Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20201118
P. 32

A32    sports
              Diaranson 18 november 2020

                           Spain hands Germany worst defeat, 6-0 in Nations League

                                                                     (AP) — Spain handed Germany its worst  by Èric García just before the break with an
                                                                     defeat in a competitive match on Wednes-    apparent muscle injury in his right leg.
                                                                     day, winning 6-0 to advance to the Final
                                                                     Four of UEFA's Nations League.              Spain constantly threatened up front, forcing
                                                                                                                 Germany goalkeeper Manuel Neuer to make a
                                                                     Ferran Torres scored a hat trick to lead Spain  few good saves to keep the visitors from going
                                                                     to the historic victory in the win-or-go-home  into  a bigger  hole. Spain squandered several
                                                                     match in Group 4. Germany's only five-goal  counterattack chances throughout the match
                                                                     loss  in  a  competitive  game  had  been  West  in an empty La Cartuja Stadium in Seville.
                                                                     Germany’s 8-3 defeat to Hungary at the 1954
                                                                     World Cup group stage. West Germany went  Álvaro Morata opened the scoring in the 17th
                                                                     on to beat Hungary in the final. In non-com-  minute with a header into the top of the net
                                                                     petitive matches, Germany had also lost 6-0 to  off a corner kick taken by Fabián Ruiz, who
                                                                     Austria in a friendly in 1931.              came off the bench after an early injury to Ser-
                                                                                                                 gio Canales.
                                                                     The  victory  ended  a  three-match  winless
                                                                     streak for Spain, which hasn’t gone four games  Torres  added  to  the  lead  in  the  33rd  with  a
                                                                     without a win since the late 1980s.         shot from close range after Dani Olmo's head-
                                                                     Last year, Spain failed to advance to the Final  er ricocheted off the crossbar, and five min-
                                                                     Four  after conceding late  in a match against  utes later it was Rodri's header off a corner that
                                                                     Croatia.                                    gave the hosts a 3-0 halftime lead.

                                                                     The  Germans  would  have  advanced  with  a  Torres added to the rout in the 55th and 71st
                                                                     draw,  but  Spain  dominated  early  and  took  minutes after other fast counterattacks by the
                                                                     control with three goals in each half.      hosts, and Mikel Oyarzabal closed the scoring
                                                                                                                 in the 89th.
                                                                     Spain got the convincing win despite playing
                                                                     most of the match without captain Sergio Ra-  Morata had a goal disallowed for offside in the
                                                                     mos, who missed two penalty kicks in the 1-1  23rd.
                                                                     draw at Switzerland. Ramos had to be replaced

                       Italy promises Olympic committee autonomy after IOC warning

            (AP) — Italy’s sports min-   IOC  president  Thomas                                    doesn’t  seem  that  the  prob-  The reforms must be passed
            ister  has  promised  “au-   Bach  dangled  the  threat  Vincenzo    Spadafora,   the  lems have been solved.”      by  the  end  of  the  month  to
            tonomy” for the country’s  of probation for the Tokyo  minister,  said  he  wrote  in                               become law.
            Olympic  committee  op-      Games due to alleged gov-    a  letter  to  the  International  CONI  has  traditionally  run  “We’ll  see  what  happens
            erations, two months after  ernment interference.         Olympic    Committee    on  all  sports  in  Italy,  deciding  over  the  next  few  days,”
                                                                      Tuesday  that  a  forthcoming  how  to  divide  up  millions  said Malagò, who is an IOC
                                                                      government reform “guaran-   of  dollars  of  state  funding  member. “The IOC is wait-
                                                                      tees CONI proper functional  to  each  of  the  country’s  na-  ing, too.”
                                                                      and organizational autonomy,  tional  sports  federations.
                                                                      as  dictated  by  the  Olympic  Now, Sport e Salute handles  Possible  punishments  from
                                                                      Charter.”                    that  responsibility,  with  280  the  IOC  could  include  pre-
                                                                                                   million euros ($325 million)  venting Italian athletes com-
                                                                      Bach had taken issue with the  handed out for 2020.       peting in Tokyo from wearing
                                                                      Italian government’s creation  While  CONI  said  it  has  no  their national team uniforms
                                                                      of a new organization, ‘Sport  problem with the funding is-  and  from  hearing  their  na-
                                                                      e Salute,’ that was created at  sue, it has taken exception to  tional anthem being played.
                                                                      the  start  of  last  year  to  run  Spadafora's meddling with its  Countries  whose  national
                                                                      the  country’s  sports  financ-  election procedures.     Olympic  bodies  have  been
                                                                      es,  which  were  previously                              suspended for recent Olym-
                                                                      controlled  by  an  arm  of  the  Malagò  is  planning  to  run  pics  include  Russia  at  the
                                                                      Italian  Olympic  Committee  for  CONI  president  again  2018  Pyeongchang  Winter
                                                                      (CONI).                      next  year,  but  the  proposed  Games for a massive doping
                                                                                                   law could preclude him from  scandal;  and  Kuwait  at  the
                                                                      The IOC president had also  serving  three  consecutive  2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer
                                                                      suggested  that  the  alleged  terms.                     Games  for  political  interfer-
                                                                      interference  could  —  under                             ence.
                                                                      extreme  circumstances  —
                                                                      result in Italy being stripped
                                                                      of hosting rights for the 2026
                                                                      Winter  Olympics  in  Milan
                                                                      and Cortina d’Ampezzo.

                                                                      “The  framework  recognizes
                                                                      that  CONI,  with  extreme
                                                                      clarity  and  as  perhaps  isn’t
                                                                      the case in many other coun-
                                                                      tries, has all the functions it
                                                                      is  due  according  to  Article
                                                                      27 of the Olympic Charter,”
                                                                      read a portion of Spadafora’s
                                                                      letter  to  Bach.  Still,  CONI
                                                                      president  Giovanni  Malagò
                                                                      said  earlier  Tuesday  that  “it
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