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a30    feature
                    Thursday 30 april 2020

            Climate change threatens drinking water quality across the Great Lakes

            Gabriel Filippelli IUPUI                                                                                            cause health problems.
            (The Conversation is an in-                                                                                         So  despite  a  half-century
            dependent  and  nonprofit                                                                                           of advances, in many ways
            source  of  news,  analysis                                                                                         Great  Lakes  water  qual-
            and commentary from ac-                                                                                             ity  is  back to where it  was
            ademic experts.)                                                                                                    in  1970,  but  with  the  add-
            Gabriel  Filippelli,  IUPUI  and                                                                                    ed  influence  of  a  rapidly
            Joseph D. Ortiz, Kent State                                                                                         changing climate.
            University                                                                                                          Filtering runoff
            (THE  CONVERSATION)  This                                                                                           How    can    the   region
            story  is  part  of  the  Pulitzer                                                                                  change  course  and  build
            Center's  nationwide  Con-                                                                                          resilience  into  Great  Lakes
            nected  Coastlines  report-                                                                                         coastal      communities?
            ing initiative. For more infor-                                                                                     Thanks  to  a  number  of  re-
            mation,  go  to  https://pulit-                                                                                     cent  studies,  including  an
                                                                                              intensive modeling analysis
            coastlines-initiative.                                                                                              of  future  climate  change
            "Do Not Drink/Do Not Boil" is                                                                                       in  Indiana,  which  serves
            not what anyone wants to                                                                                            as  a  proxy  for  most  of  the
            hear  about  their  city's  tap                                                                                     region,  we  have  a  pretty
            water.  But  the  combined                                                                                          good  picture  of  what  the
            effects  of  climate  change                                                                                        future could look like.
            and degraded water qual-                                                                                            As one might guess, warm-
            ity could make such warn-    People are silhouetted as they look out over Lake Ontario in Toronto, Monday, April 27, 2020.   ing  will  continue.  Summer-
            ings  more  frequent  across                                                                      Associated Press.  time  water  temperatures
            the Great Lakes region.      able to these kinds of man-  slowly and at great cost.    due to climate change.       are  projected  to  rise  by
            A  preview  occurred  on  made threats.                   The  resulting  cuts  in  nutri-  Another clear impact of cli-  about  another  5  degrees
            July 31, 2014, when a nas-   As  Midwesterners  working  ent and wastewater pollu-     mate change is a general  Fahrenheit  by  midcentury,
            ty  green  slime  –  properly  in  the  fields  of  urban  envi-  tion  have  brought  a  quick  warming  of  all  five  Great  even if nations significantly
            known  as  a  harmful  algal  ronmental  health  and  cli-  decline in HABs – especially  Lakes,  particularly  in  the  reduce  their  greenhouse
            bloom, or HAB – developed  mate  and  environmental  in Lake Erie, the Great Lake  springtime.  The  tempera-       gas emissions. This will cause
            in the western basin of Lake  science,  we  believe  more  with the most densely pop-  ture increase is modest and  further  declines  in  water
            Erie.  Before  long  it  had  crises like Toledo's could lie  ulated  shoreline.  But  new  varies  from  year  to  year  quality  and  negatively  im-
            overwhelmed  the  Toledo  ahead if the region doesn't  problems  have  emerged,  and place to place, but is  pact coastal ecosystems.
            Water  Intake  Crib,  which  address looming threats to  due partly to shortcomings  consistent  overall  with  re-  The  analysis  also  projects
            provides  drinking  water  to  drinking water quality.    in  those  laws  and  agree-  cords of warming through-   an increase in extreme pre-
            nearly  500,000  people  in  Vast and abused              ments,  combined  with  the  out the region.              cipitation  and  runoff,  par-
            and around the city.         The  Great  Lakes  together  growing  effects  of  climate  More polluted runoff       ticularly  in  the  winterand
            Tests  revealed  that  the  al-  hold  20%  of  the  world's  change.                  Some  of  these  climate-re-  spring. These shifts will likely
            gae was producing micro-     surface  freshwater  –  more  Warmer and wetter           lated  changes  have  con-   bring still more nutrient run-
            cystin, a sometimes deadly  than  enough  to  provide  Climate  change  is  pro-       verged  with  more  direct  off, sediment contaminants
            liver  toxin  and  suspected  drinking  water  to  over  48  foundly altering many fac-  human  impacts  to  influ-  and sewage overflows into
            carcinogen.  Unlike  some  million  people  from  Duluth  tors  that  affect  life  in  the  ence  water  quality  in  the  coastal  zones,  even  if  sur-
            other  toxins,  microcystin  to Chicago, Detroit, Cleve-  Great  Lakes  region.  The  Great Lakes.                  rounding  states  hold  the
            can't  be  rendered  harm-   land  and  Toronto.  But  hu-  most  immediate  impacts  Since  the  mid-1990s,  cli-  actual  quantities  of  these
            less  by  boiling.  So  the  city  man impacts have severely  of  recent  climate  change  mate-driven  increases  in  nutrients steady. More con-
            issued  a  "Do  Not  Drink/Do  harmed  this  precious  and  have  been  on  precipita-  precipitation   have   car-  taminants,  coupled  with
            Not Boil" order that set off a  vital resource.           tion, lake levels and water  ried  growing  quantities  of  higher  temperatures,  can
            three-day crisis.            In  1970,  after  a  century  of  temperatures.           nutrient  runoff  into  Lake  trigger  algal  blooms  that
            Local stores soon ran out of  urbanization  and  industri-  Annual precipitation in the  Erie. This rising load has trig-  threaten water supplies.
            bottled  water.  Ohio's  gov-  alization around the Great  region  has  increased  by  gered  increasingly  severe  But  recent  success  stories
            ernor  declared  a  state  of  Lakes,  water  quality  was  about  5  inches  over  the  algal  blooms,  comparable  point to strategies for tack-
            emergency,  and  the  Na-    severely  degraded.  Facto-  past  century.  Changes  in  in some ways to the events  ling these problems, at least
            tional  Guard  was  called  ries were allowed to dump  the past five years alone –  of the 1970s. Toledo's 2014  at  the  local  and  regional
            in  to  provide  safe  drinking  waste into waterways rath-  the hottest five years in re-  crisis was not an anomaly.  levels.
            water until the system could  er  than  treating  it.  Inade-  corded history – have been  These  blooms  can  make  A  number  of  large  infra-
            be  flushed  and  treatment  quate sewer systems often  particularly  dramatic,  with  lake water smell and taste  structure  projects  are  cur-
            facilities  brought  back  on  sent raw sewage into rivers  a  series  of  extreme  rainfall  bad, and sometimes make  rently underway to improve
            line.                        and lakes, fouling the water  events  bringing  extremely  it dangerous to drink. They  stormwater  management
            The culprit was a combina-   and causing algal blooms.    high  and  rapidly  varying  also  have  long-term  im-   and  municipal  sewer  sys-
            tion  of  high  nutrient  pollu-  Problems like these helped  water  levels  to  the  Great  pacts  on  the  lakes'  eco-  tems, so that they can cap-
            tion  –  nitrogen  and  phos-  spur  two  major  steps  in  Lakes.                     systems. They deplete oxy-   ture  and  process  sewage
            phorus,  which  stimulate  1972:  passage  of  the  U.S.  Record  high  precipitation  gen,  killing  fish  and  spur-  and  associated  nutrients
            the growth of algae – from  Clean  Water  Act,  and  in  2019  caused  flooding,  ring  chemical  processes  before they are transported
            sewage,  agriculture  and  adoption  of  the  Great  property        damage     and  that  prime  the  waters  of  to  the  Great  Lakes.  These
            suburban  runoff,  and  high  Lakes Water Quality Agree-  beachfront losses in a num-  Lake  Erie  for  larger  future  initiatives  will  help  control
            water  temperatures  linked  ment  between  the  United  ber  of  coastal  communi-    blooms.  Low-oxygen  wa-     flooding  and  increase  the
            to  climate  change.  This  States  and  Canada.  Since  ties.  Precipitation  in  2020  ter  is  more  corrosive  and  supply  of  "gray  water,"  or
            event  showed  that  even  then, many industries have  is  projected  to  be  equally  can damage water pipes,  used water from bathroom
            in  regions  with  resources  been  cleaned  up  or  shut  high, if not higher. Some of  causing  poor  taste  or  foul  sinks,  washing  machines,
            as vast as the Great Lakes,  down.  Sewer  systems  are  this  is  due  to  natural  vari-  odors,  and  helps  release  tubs  and  showers,  for  uses
            water  supplies  are  vulner-  being  redesigned,  albeit  ability, but certainly some is  trace metals that may also  such as landscaping.q
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