema                                                                                           years after playing in a losing
            played  the  last  of  his  81                                                                                      side  against  the  Germans  in
            games  for  Les  Bleus  in  Oc-                                                                                     the World Cup quarterfinals
            tober  2015,  scoring  twice  in                                                                                    in Brazil.
            a friendly against Armenia to
            take his international tally to                                                                                     Little  more  than  one  year
            27 goals.                                                                                                           later, his international career
                                                                                                                                was in free fall.
            "Why now? I don't have the
            capacity  and  no  one  does,  Deschamps,  whose  family                               for the good of the team, as it  The  scandal  caused  huge
            not  even  Karim,  of  going  home was tagged with offen-  Benzema  has  been  in  argu-  always is, and the France team  waves in France and led to a
            back and changing the past,"  sive  graffiti  after  Benzema's  ably the best form of his ca-  is  meant  to  be  better  with  massive fallout between Ben-
            Deschamps  said  when  an-   interview,  said  he  had  spo-  reer,  scoring  29  goals  in  45  Benzema  in  it,"  Deschamps  zema  and  the  tricky  winger
            nouncing  his  squad  on  na-  ken directly with Benzema to  games this season and form-  said. "But that's in no way to  Valbuena,  who  were  once
            tional  television.  "The  most  clear the air.           ing  a  close  bond  with  Zin-  discard Olivier Giroud. He's  teammates.
            important thing is today and                              edine  Zidane,  the  former  also around. Let's not forget
            the future."                 "Obviously  to  come  to  this  France  great  who  won  the  that  France  had  very  good  He  is  suspected  of  having
                                         decision  there  were  impor-  1998  World  Cup  and  Euro  results  for  many  years.  We  pressured  Valbuena  to  pay
            Benzema  had  been  banned  tant  steps  to  take,  one  of  2000 in the same side as De-  were  European  Champion-  blackmailers who threatened
            from  the  national  team  be-  which  was  very  important.  schamps.                 ship runner-up and won the  to reveal an intimate video in
            cause of the "sex tape" scan-  We met each other, we spoke                             World Cup (in 2018)."        which Valbuena featured.
            dal in which he was allegedly  for a long time," Deschamps  Benzema  has  come  into  his
            involved in blackmailing for-  said. "That was the most im-  own  at  Madrid  since  Cris-  But Deschamps sounded ex-  Benzema  will  stand  trial
            mer  France  teammate  Mat-  portant  step,  after  which  I  tiano Ronaldo left to join Ju-  cited when asked if Benzema  again  in  October  on  the
            thieu Valbuena.              obviously  had  a  very  long  ventus three years ago, mov-  would  play  in  a  three-man  charge  of  complicity  in  at-
                                         think about many things and  ing up to fifth on the club's  attack  alongside  Paris  Saint-  tempted  blackmail,  which
            Benzema  faced  a  deluge  of  to reach this decision now."  all-time scoring list with 278  Germain star Kylian Mbappe  carries  a  maximum  penalty
            criticism,  and  then-Prime                               goals.                       and   Barcelona's   Antoine  of five years in jail and a fine
            Minister  Manuel  Valls  said  Deschamps  made  clear  that                            Griezmann, who played with  of  75,000  euros  ($90,000).
            the forward had no place in  any  lingering  grudges  seem  His return could cost Olivier  Benzema  at  the  2014  World  By that time, Benzema could
            the national team.           to have been firmly buried.  Giroud  his  starting  place  in  Cup.                    have won his first major tro-
                                                                      the national team due to lack                             phy with Les Bleus after win-
            Benzema, who is of Algerian  "I won't tell you a single word  of match fitness. Giroud has  "That  is  part  of  the  think-  ning four Champions League
            descent, had a good relation-  about the discussion between  hardly  played  for  Chelsea  ing, yes. Obviously on paper  titles with Madrid.
            ship with Deschamps. But in  us,  it  concerns  only  us  two.  since  Thomas  Tuchel  took  many  things  can  look  really
            an interview, he had accused  But he needed it and I needed  charge of the Premier League  great," he said. "I'm lucky to  A  strong  performance  at
            Deschamps  of  giving  in  to  it," Deschamps said. "I think  team  after  Frank  Lampard  be able to count on players of  Euro  2020  could  also  push
            pressure  from  racists  when  the France team is above ev-  was fired, with Tuchel using  very, very high level ... I can't  his cause to become France's
            the coach decided not to in-  erything  else.  It  doesn't  be-  him  mostly  as  a  substitute  complain."         first winner of the prestigious
            clude  him  in  the  squad  for  long to me, even though I'm  since February.                                       Ballon d'Or award since Zi-
            Euro 2016.                   aware  of  the  important  re-                            Sevilla  center  half  Jules  dane in '98.
                                         sponsibility I have."        "I consider that the choice is  Kounde  was  called  up  for

                         Serena Williams loses in straight sets to Siniakova in Parma

                                                                      victory  since  defeating  Si-  set and that appeared to give  play like this, I can play well.
                                                                      mona Halep in the Australian  the Czech player confidence  I just need to try be more fo-
                                                                      Open quarterfinals in Febru-  as after securing the tiebreak  cused every time and to stay
                                                                      ary. After some time off, Wil-  she  pulled  away  in  the  sec-  calm  and  ready  for  every
                                                                      liams then lost in straight sets  ond to win 16 of the last 18  point. I will be really happy if
                                                                      in Rome to Nadia Podoroska.  points.                      I could keep it like this."
                                                                      Williams is preparing for the
                                                                      French Open in Paris which  The  39-year-old  Williams  Former  U.S.  Open  champi-
                                                                      starts on May 30.            racked  up  double  faults  un-  on  Sloane  Stephens  reached
                                                                                                   der  pressure  and  Siniakova  the quarterfinals after rallying
                                                                      "I didn't do a lot of mistakes,  sealed the result on her third  to  beat  fourth-seeded  Daria
                                                                      and I think she felt it," Sin-  match point when the Amer-  Kasatkina 1-6, 6-4, 7-5.
                                                                      iakova said. "I think she was  ican hit a forehand long. Wil-
            (AP) — Serena Williams' dis-  accepted  a  wild-card  invita-  trying  to  go  harder  and  do-  liams had seven double faults  Third-seeded  Coco  Gauff
            appointing  return  to  tennis  tion  for  the  Parma  tourna-  ing  a  lot  of  mistakes,  which  for the match.   eliminated  Kaia  Kanepi  7-6
            continued  when  she  lost  in  ment after losing her opening  helped  me.  I'm  really  happy                      (6),  7-6  (7)  in  a  first-round
            straight  sets  to  68th-ranked  match at the Italian Open last  I  could  keep  my  level  all  "It's amazing, it means a lot to  match.  Second-seeded  Petra
            Katerina  Siniakova  in  the  week, was beaten 7-6 (4), 6-2.  match."                  me," Siniakova said after the  Martic  also  got  her  Parma
            second round of the Emilia-  She had beaten teenage quali-                             sixth  Top  10  victory  of  her  campaign off to a good start
            Romagna Open on Tuesday.     fier Lisa Pigato 6-3, 6-2 in the  Siniakova  saved  a  set  point  career. "I played (an) amazing  by beating Varvara  Gracheva
            Top-seeded  Williams,  who  previous  round  for  her  first  at  5-4  down  in  the  opening  match. It shows me that I can  6-4, 6-2.
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