Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200430
P. 26
Thursday 30 april 2020
NCAA board supports name, image and likeness compensation
By RALPH D. RUSSO ments to high school ath-
AP College Sports Writer letes.
The NCAA is moving for- The NCAA fought against
ward with a plan to allow allowing athletes to be
college athletes to earn compensated for name,
money for endorsements image and likeness for
and a host of other activi- years, including in court.
ties involving personal ap- College sports leaders
pearances and social me- have said doing so would
dia content. destroy the NCAA's ama-
The NCAA announced teurism model.
Wednesday that its Board The need for change now
of Governors supports per- was sped up by pressure
mitting athletes the ability from state lawmakers. Cali-
to cash in on their names, fornia was first to pass a bill
images and likenesses as into law that would make
never before and without it illegal for NCAA schools
involvement from the asso- to prohibit college athletes
ciation, schools or confer- from making money on en-
ences. dorsements, social media
Ohio State President and advertising and other ac-
board chairman Michael tivities tied to name, image
Drake called it an "unprec- and likeness.
edented" move by the Dozens of states have fol-
NCAA. lowed California's lead,
The next step is for mem- At left, in a March 12, 2020, file photo, Big East Conference Commissioner Val Ackerman speaks some more aggressively
bership to draft legislation to reporters in New York. than others. California's law
by Oct. 30. Plenty of de- Associated Press. does not go into effect un-
tails still need to be worked in a conference call with Big East Commissioner Val but they will be permitted til 2023 while a Florida bill
out, including how to en- reporters Wednesday. Ackerman. The recommen- to use agent representa- awaiting the governor's sig-
sure that these sponsorship The nation's largest govern- dations took an aggressive tion in making any deals. nature would go into effect
deals aren't being used as ing body for college sports approach, opening the Smith said there will be July 2021.
improper inducements to said it will still seek a fed- door for athletes to make "guardrails" in place to en- "It's clear we need Con-
recruits. A formal vote will eral law to keep individual money on everything from sure athletes are being gress' help in all of this," Em-
be taken by schools at the states from passing their autograph signings and compensated at an ap- mert said.
next convention in Janu- owns laws on compensa- memorabilia sales to sign- propriate rate for their ser- NCAA leaders have al-
ary and new rules will go tion for college athletes. ing endorsement deals vices and there will be con- ready been engaged with
into effect no later than the The board on Monday and with companies large and sequences for athletes who federal lawmakers.
2021-22 academic year. Tuesday reviewed detailed small. do not meet disclosure re- The working group was put
"NCAA membership recommendations put College athletes will not quirements. together about a year ago,
schools have embraced forth by a working group be allowed to use their Payments to athletes will but its work kicked into high
very real change," NCAA led by Ohio State athletic schools' logos or markings not be permitted to be gear since the NCAA con-
President Mark Emmert said director Gene Smith and in any sponsorship deals, used as recruiting induce- vention in January.q
Drug proves effective against virus as economic damage rises
Continued from Page 25 en staff, was laid off in late Biotech company Gilead Globally, the United Na- an even steeper hit is pro-
March. Sciences and the U.S. gov- tions' main labor body jected this quarter. Unem-
The latest figures on people The 50-year-old said he has ernment reported that in raised its prediction of full- ployment is expected to
applying for unemploy- little savings and now relies a major study, remdesivir time-equivalent job losses rise to about 8% in March.
ment benefits in the U.S. on a food bank and union shortened the time it takes in the second quarter to an The figure would be worse
come out Thursday, with donations. for COVID-19 patients to re- estimated 305 million. if not for massive amounts
economists estimating per- "They didn't give us any no- cover by four days on aver- It also projected that 1.6 bil- of government aid to keep
haps 1 in 6 American work- tice," he said through an in- age —from 15 days to 11. lion workers in the "informal millions of workers on pay-
ers, or about 30 million peo- terpreter. "They didn't tell us Also, a trend toward fewer economy," including those rolls. Government debt
ple, have lost their jobs over about it. Just suddenly the deaths was seen among working without proper is exploding to cover the
the past six weeks. night shift ended and that those on the drug, Fauci contracts or oversight by costs of such relief.
The U.S. unemployment was it. There was no more said. government regulation, "The lockdowns to contain
rate for April will be re- work." The study was run by the "stand in immediate dan- the COVID-19 pandemic
leased at the end of next Confirmed infections glob- U.S. National Institutes of ger of having their liveli- are taking an unprece-
week, and economists ally reached more than 3.2 Health and involved 1,063 hoods destroyed." That is dented toll on the Europe-
have forecast that it could million, including 1 million hospitalized coronavirus nearly half the global work- an economy," said Florian
range as high as 20% — a in the U.S., according to a patients around the world. force of 3.3 billion people. Hense, an economist at
level not seen since the De- tally by Johns Hopkins Uni- An effective treatment In Europe, almost every Berenberg Bank.
pression. versity. The true numbers of could have a profound ef- measure of the economy is In Paris, aircraft maker Air-
Mario Franco, who worked deaths and infections are fect on the outbreak, since in free-fall. bus reported a first-quar-
at a McDonald's at a rest believed to be much higher a vaccine is probably a Figures due to be released ter loss of 481 million eu-
stop along Interstate 95 in because of limited testing, year or more away. Thursday are expected to ros ($515 million), laid off t
Darien, Connecticut, for 26 differences in counting the Economic damage, mean- show a drop of about 4% in housands of workers and
years, rising to night man- dead and concealment by while, is piling up elsewhere the first three months of the sought billions in loans to
ager in charge of the kitch- some governments. around the world. year in the eurozone, and pull through the crisis. q