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A30     world news
              Diaranson 18 november 2020

                                 Putin touts Russian virus vaccines at BRICS summit

            (AP)  —  Russian  President  Vladimir  Putin  Russia came under a wave of international criticism  The Russian Direct Investment Fund, which bank-
            told BRICS leaders Tuesday that coronavirus  for giving Sputnik V regulatory approval in August,  rolled  the  development  of  Sputnik  V,  has  agree-
            vaccines developed in Russia “work effective-   since the shots have yet to complete advanced stud-  ments with India and Brazil to conduct trials of the
            ly and safely” and urged the group of emerg-    ies among tens of thousands of people necessary  jab, and with pharmaceutical companies in India
            ing economy nations to “join forces” for the  to establish the vaccine's safety and effectiveness.  and China to produce it, Putin said.
            mass production of the shots.                   However,  two  months  later,  Russian  authorities
                                                            approved another jab after early stage studies.  “I think this is very important,” the Russian presi-
            Putin’s  remarks  come  after  early  results  of  large                                        dent added.
            studies  of  several  experimental  COVID-19  vac-  Addressing the leaders of Brazil, India, China and  Other BRICS leaders also spoke about cooperation
            cines, including a Russian one, were announced.  South Africa at an online summit Tuesday, Putin  on the vaccine front. Indian Prime Minister Na-
            The BRICS grouping is made up of Brazil, Russia,  stressed that “coordinating collective BRICS mea-  rendra Modi said that India's vaccine production
            India, China and South Africa.                  sures” to tackle the pandemic is the alliance's prior-  capacities  will  be  important  "for  the  interests  of
                                                            ity. He also said Russia was ready to cooperate with  humanity," and Chinese President Xi Jinping said
            Moderna Inc. said Monday its vaccine appears to  its BRICS partners “in the manufacturing and use”  Beijing “will actively consider" providing its vac-
            be 94.5% effective, according to preliminary data  of the Russian-made vaccines.                cine to BRICS countries "if there is need.”
            from an ongoing study. Last week, Pfizer Inc. said
            its own vaccine looked 90% effective.           “There are Russian vaccines — they work effec-  In a declaration issued at the summit, the BRICS
            Two  days  after  the  Pfizer  announcement,  devel-  tively and safely," Putin said. “It is very important  nations said they recognized “the role of extensive
            opers of the Russian-made vaccine Sputnik V said  to  join  forces  for  the  mass  production  of  these  immunization  against  COVID-19  in  preventing,
            early data from a large trial suggested the shots were  products for wide circulation."         containing and stopping transmission in order to
            92% effective. However, the conclusion was based  The  president  noted  that  two  different  vaccines  bring  the  pandemic  to  an  end”  and  vowed  they
            on a much lower number of infections recorded  have been approved in Russia, and a third one was  would “work to ensure” that when a vaccine be-
            during the trial — 20 compared to 94 in Pfizer's  “in the works.”                               comes available, “it is disseminated in a fair, equi-
            case and 95 in the study of Moderna's vaccine.                                                  table and affordable basis.”

                             Thai protesters, police clash as MPs mull charter change

            (AP)  —  Pro-democracy  during  a  brawl  between  the  called a halt and sent follow-  vor a pro-military party. The  A  protest  leader,  Parit  “Pen-
            protesters  in  Thailand  pro-democracy        protesters  ers  home.  It  was  the  worst  protesters also say the consti-  guin”  Chiwarak,  announced
            battled police who sought  and  stone-throwing  royalists  violence  during  months  of  tution,  written  and  enacted  at  about  8  p.m.  that  the
            to keep them from enter-     who  oppose  constitutional  actions  by  the  protesters,  under  military  rule,  is  un-  demonstrators  had  captured
            ing the grounds of Parlia-   change.                      though police had previous-  democratic.                  enough  ground  to  declare
            ment on Tuesday to press                                  ly  employed  water  cannons                              they had achieved their goal
            for  constitutional  chang-  Police used tear gas and water  at  least  twice.  The  protest  Reform  of  the  monarchy  is  of  surrounding  Parliament.
            es  as  lawmakers  debated  cannons laced with irritating  movement  has  been  stag-  a key demand of the protest  Some lawmakers had already
            whether to back proposed  chemicals  against  the  stu-   ing  increasingly  determined  movement,  which  believes  left the scene by boat from a
            amendments.                  dent-led demonstrators, who  mass  rallies  of  thousands  of  the  royal  institution  is  too  pier behind Parliament.
                                         tried  to  push  their  way  past  people around the country.  powerful  and  lacks  account-  Parit announced another ral-
            About  40  people  were  in-  barbed-wire barriers to enter                            ability.  The  unprecedented  ly on Wednesday afternoon at
            jured,  including  five  who  the grounds of the legislature  Lawmakers are scheduled to  demand  has  touched  a  raw  the busy Rajprasong intersec-
            were  shot,  according  to  on the outskirts of Bangkok.  vote on seven proposed con-  nerve  in  Thailand,  where  tion in the heart of Bangkok’s
            emergency  services.  It  was                             stitutional amendments dur-  reverence  for  the  royal  in-  main shopping district.
            unclear  who  fired  the  shots  The chaotic street confronta-  ing  a  two-day  joint  session  stitution  is  inculcated  from
            and  whether  they  were  live  tions began at mid-afternoon  of  the  elected  House  and  birth and protected by a law  Parliament  is  not  expected
            rounds  or  rubber  bullets.  and  ended  about  six  hours  appointed  Senate.  Constitu-  that  makes  defaming  the  to agree on specific constitu-
            Some of the injuries occurred  later,  when  protest  leaders  tional changes require a joint  monarch  and  his  immediate  tional  changes  at  this  point.
                                                                      vote of both bodies. Any mo-  family punishable by up to 15  The protesters back a propos-
                                                                      tions that are passed will have  years in prison.         al that would roll back aspects
                                                                      to  go  through  second  and                              of the current 2017 constitu-
                                                                      third  votes  at  least  a  month                         tion — enacted during mili-
                                                                      after this week’s balloting.  Tuesday's  violence  grew  as  tary rule — that granted extra
                                                                                                   about  1,000  protesters  were  powers to unelected branch-
                                                                      Lawmakers adjourned a pre-   pushed  back  by  police  wa-  es of government, such as the
                                                                      vious session without voting  ter  cannons  as  they  tried  to  Senate.
                                                                      on  proposed  amendments,  breach  barriers  set  up  on
                                                                      leading  the  protesters  to  ac-  several  streets  to  keep  them  Instead,  Parliament  is  likely
                                                                      cuse  the  government  of  bad  from entering the Parliament  to  establish  a  drafting  com-
                                                                      faith.                       compound.                    mittee to write a new charter.
                                                                      The parliamentary session is                              This  would  allow  the  gov-
                                                                      an effort by the government  Police  also  fired  fired  tear  ernment to say it is willing to
                                                                      of  Prime  Minister  Prayuth  gas canisters, some of which  meet the protesters’ demands
                                                                      Chan-ocha to take the initia-  were tossed back by demon-  at least halfway, while buying
                                                                      tive  away  from  the  pro-de-  strators, many of whom wore  time with a process that could
                                                                      mocracy  movement,  which  helmets and other protective  extend over many months.
                                                                      in addition to seeking consti-  gear.                     Any change to sections of the
                                                                      tutional changes and reforms                              constitution  concerning  the
                                                                      to  the  monarchy  wants  Pra-  The   Erawan   emergency  monarchy is fiercely opposed
                                                                      yuth  and  his  government  to  medical  services  group  said  by  the  government  and  its
                                                                      step down.                   41  people  were  injured,  in-  supporters, who consider the
                                                                                                   cluding five who were shot in  monarchy untouchable.
                                                                      The  protesters  say  that  Pra-  the leg, stomach or wrist. No
                                                                      yuth,  who  as  army  chief  in  further details were available.  Thailand  has  had  20  consti-
                                                                      2014  led  a  coup  that  ousted  Police later denied firing any  tutions  since  abolishing  the
                                                                      an  elected  government,  re-  guns and said they had com-  absolute  monarchy  in  1932
                                                                      turned  to  power  unfairly  in  plied with laws and interna-  in  favor  of  a  constitutional
                                                                      last  year’s  election  because  tional standards.        monarchy.
                                                                      laws had been changed to fa-
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